Bad Traders on the 'Net

While we may not like to think it, there are people out there who are not so honest and have made some bad deals on the internet. This page will be updated weekly. Please check back often to see who's on the list. Email your bad traders/buyers/sellers here.  Include information such as what happened, whether it was an internet auction, or other type of deal. Include dates and whether or not you have sent numerous emails to them. That type of thing.
Also, remember to ask for references, contact # and if at all possible check auction feedback (such as ebay, up4Sale, auction universe).

This link was recently sent to me, it's   This site will give you the address and ph# of your nearest Postal Inspector! Thanks for sending it on!!

updated April 26, 1999

Bad Reports for these email addresses, click on their email to find out more information about deal(s) gone wrong.

  Email addresses listed alphabetically or check for name of bad trader!
  • also 
  • I-N:

  • Mary Ng at the web site
  • Nedra Kent 
  • Just added!!!
  • C-D:
  • Darnell D. Stewart 


  • PhAtDoRk@AOL.COM 
  • E-H:
  • (Andrea)
  • T-Z:

  • Bad Report on..., MEMSEC@YAHOO.COM,, (Name Vanessa Tomsett, also uses Company Name of Memory Secretary): Do not do business with this person!!! Vanessa ordered beanies from me. She used a company check and I waited 10 days for it to clear then sent out the beanies. The next day, I get a bounced check from my bank and that the acct. had been closed the same day that the check was written!!! I emailed her if it was a mistake or what... and she said with the confusion on changing acct's, etc.. That it had been an error. I requested payment via money order ASAP. I was charged by my bank for this, and needed it corrected. However, I have yet to receive any type of payment from her!!!!!!!!!!  I emailed her many times and she would email back and say things like, "I have emailed you back after your emails."  However, it shouldn't take 5 to 6 emails to get 1 response back from a person! She said she sent it Western Union and I was concerned and advised her to trace her money order... I'm sorry but it has been a long time since I have last heard from her... I have sent many emails to all her different email addresses!! It's been more than a week since I sent my last set of emails to her, and I am afraid that I am out of the $$$  and my beanies!!  I am filing mail fraud charges and my husband goes to Michigan alot.  Please do not do business with her at all!!  posted by Gale, Beanie Baby Walk webmaster! 


    Just wanted to let fellow beanie hunters of a bad trader I have encountered. her name is KIKI RIEDEL of Woodland hills, CA.  On 6/12/98 I mailed a check for some new releases, to date I have not received beanies or a refund.
    I have indeed received some very nasty email saying she will leave me pennyless, the email is very vulgar and harsh.  I'd advise everyone to stay away from this woman and her website (  I've recently come across
    several other who are going thru the same situation with this woman.  Please advise all in regards to her unprofessional business conduct.  Thak you.  >......Bev
    ***I have filed mail fraud and harassment charges on the above named
    Hello there;
    I would like to report a Bad Trader.
    Apryl L. Branum &
    Stephen R. Branum
    200 Huguley Bridge Rd.
    Greenville, AL
    (334) 382-6963

    This person ordered a Princess Bear from me. After being told I do not accept personal checks, she sent one anyway with a big long sob story about no time to get to the PO. She assured me I would have no problem. I deposited the check. Waited 10 days and shipped her Princess Beanie ($45.75 with shipping). A week to 10 days later, I recieved a notice that her check had bounced after being presented twice to her bank. My bank charged me for her check and an additional $10 fee. I notified her
    and she claimed that she had sent me a money order and an additional $20 for my trouble. I thanked her and proceeded to wait another 2 weeks. No reimbursement arrived. I contacted her at least 4 times since then and she ignores my email. I have given her ample opportunity to make good on this check and she has shown no effort in doing so. Please add her name to the bad trader's List to protect other honest, caring individuals out here in Cyber-land. Thank you.
    Carin Haen

    Nedra Kent (
    I have a bad trader
    Nedra Kent   (  )

    We had a beanie deal, and we traded but my beanie's tag was bent. SO< I
    replaced it, and she never sent back the other beanie that she PROMISED she
    would. -Lindsey

    I traded my Mint Maple for what was supposed to be a Mint Righty.  I received Righty with a badly creased tag (both sides were badly creased) and now the person that sent me this bad beanie won't respond to my emails. His name is James and he lives in Saucier, Mississippi.  He uses the screename:  BEWARE of this user, his is not honest.

