Beanie Adoption CornerAdoption Center

Hi Everyone!! We're all looking for certain
beanies that we just have to have!! Me too!! However, I want
you all to know that doing business with someone that you haven't done
business with before is always somewhat tentative for both parties.
Here are a few tips to help ease your experience.
Ask for References and Check them....
There are also alot of on-line auctions out there... many people are registered
and have feedback.
Ask for a Phone Number--we all at one time or
another have had problems with our ISP, email problems, or a computer crash.
If you have a #, it's just easier to be able to contact each other in case
something happens.
Ok, with that said... have fun!! And,
I hope you find the beanies you want!! Click on the link below to go to
my Beanie adoption page!!

Looking for a certain beanie??