Thank you for viewing our page, we hope you enjoyed it and will come back again!

01/18/00 01:36:08
Name: Charlotte Dixon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Hazard, KY
How did you find us?: You signed my guestbook

Thank you for signing my guestbook at: Your site is beautiful! You visited my Angels Pages. I hope you visited the whole site. I love your site! It's beautiful! You are so talented. We must be neighbors, huh? :) Yes, I would love to have a link to my site on your page. Could you send me your url? I will link to your page, also. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful website!

01/07/00 19:19:21
Name: Margie Hubbard
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

It was wonderful and I enjoyed reading and looking at it all.

01/05/00 04:15:19
Name: donny morelock My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: St. Pete, Florida/ Dayton, Ohio
How did you find us?: search

My family originally came from Dryden, lee county. My grandfather was Reese and my father is Donald. Stay in touch. Donny

12/27/99 21:53:42
Name: Christine Blair My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Kentucky
How did you find us?: Just surfing

I love the picture of Sandy and her Hair!!!!!!!!!!!

11/12/99 22:18:05
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

11/12/99 17:58:44
Name: JoAnn Yee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Honolulu ,Hawaii
How did you find us?: Looking for prayers death

An excellent and inspiring site. I'll come back and look at it in length later. I'm at work and it's time to start. I needed help with a poem or prayer for a memorial service and you provided it.

10/25/99 18:31:04
Name: Jason and Michelle Ely My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Penn. Gap, VA (live in NC)
How did you find us?: searched pennington gap guestbook

Great site!!!!!!

10/04/99 20:13:38
Name: Sally Dvorak My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: NorthDakota
How did you find us?: Morelock's

Have gotten into searching for family tree stuff and found the family's from the south,I can't wait till everyone starts to e-mail me there is lots to talk about Sally

10/03/99 06:22:43
Name: Sue My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: N.C.
How did you find us?: browsing for crochet patterns

I arrieved hoping to find a wedding dress to crochet, which I was so happy to find. Then I started looking at your site.It was wonderful, I feel like I know the whole family now.Good luck, and thank you so much, it was a treat indeed. Sue..

09/29/99 23:15:38
Name: Leora Frise My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: california
How did you find us?: just serfing looking for Humbard

My grandmother was Sarah Tennessee Humbard married to Tedro Riddle. my mother Gladys Riddle married Cleao Jones.I am Leora Jones Frise married to Michael Frise. sorry I can't remember my great grandparents name right now.I've written to Carlotta Bates, so when I saw her name, I started looking. leora Leora

06/18/99 01:46:14
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: You should Know!!!!! How did you find us?: You forgot to hide better!!!

Dad, you are truely an amazing man in many areas. The computer is one of them! I love to visit your page. You've done tremendously with it! WOW, WOW, and Double WOW! Have a wonderful day and know that I love you very much!!!!! Love, Rosie<><

05/09/99 17:50:22
Name: Carolyn (Dowdell) Finch (your cousin) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Columbus, OH
How did you find us?: business card you gave me

Hey, Lander! This is your cousin, Carolyn, Mary and Herschel's you'd forget! I just got a computer a few weeks ago and I have carried your heartland business card in my billford for years. I put your email address on my list and decide to take a look at your web God! What a walk through memory lane! I love it! I immediately put it in my favorites I could get to you instantly...I emailed Rosie, (her page was great!) Keep up the great job.....I got a lot of info from your site on how to reach other cousins....thanks! Love, Carolyn.

04/03/99 11:02:21
Name: Chantal Parker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Cartersville, Georgia
How did you find us?: You signed my family's guestbook

What a delightful page! You have a beautiful family, and a wonderful outlook on life. I especially enjoyed the email story--what a hoot!! It appears you have been blessed beyond measure. Thank you for signing my family's guestbook, and for allowing me to meet you and your family. God bless! -- Chantal Parker

03/02/99 05:16:37
Name: Uncle Ed My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Waco, Texas
How did you find us?: Stumbled

Actually, found you a couple months ago, but lost you again. Then found you by way of a friend of mine living over in Evant Texas. Joyce Hopkins. Anyway, I was looking for stories on the internet that would be interesting for folks, and I thought yours wo ld be right nice. I got a web page at and one of the pages is all links to Tall Stories and True stories and some sad ones too. So if you would give permisssion, I'd like to add a link to your site, with just a word or two about it. If tha 's ok, I'll send you an address so you can look it over before I add it to the site. Let me know. I like your site a lot. Got some good MIDI's. And yeah, I like that 'ol timey gospel music too. Yall take care

02/04/99 23:52:40
Name: Rick Morelock My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Cincinnati

Lander, as always you are doing a wonderful job. Sorry it has been so long since my last visit. Keep up the good work, Rick.....

