Murdo & Geordie Daye's Doggie Page
Copyright 1995 Beth Ann Daye
You may not republish all or any portions
of this collection in any form, nor distribute it in
any form, without permission. You may establish electronic pointers or links to this page.
All photographs and art work are Copyright Beth Ann Daye.
For info, problem reports, etc. email
Thanks for visiting our page. Please sign our guestbook.
You're welcome to view our guestbook also.
Take a peek at Murdo and Geordie's pedigrees. This is a FYI only since both of The Boys are neutered.
Wondering how to housebreak your new puppy when you have to work full time?
This is what worked for us.
Are you owned by a Cairn Terrier and want to talk to other human pets belonging to Cairn Terriers?
Subscribe to the Cairn Terrier Mailing List.
We have list members who are breeders, trainers, show people, historians, pet owners,
handlers, and groomers. You name it, someone on the list can do it, and if not, they'll have a good story to tell about it anyway. The one thing we all have in common is that we are crazy about our scruffy little buddies and would do anything to keep them healthy, happy and safe.
To subscribe do the following:
- Send e-mail to:
- Leave the subject line blank
- Turn off any automatic signatures you use
- In the body of the e-mail say ONLY this:
- subscribe cairn-list firstname lastname
- (Be sure to replace "firstname" with your own first name and replace "lastname" with your own last name.)
This is a computer your e-mail is going to. There is no need to be polite.
It only confuses the computer, and we know computers have no sense of humor.
You will receive automated responses. Do whatever they tell you to do.
Finally, enjoy the list. we'd love to hear from you.
 | Beth and The Boys Bigger photoof Beth & lap doggies (291 kb). |
| Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy... Bigger photo of Daddy with Geordie (261 KB). |
 | Murdo the Giant Philosopher Cairn Larger, full body photo of Murdo (309 KB). |  | Happy little Geordie Larger, cheerful full body photo of Geordie (257 KB).
"It's time to play, we'd better not wait!" |
 | Brave Hunters and Defenders Larger, photo of the intrepid hunters on the trail of Smallfoot. (135 KB). |  | "I Eat Raw Steel," roared Murdo. Larger, photo of slinky about to become cairnage. (350 KB). |
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Sounds of
Sound files of doggies doing their doggie things!
Some new sounds 2/1996
The sound files are all 15-30 seconds, sampled at 11 KHz (1 @ 22KHz) mono in 16-bit
sound, Microsoft "Wave" or .WAV format. Sizes are listed with titles.
All sound files Copyright 1995-6 David C. Daye.
- How Does It? -- 265 KB -- Murdo demands
to know how a toy works.
- What the...? -- 45 KB -- Small version
of above confused Murdo.
- "a-ROO-ooo-oooo!! -- 68 KB -- Murdo exhorts
concerned to Get With the Program.
- "abba-abba!" -- 21 KB -- Murdo says it's time for
all to go outside.
- "oh-wa" -- 31 KB -- Murdo reminds investors that
a nailclipping treat has reached maturity.
- Tug o' War -- 173 KB -- Geordie out-grrrr's
Murdo in a struggle of epic proportions.
- Panting -- 91 KB -- Geordie takes a break
from chasing balls till 6=5.
Links to other doggie-related services
More stuff to follow here.
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Go to Beth & David's Home Page.