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Keep Our Roads Safe.

Safe Driver

"But I'm a good driver" you're saying.
Do you ever speed? Do you go posted speed limits
in bad weather? Do you think of only your vehicle
while you drive it? Do you drive when you're tired?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions,
your vehicle is just waiting to be involved in
an accident, and chances are ~ you will be at fault.
In this accident, there is a 50% chance
that some one will die.

A safe driver does not speed, even on a deserted road.
They drive below the posted speed limit on days
when the weather is bad - icy (even a little),
raining heavily, foggy or extremely windy.
This driver thinks of the safety of the people
in the other vehicles and NEVER drives when tired.

This is my son, Nicholas.
I was on my way to drop Nicholas off at his
babysitters and then go to work. A driver
coming toward me, who was driving the posted
speed limit on an icy road, was attempting to
pass the car in front of him, slid across the
center line into my lane on the ice and slammed
into the front of my car.
Nicholas died in this accident.
The other driver was at fault.

If this man had just used some caution on the
road that morning, I would still be able to hold
Nicholas in my arms, my knee cap, pelvic bone, 6 ribs,
shoulder bone, nose, left eye socket, checks and
forehead would not have been broken, I wouldn't have
8 metal plates and 29 metal screws holding my face
together, both lungs would not have been punctured,
the brain damage would not exist and I would still
have my car.
And, once again...
Nicholas would still be here.

Please take the image at the top of the page.
By taking this image, you agree to Keep Our Road Safe
by becoming a good driver. If you do take this
image to place on your home page, please add
this code to your HTML.

<a href="/Heartland/Meadows/3292/Angel.html">
<IMG SRC="SAFE.JPG" alt="Safe Driver" WIDTH=179 HEIGHT=283 BORDER=0></a><br>
Are you a good driver?
Click on the angel and find out!

I have put a link here for anyone who wishes to see
the damage they can do by not being a "good driver"
as I have described it. I caution anyone who does
not wish to see my car after it was involved in this
accident NOT to view this additional page!!!
If you do want to see them, click HERE.

I have also put up another page with pictures of
where I go to visit my son, Nicholas, now.
I have placed this page HERE.

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