Welcome friends...This is a page that talks about various aspects of Reformed Doctrine (sometimes nicknamed "Calvinism") This is my first page and it is still under construction so please bear with me. I will have more information soon but I just wanted to get this up. If you have any technical help or just some good and bads about the layout, I would love to here it. Just E-mail me

with the feedback. ENJOY your visit

Take a peek at what we have here...

Reformed Doctrines

Question of the Week

What's to come

Historic Church Documents

Other Christian Resource Sites

Church History
Charles Spurgeon's Sermons
National Center for Fathers

ChristianAnswers.Net - Are there answers to your questions about Christianity? Various respected Christian ministries join together to tackle tough questions about: Marriage & Family, Archaeology & the Bible, Christian Theology, Creation & Evolution, Government & Social Issues, and Religion & Cults. Thought-provoking, entertaining, educational, highly graphical - a Web site designed for the entire family.

If any one finds some good Reformed sites or a Christian Resource site please let me know, via E-mail. Also I want to setup a newsgroup discussion here so if anyone knows the technical stuff to it, please let me know. Thank you for visiting and Bless you in Jesus' name.

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If you have comments or suggestions, email me at chosenbyGod@juno.com

Since May 17,1997