02/01/99 18:59:48
Name: joyce morelock hill My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: florida
How did you find us?: john morelock page


02/01/99 18:52:38
Name: joyce morelock hill My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: florida
How did you find us?: john morelock page


02/01/99 18:49:44
My URL: Visit Me


12/29/98 07:00:44
Name: Carl Estes My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Florence, Kentucky
How did you find us?: John Morelocks page

I do like the new page I visit quite often and I like the changes you have made....Carl

12/28/98 16:04:53
Name: Rosie My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Jonesville How did you find us?: Lucky

Dad, your page looks great! I'm gonna borrow a few things from your sight! :>) Love ya, Rosie <><

11/30/98 22:55:04
Name: Rosie Parker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: You and Mom :>)
How did you find us?: You told me! :>)

Dad, you are the greatest! How can one man know so much about computers! Thanks for sharing you knowledge with so many people! I love you Dad! Mom I love you too! :>) <><

11/27/98 01:47:29
Name: Aaron Dowdell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Bowling Green, KY
How did you find us?: My Grandpa

Hey, just sitting here with my granpa, Herschel Dowdell, and looking at your page. Hope evryone is doing good. By the way, I am Darrell's son. Happy Thanksgiving, Aaron

11/24/98 21:05:35
Name: Karla Dowdell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Greenbrier,TN. 37073
How did you find us?: GUESS! HCD!

Herschel Sr. is here visiting Herschel Jr. and I. I can`t believe you have your own web site! I`m so glad to have found you. What is your email add.? We need to start keeping in touch. Hope you are all well. We are just fine, busy. Dad says Hi! He is on his way to Florida, be back in March. Hope to hear from you soon! Karla

11/24/98 01:04:47
Name: Jim
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: TX


11/12/98 01:22:11
Name: Alesha My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Buzzfreckle Utah
How did you find us?: browsing for your homepage..

Howdy!! How are ya'll doin? It's not hard to find yourall's webpage! Just thought I would write to you! Love, Alesha

10/30/98 07:13:19
Name: Mike Parker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Monrovia,California
How did you find us?: surfing the net


10/28/98 04:42:59
Name: Jeffery Parker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Arkansas
How did you find us?: Web Crawler

Just thought I would inquire, being a Parker. I am not sure if we're related or not, just stopped by. Thanks

10/28/98 03:40:41
Name: Rosie Parker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Robert E. Leee County!
How did you find us?: I wonder.......

I like your home page Dad. Come down and help me build one! Pleae!

10/19/98 23:12:28
Name: Feather My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: michigan

hi. my mom is also a parker. i was wondering if you are from tenn.? we have found out that we are related to Cynthia Ann Parker and Quanah Parker. please write me back soon. thanks. Feather

10/03/98 22:44:42
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

10/02/98 23:32:20
Name: Howard Spurlock My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Sterling, VA
How did you find us?: Surfin'

Enjoyed your site. I still have quite a few relatives who live in Lee County. I love that area and visit as often as I can. I also receive the Powell Valley News and look forward to reading Jadon Gibson's articles. Thanks for sharing.

09/06/98 08:00:13
Name: Kathy {Morelock}Green My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Ohio
How did you find us?: Jim Morelock Email

It's 4am and I can't stop visiting The Morelock Meeting House. I never knew much about my family history because my Grandfather Reece Morelock died so young and my father Hubert barely remembered him or much about his family.I'll be sending all the info I have to Jim Morelock.

08/03/98 14:12:46
Name: Connie Arnett Scarpelli My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Houston, Texas
How did you find us?: You are my kissing cousin

Boy you have come a long way, baby!!!! Looks great. I want to see it all. Now that you know my e-mail address, write to me !!!!!

