Welcome to Lexie's Leisure

Please follow these simple rules:

Do not alter any of these images in any way.

If you choose to use any of these backgrounds or images please
send me an email with your URL or sign my guestbook
so I can take a peek at how you choose to use them.

All backgrounds and images are linkware. - please use the logo
at the bottom of any set you choose & link back to this site.

I will assume you agree to these rules
if I find one of my images on your site :o)

If you have a special graphic need or request
please contact me.

Lexie's Leisure © 2000
Friday, January 14, 2000
Graphics by Alexis
No unauthorized duplication of any graphics.
This page has been optimized for 800 x 600
monitor resolution and for 16 bit or better color

The must selection is entitled: "Until There Was You" Midi Credit: Memphis Jan's Oldies Midi Collection Thank you, Jan :o)