Hi come on in to Peach's Place and
relax for a spell.
Have a peach while you're surfing.
Hello Nice to see ya :)
I am known on the net as peach10 and live in Middle Georgia
with my son and hubby. I'm a Kindergarten teacher and have been teaching
the same grade for 11 years. I was a Para-Professional for a loooong time
before finishing college. :))
I enjoy music, gardening (small scale), poetry, inspirational
stories and quotes, needlework and of course, computers. Most of
all, I love GOD, my family, children and teaching. Read About
Me written by my hubby.

Please visit our daughter's page "In memory" linked from

Writing has never been a favorite activity of mine. However,
through the years, whenever emotions were totally erratic, I would give
it a try. Hope you enjoy these.

We own two dogs, one BIG dog (part lab, part chow) and
a small Australian poodle. How does a small town lady in Middle GA. end
up with an Australian poodle?? Story inside.

Click on the graphic below to visit
links for lesson plans and ideas
to use in the classroom.

Please support the CJ Foundation for SIDS, Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome. Click below for resources and information.

I am proud to be a member of LOTH, a wonderful group of
ladies. With their help, I finally got a homepage up :)) This is
first group I joined on the net. You can visit
the other webrings
using the table below.

The Valley of Broken Pieces is a poem written by Carol
and is WONDERFUL description of what can happen in Life. I hope you
enjoy it as much as I did.

Concerns very close to my heart are: suicide,
hearing impairments, deafness, and alcoholism. My goal
is to add links and or pages regarding these topics.

LTAngel was so gracious to take the time and make my very
first background set. Thanks!! Thanks also to Mrsredhead
for my Precious baby background set!!
I would like to say a Special "THANKS" for all the gifts
and awards I have received from such wonderful ladies. The valentine's
page listed below was made by Angelbleu and Tooee.

Of course I couldn't have a peaches place without at least
peach recipe. So here's my favorite peach cobbler recipe.
It's so easy to make!!
Peach Cobbler
1 stick of butter or margarine
1 cup of flour
1 cup of milk
1 cup of sugar
Peaches, fresh, frozen or canned (Use desired
Melt the butter in a casserole dish. Mix flour, milk and
sugar in
another bowl. Pour on top of butter-do not stir. Add
Bake at 350 degrees.
Please sign the guestbook and Thank you for visiting.