Hi Peach10!  This is where you can find the gifts
that you will be receiving from CandiXXXes.

Here is your first one

Another Gift Just For You
because we know you love daisies

We also heard you like Mexican Food
Hope you enjoy your Taco

We would like you to meet Valentino, a critter
we adopted.  Hope you think he is as cute as we do!


We adopted this "Little Angel" named peachy
from Cressida just for you.

Another Gift for a Sweet Lady

Hope you are enjoying all your gifts....*smiles*

We heard you liked Sam Elliot so we found this picture
and framed it for you.  Hope you like it.

Psssssst!!! If you click on those candy kisses
below I bet you can find out where they came from.

Please Sign Her Guest Book and Wish Her
a Happy Valentine's Day

This Background Set was designed for the exclusive use of
and may not be used without her permission

Click Here!