Texas Clan
Some time
last Century, (actually in Dec. 99) we decided to take a little
trip to Texas. After all, I hadn't seen my Aunt Carrie and all my
cousins in a Blue Moon and Jearleen's brother lives out there
too, so it just seemed like the right thing to do.
We really
had a wonderful time, seeing everyone and being able to sit down
and play music with them, eat their food, and make fun
of how old
they are all getting. Now me, I'm about the same as when I last
seen them, young, goodlooking, well built, smart and so on.... in
fact here is a before and after of me, judge for yourself!
Before ...
in 1959
NOW ... in 2000
Kidding! Got Ya!

This is Aunt Carrie, would you believe
she actually dropped me on my head when I was a baby??? That's
alright I love her anyway. Carrie has been playing the guitar all
her life (29 years) and she is still one of the best country
pickers I know of. We had a wonderful time while visiting with
her, and surely she cares about me, cause she gave me a Parrot
while I was out there. Carrie loves birds, she has a Parrot by
the name of "Corky" named after her son, and she raises
Cockatiels as a hobby.
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