Shirley W. Langley

Shirley W. Langley, Poet and Author from Jackson, Tennessee published a Poem initialed, "My Morning Prayer" in the Guideposts a few years back and I was really taken by the words and the message it conveyed. I was just getting into building web pages at the time and felt that it would be good to share it people on the internet. So I built a page of poems and included hers with it, then created a link from my home page, hoping that people would visit and have the opportunity to receive a blessing the way I had.

Mrs. Langley happened to run across my page and her poem and this was her email to me:

"Good morning!

I was "surfing the net" yesterday and to my amazement and delight I found your web page featuring "Prayers to Live By" which included my poem, My Morning Prayer. I am assuming that you read it in Guideposts. God has used my poem to bless many folks across the nation and I am in awe! Some of them have written to me so that I could have the opportunity to thank them for their encouragement. I'm so glad that I found you. God's grace has been sufficient in my life and, I hope, in yours.

Shirley Langley"

God has richly blessed Mrs. Langley with the ministry and gift of poetry. I'm sure she has touched the hearts and lives of many people, and through this page I'm hoping that many more lives will be blessed also.

So if these Poems touches you, send her some e-mail and let her know. Your kind words and your prayers will be a blessing to her. E-mail to: Shirley W. Langley


Lander Parker

Click on one of the Titles from the table below or just scroll down the page and read them all. And May God Bless.





"My Morning Prayer"

Dear Lord, clear my mind as I kneel before you;
Help me to seek you in all that I do.

Help me to know where you're leading today;
Help me to follow each step of the way.

I pray not for riches nor worldly fame.
I just ask for strength to lift up your name.

If a friend has a need or a burden to bear,
Help me to be there to show that I care.

Help me to be all you want me to be;
Let others see Jesus living in me.

Then when day has ended and sleep takes control,
Dear Lord, help me say, "It is well with my soul."

-Shirley W. Langley

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"God Is Near"

I will not fear
though all my dreams
come shattering down
around my feet
for God is near.

I will hold on
to Him who helps me
rise above life’s stormy sea.
I’ll trust His grace
to keep me in my darkest hour.
I will not fear,
for God is near.

I see a light -
a wondrous, bright
and shining light
that lights my way
to see the path ahead.
This light of love and grace
just seems to cover me.
I know no fear, for God is near.

-Shirley W. Langley
Is. 41:10 Fear thou not for I am with thee;
be not dismayed for I am thy God…..

Copyright © 1996 by Shirley W. Langley

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God is Guiding Me

Life’s road is but an unknown path—
The way I cannot see;

But I’ll not fear this unknown path
For God is guiding me.

He leads me with an unseen hand—
By faith, he lights the way.

His grace is all-sufficient
For my journey day by day.

I need but start the day with Him
In fellowship and prayer—

Then as I travel down life’s road
I’ll always find Him there.

-Shirley W. Langley
Ps. 27:11…And lead me In a plain path…

Copyright © 1997
by Shirley W. Langley

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