Oliver's Blue's Clues Page

Hello there. My name is Oliver and I was born last Christmas Eve. I weighed 11 pounds 1 ounce and was 21 1/2 inches long. The nurses were all shocked at my size because Mommy is only 5 feet tall. She's little.

My favorite things to do right now are to eat and sleep. Mother's milk sure is good! At my 1 month birthday I weighed 15 pounds and was 22 inches long.

Before my 2nd month birthday, I began to smile. Now, at almost 4 months, I talk a lot to my mommy, daddy, and big sisters. I stay awake more often, laugh, and play in my bouncer, too.

I can't wait until the end of April. I will be baptized! We will have a huge celebration. A lot of aunts, uncles, cousins, and 2 grandpa's will attend. I hope that Lola (my great-grandma) will be able to attend. She's very fragile now. She'll be 92 years old this year.

Well, that's all for now. Please come again.

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