    Thank you,
    Cindy Costa

    Darnell D. Stewart:


    This is to inform your readers of a bad check writer among us.  Her name is Darnell D. Stewart and she lives in Jappatown, Maryland.  I wouldn't want anyone else to be burned by her.

    Her e-mail address is Her name is Kathy Gotez her address is from Canada. Purchase a Gracie from her on auction sent money order never received beanie  just a return e-mail saying it no longer exist.
    Thank you

    Tammi Tiller:
    on July 4 th 98 Tammi Tiller and I exchanged addresses and agreed to trade Her MWMT NIP for MY MWMT Early the robin.  We were to send on MONDAY the 6th .  I sent Early she got him on the 9th .   I sent early by return receipt mail.
    she said someone at work signed for her  when it came on friday.  but it actually got there thursday.  She said she had not heard that I had gotten nip so "luckily I have another and I will over night mail tomarrow"  tomarrow was mon 13th or tues the 14th. Well Friday the 17th came and went so I e-mailed her.  she said her husband was having surgery and that she had been at the
    hospital all week but that she would overnight mail.  Here it is the 27th ofJuly three weeks later and I have not received NIP!  I have e -mailed nice notes and heard nothing back , emailed  a note stating that I would make an issue out of it if she did not do something.  I have hear nothing for a week now.  I am really annoyed!!  I won't be trading over the net anymore because
    of it.
    I bought a chops on e-bay it was supposed to be mint! When I took chops out &took off the tag protector there is a big crease on the tag. I e-mailed her ASAP & asked for a full refund pronto. She wrote back & said there is nocrease & she will not refund my money because she doesnt have the money. So I told her I paid her in good faith & I want my money back, she said you sell it. She also asked why I took off the tag protector & I said because it was $115.00 thats why! I asked her did she look at the tag, she said yes & then I said I thought the tag protector has been on for months? She ignored that one. Anyways buyer please beware here is her info: Susan Knisley  her e-mail is
    Here is another bad trader for the list. I ordered a set of 98 TBB's from Paul Dalziel 83 Woodbrook Way S.W. Calgary Alberta, Canada ( and mail him a money order on June 15, 1998. He cashed the money order on June 20, 1998 and never shipped the beanies. I have made several attemps to contact him by e-mail but have only received two
    messages. The first one said that they were lost in the mail and the second one said that customs contacted him and said that they were holding several of his packages up for who knows why. He said that he called and talked to someone and they worked it out and the beanies were again on their way. Well its been over six weeks and they have not reached my location. He trades on Beaniemania and several other places, watch out for him, he has pullled the same thing on several other
    people. I have received e-mail from others that have been ripped off by Paul. If you see it alone.
    I ordered 6 expensive beanies and received 4 current beanies worth $5 each.  I know he has pulled this on at least  one other woman.  The ad was in the Guestbook on 6/18 and 19.  He was charging $125 each for Garcia,
    Righty, and Lefty.   His name is Tim Kebel.   His Email is     If you have had the same experience with him email me