07/01/98 23:18:31
Name: J&J My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: TX How did you find us?: ON THE NET

Looking good real good

06/29/98 22:01:39
Name: Godfrey Moll My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Springfield, Missouri
How did you find us?: GeoCities

Enjoyed your Home Page and the neat Music -- Grandchildren are wonderful -- ENJOY!!

05/27/98 07:37:35
Name: Brenda Curtis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: CA
How did you find us?: Stan Morelock's page

It is great - love the stuff from the PVN. Thanks for all of your work!

05/25/98 16:37:54
Name: Lloyd Morelock My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: cinti. OH
How did you find us?: Ricksplace

Looking for recipe for elephant stew!

04/19/98 02:27:56
Name: Michelle Ely(Lawson) My Email: Email Me
Where are you from?: North Carolina How did you find us?: internet


03/24/98 00:21:45
My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: TEXAS
How did you find us?: HOW DO THINK


02/10/98 20:59:12
Name: Jim & Joyce My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Texas
How did you find us?: Internet


01/26/98 23:32:30
Name: Philip E. Morelock My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Wilmington,NC
How did you find us?: My Brother in Cinti.

This has been great fun, contact me if I can serve this page.Again thanks for your hard work it is appreciated :)

01/20/98 15:54:01
Name: Amethyst My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Colorado
How did you find us?: Geocities

Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday

01/20/98 11:10:50
Name: Minz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Malaysia
How did you find us?: Geocities

Hi Neighbor - You have a beautiful Home Page. You must have put in a great deal of effort. Just popping in to wish you A HAPPY BIRTHDAY and may God richly bless you on this joyful occasion. Do pay me a visit too. From your G ocities homesteader - Minz.

12/14/97 02:19:04
My URL: Visit Me


12/13/97 14:49:58
Name: John S. Morelock My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Topeka, Kansas
How did you find us?: James Roberts

Hi Lander, It is always a joy to visit your pages. Always something new, and I love the news from home. In addition, some of the pictures bring back wonderful memories of my childhood. I love the story of old Slewfoot. Kind Regards, Stan

12/13/97 00:21:09
Name: Mark&Amy Flanary My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Pennington Gap VA How did you find us?: surfing the web

Hi Everyone!! The Page Looks Great

12/13/97 00:16:57
Name: Socks&Tpi-Mark My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Pennington Gap VA How did you find us?: surfing the web


10/26/97 14:56:15
Name: Ralph Arnett My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Crandall, Texas
How did you find us?: Pushed a Button

Hey guy this looks real good . You've come a long way. Dont be a stranger, write more often .. Any relatives out there drop me a line ..

10/20/97 00:32:43
Name: Rosie Parker My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Blacksburg How did you find us?: Funny looking!!

I love Ya!!(More than my luggage.)

10/10/97 23:28:03
Name: Greg Shields My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: near Raleigh,NC
How did you find us?: family connections :-)

Lander, Hi just dropped by in response to your message. Greg Shields

09/14/97 02:44:56
Name: LeeCo Webmaster My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Lee County, VA
How did you find us?: Traffic Reports

Thank you for putting a link to the Town of Pennington Gap on your page. All your hits are greatly appreciated. We just wanted to thank you and tell you that your page look really good.

09/04/97 19:36:32
Name: Roger Hartley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: PennGap

Hi Orlando, liked your pages! Nice graphics. Haven't finished going through them yet, but I will. See ya later

08/12/97 21:11:33 GMT
Name: John (Stan) Morelock My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Topeka, Kansas
How did you find us?: From an Angel

Lander, you are doing a great job. Remember, There is hope in the honest error, none in the icy perfection of the mere stylist. Stan Morelock

06/29/97 23:21:58 GMT
Name: Martha Friday My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where are you from?: Topeka, Ks
How did you find us?: You signed my guestbook..:))

I like what you've got on you page...John is a great guy...He's learned about the web pages REAL fast..I just started him and he ran with the ball.. Thanks for visiting my page and glad you liked it..

06/22/97 04:31:39 GMT
Name: Bobby My URL: Visit Me
Where are you from?: Florida How did you find us?: surfing

kind of good!

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