The Australian Poodle
My hubby met someone on the net from Australia.  They had been talking for about two years on MIRC.  One day, this man decided to come to America and possibly apply for citizenship.  Well, he came and visited several states and friends.
We decided to meet and he came to stay with us for a short while.  Benson, the poodle, was with him.  Immediately, Max, our BIG dog, fell in love.  However, they were of the same sex and this really confused Max. :))  He sniffed and sniffed and sniffed some more.  Eventually he figured it out and decided they would become friends.
It was time for our visitor to leave and yes, he took the poodle with him.  Broke Max's heart.  He moped for days on end.
One day we received a phone call and we invited them to come back before they went back home to Australia.
After several phone calls, our visitor realize that the trip home was very expensive for both of them.  One of them had to stay behind.  And of course Max choose Benson. :)
And that is how this small town lady became the proud owner of an Australian poodle.

dasiy courtesy of  Jay cards

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