    Mary Ng at the web site
    Mary Ng at the web site  I paid $250 for a Libearty and was sent a FAKE.  I send it back, yet none of my emails have received a response, nor have I received a new one or my money back. I had check 3 email references from Mary Ng before sending a business check.  Check came back with just "Mary" as the signature on the back. Haven't been able to get in touch with her since this all happened last week of June and first week of July.  BEWARE of this site (I
    looks great, but I guess I was fooled.)
    I made a trade with for a TBB she had that I needed. It was for Doby. I had a TBB she needed, Peanut. We agreed to mail them to one another the next day. I kept my end of the deal, it was mailed and I waited
    almost a week and hadnt received anything from her. I emailed her 3 different times inquiring about the TBB I hadnt received from her and when she finally decided to answer my emails, she wrote back nasty, threatening mail saying she didnt want to trade with me because she heard disturbing things about me on the trading boards! This was totally untrue, especially since this was one of my first trades I had ever made online! She told me she was sending the TBB I mailed her back to me, and that if I emailed her anymore she would take further action! (for emailing someone?) Well, she never mailed me back the TBB
    I had sent her, she kept it and one night when I was online she messaged me "HA HA" as if to rub salt in the wound! Very adult thing to do!!! I made several other trades online with people and they all went smooth, not one problem. I heard from another person how this Angelia4 tried to scam her out of $1500 for a 98 TBB set! She must think people are very stupid! Her name
    should definitely be posted on the bad traders board so she cant continue scamming people and thinking its a joking matter. I wonder how many already fell victim to her! Dont deal with this person because you will not ever receive what youre supposed to, all youll get is nasty and threatening email from her when she finally chooses to acknowledge you!
    She is a bad trader.  I sent a check for Erin, which I wanted for my daughter's birthday.  She cashed the check, never sent Erin, cancelled her e-mail, and does not answer her phone.  I am sharing info about her with the FTC.
    Her email address is she listed a bunch of Beanies on You Buy Sell Auction.  She has never contacted any of the  winners and none of the winners sent money and never recieved anything. She usesthe name Anglewingz.  There are 5 of us who are really darn angry. Stay away from her.
    David Fisher of Bowling Green, Ohio is a bad trader.  We made a deal on the internet and he still hasn't sent me my beanie babies. I sent him a certified check and he cashed it on June 18th and he signed for it.  I didn't hear from him since he cashed the check.  I keep E-mailing him and he won't write back.  He finally called me after hours of long-distance calls.  He said his friend was in charge of the beanies and he only cashed  the check.  He said his friend was a trucker and wouldn't be home for three days.  In those three days he has disconected his phone line and he's not listed.  I was brousing along and I read another girl has given a warning from Michigan City, Indiana saying that he didn't give her beanies either.He definetly is a bad trader!! Please watch out for him.  His e-mail is    I'm doing everything I can to stop him.
    o.k here's what happened. I found some one who was looking for a TBB pinchers. I told it I had on for trade. I was supposed to trade him for a different TBB. I sent the beanie the same day as it was supposed to send the beanie. but instead I got a really disturbing letter. It was all HA you b****, it went on for ever. The address is "HUMPTY DUMPTY"
    .  Please tell any one you know to watch out for him. thanks
    P.S I used "it" becuse I don't no if it's a girl or not. Thanks! Alexandra (Andrea):
    Hi!  I am reporting a bad trade I had with Andrea at  She contacted me wanting my Strawberry Shortcake Video and Candle Holder and said she had TBB to trade MIP.  She agreed to send me a MIP Inch for my
    video and candle holder.  We were to send them the same day which was Friday June 5.  I have the insurance reciept for the package I sent to her. One week later, I Emailed her to ask if she got her package and was wondering where mine was.  She replied that she hadn't gotten a chance to send it as she was away for the week.  She said she would send it
    immediately.  I waited for another week and then Emailed again.  She replied that she didn't send it because her cousin had taken it out of the package.  She then wanted to know if I still wanted it.  At this point, I just wanted the trade over with, so said send it.  She replied she would by Tuesday.  Well, tomorrow will be another week gone by without my Inch
    appearing.  Not only did I lose my video, and candleholder, but I'm out the  $3.75 it cost to ship/insure the package.  Thanks! Melissa
    I have a new member to add to your bad trader/buyer/seller list.

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