Our Many Adventures |
What do you get when you mix 20 youth, hundreds of litres of muddy ooze, a volleyball, a Badder Bus, three jet skis, a kneeboard, howls at passerby, a Chinese firedrill, a worship service, and ten bottles of suntan lotion? The recipe for moo? Hmm...maybe...but it also makes one great weekend...Dresden Community Youth's 1999 Mud Volleyball Trip.
(Here's how's who, from left to right...)
Front: Mike, Rachel, Whitney, Scott, Adrian.
Well, we tried! And we succeeded...maybe not at winning, but definitely at getting as muddy as possible! Here's one of our teams, in the official mud volleyball pit, complete with 6 inches of ooey, gooey mud! :) From front right to back right: Allison, Sherry, Darren, Andrew, Casey, Mike Sullivan, Mike Belovicz.
Hey, these DCC youth members are far too clean! This is supposed to be mud volleyball! Where's the mud in the eyes, ears, hair, splattered all over t-shirts, etc? (Anyone care to throw a virtual mudball at them?) From left to right, P.J, Natalie, Carrie, Kenisha, Jenn.
After a long-fought game, and a victory? dive in the mud...it's time for a dip in the river to clean the layers of mud off! Here's Adrian, Sandra, Steve, Jenn, Kenisha, Natalie, Josh?, and Allison, clean once again, trying not to float off in the current.
We're ready...to take on anyone! We even have warpaint on our faces! We are invincible! Before we get on the court, anyway... Here's our very own Dresden team 1 warriors, ready to take the murky plunge...Mike Sullivan, Allison, Angela, Kenisha, and Steve.
More pictures and stories are forthcoming as soon as my pictures come back from the developers...hey, if you were there, and have a story to tell, by all means, write it, send it to me at elcheapoe@hotmail.com, and I'll post it A.S.A.P! On behalf of all of us at DCC youth, many thanks to the owners of the farm in Kimberely who graciously (or crazily?) allow 400 teenagers and young adults each year to camp out and make mud courts out of their field. Also, thanks to John and Sue Finley who open their cottage on Lake Huron to us each year after the mud volleyball touranment... P.S...This page still depends on your support, since I need your pictures and stories to post, otherwise, you'd think this page was all about me! If you could please bring these items into youth group, or e-mail me your stories and your pictures as an attachment, it would be greatly appreciated! Until then, thank you for your patience, and God Bless! :) As always, this page is still under heavy construction...
About DCC Youth | Member Info | Coming Events Adventure Page | Prayer Request | Guestbook Last Updated: August 1st, 1999 |