Karma's Page
Welcome to Karma & Kristi Page
Karma's Current Stats:
Born: August 26, 1997
Weight: 7 pounds
Sire: Persinger's Little Shadow
Dam: Dustysnow of Farmdale Acres
Kristi's Current Stats:
Born: June 19, 1990
Weight: 6.5 pounds
Sire: CH Damata He Man
Dam: Zurans Katterina
Hello, and welcome to my own page. Hope my big brother didn't scare you off too bad, he's harmless. Actually, if you want to know the truth...I am his boss. Mom says I'm a "big dog" in a small package, but I say I'm a "BIG Girl" and I can defend myself. I love to wrestle his head and jump on his back...he is my personal jungle gym.
The Stuff I LOVE!
Treats - I'll do just about anything for them. Even steal them from my brother.
Toys - I could play for hours but I usually have to let mom rest...she doesn't have as much energy as me. My favorite is "StarMan", my Mom will throw it and I will retrieve it over and over again.
Going Bye-Bye - As soon mom says the word, I'm at the door and jumping for joy. I even try to trick mom by acting like I get to go (when I'm supposed to be going to my den) and then she gives in and lets me go. (Sometimes being small isn't so bad - Triton doesn't get to go as much as me cause he's big.)
My Mom - I guess I better say that one...if I want to keep getting those treats and getting to go Bye-Bye.
Things I dislike!
Sharing my Mom with my brother and sister...but Mom makes me.
When Mom has to go to work...cause I can't go. But I love the weekends...I get to spend lots of time with Mom.
Hope you enjoy looking at my site, please sign our guest book so I can sniff and get to know you better.
I'm 2 months old and just picked my Mom & Dad out of all the people that came to visit me.
I'm 3 months old and this is my first Christmas.
I'm 4 months old and 3 pounds.
Here I am mom...hiding in this tree!
I'm posing for the camera.
Meet my friend Kristi, she's 8 years old. We love to play together.
Here's another picture of my friend Kristi, she's camera shy. (Hope to get more pictures of Kristi to start her own page - don't tell Karma)
Kristi & Dad...boy does this make Mom & Karma jealous.
Is this glamor shots?
This is where I am on top of the world. I sit her all day and watch for my Mom to come home from work.
What is this stuff? I love it!
Picture taken: January 1999
That white stuff made me cold so I stole Mom's blanket
Where would you like to go?
Sample of T-shirts available from Merritt Studios
Great Dane & Pomeranian T-Shirts for Sale by Merritt Studios
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Karma has sniffed
doggies since 2/16/99!
Revised: April 3, 2000
Lebanon, Indiana