Links for Leaders in Girl Guides
and Girl Scouts:
Helping adult and girl members use the Internet and World Wide Web
Last updated: November 22, 1997
This Website is a teaching tool for members of Girl Guides and Girl
Scouts to learn about the World Wide Web and a list of great links.
If you're new to the Internet, or are just learning, the
columns offer step by step lessons to help you learn how to the use
Internet in Guiding.
If you are already comfortable on the Web, check
out the columns anyway -- they have many more links than show up on
this page.
You might want to bookmark WebGuides to use with your girls, or share
the URL with a sister who is not so sure about how to use the Internet
and the Web in Guiding or Scouting.
WebGuides contains copies of each column, which in turn have many links
to other sites that:
- are directly about Guiding and Scouting
- may not be about Guiding but are useful for program activities (nature,
camp, safety, etc.) for all branches and levels
- show craft ideas and how-tos that can be adapted for all branches and
- carry songs and other campfire ideas
- etc., etc., etc.!
Each WebGuides column is divided into three parts...
- HOW is a (very basic) definition of something Web or Net-related
- WHERE links to Websites that tie in with upcoming Guiding needs and
general Guiding information
- GUIDERS’ OWN points to fun or interesting sites that may not be directly
useful for Guiding, but may bring you pleasure or lead you on a new trail....
The Columns:
- WebGuides
#1 Surfer's basic equipment (& some great GGGS links to start you
- WebGuides
#2 Start your search engines (& many, many links to international
- WebGuides
#3 Easy e-mail (& where to find other leaders on the Net), great
connections to Guiding and Scouting mailing lists on-line, plus links to
crafts for and by girls ages 7 to 14, and camp and more. Plus, a puzzle
of a page for games lovers!
- WebGuides
#4 How to Chat with other Guides in real time, the Guide Zone, hiking
the arduous West Coast Trail, GSUSA's 85th anniversary party, two electronic
craft magazines. Plus, stories about homebirths.
- WebGuides
#5 How to start your own Website! Plus, a new interactive page for
the girls; