Once upon a time
One of
life's miracles is the ability to move from one set
of thoughts and circumstances to
another. It is during this time
that growth occurs. As you
will see, my thoughts were not
always in line with what my heart
and soul believed.
I only
wish that I could express myself in a way that would be
truly meaningful and helpful to
someone else.
Negative and hateful
Leading the world
Negative and hateful
Full of stress
Negative and hateful
Abounds with force
Negative and hateful
Looses control
Negative and hateful
Daily confrontations
Negative and hateful
Abases self
Negative and hateful
Feelings die
Negative and hateful
Stay away
Come my way.
Oak Tree
Oak tree, your limbs are so
Where is your beauty that spring
and summer did share?
Thinking back,
I remember your arms so full
The birds resting in your branches
And here I see you totally
“Aren’t you sad, I cry.”
I’m seeing you empty, exposed
Hiding nothing.
Yet you stand tall and proud
As if you don’t have a care.
I reconsider-
There is beauty even in the
dead of winter.
You are firmly rooted in your
As your limbs are reaching
To the sky for the elements
I see strength and hope shining
Oak, Oak
Were I more like you
Empty of all the cares of this
And the strength to overcome
Oak, remind me again
To reach toward heaven
With arms open wide to receive
The gifts so desperately needed.
Trapped forever-Life is to
hard to face,
Temptations, struggles, toils
and troubles
With the physical death of
loved ones
Hearts are to numb to be in
the race.
Gone are the feelings
Love resides no more.
Thoughts inside the head
Spin an emptyness that speaks
Well, bury the dead with the
Death is seeking the living
You ask me how I know!
Just look around-people are
always on the go.
Passing by the needy,
Standing in apathy,
No matter what life may bring.
Unaware that the heart doesn't
Gripped by death's sting.
The victory of death among
the living
Is a hardening of the heart.
Just a cold, cold lonely shell,
Of a person that's not well.
Thank God--Life doesn't have
to be this way
For the Creator has power over
Whether it be among the living
or dead.
On bended knees with a sorrowful
One can get a brand new start.
Repent, repent-Before it's
to late
Give your heart to Jesus
And don't hesitate.
Lean on Him and He'll show
you the Way
To care for others everyday.
Spread His love for all to
And you'll be among the Living-
Wait and see.
Gail B. Wells
Jan 1, 1993
From a cold damp darkness
To a hot streaming light
From a frigid strangling death
To a warm caring life.
That’s Transformation!!
The time is here
Families and friends gather
to cheer
With hope and faith
For a brighter New Year.
Well, a week has been spent,
Promises already bent,
Resolutions all but forgotten,
Thankfully, time to repent.
All the days
Of this New Year,
Show me the way
To bring good cheer,
To all I meet
Even on the street,
With faith, hope and love
And give God the Glory above.
The Master is calling you
And he isn’t using AT&T,
MCI or even Sprint
He uses a direct line
And it doesn’t cost a cent.
Lend your ear and you will
How this connection is made.
Turn off the computer,
radio and TV
And get as quiet and still
as can be.
Listen for the voice
From the echoes of your heart,
A gentle stirring will soon
Now you’re ready to hear
A Word from the Master, so
When your world is hostile
and cold
Don’t stay there
Be bold.
When your life is dull and
Don’t stay there
Look ahead.
When your heart is lonely and
Don’t stay there
Jesus will make you glad.
When your soul is empty and
Don’t stay there
Jesus has paid the cost!
Such a sweet comment
Coming from one I trust,
A heartfelt moment of quiet
Face to face with a shyness
A sensitive way to express
Receiving such a compliment
Is hard to understand
Remembering times of doubt,
Uncertainty and failure.
Looking eye to eye
Being overwhelmed by the one
so dear
Deserving honor and respect.
Emotions come tumbling
With so much left unsaid.
A simple “Thank You”
Was all that could be uttered.
Dedicated to a friend and co-worker
for allowing me to share with you. I would like to
encourage anyone with a negative
way of thinking and living to
work through the areas that are
causing such pain. There is a better way!

background courtesy of JayCards
poems written by G. Wells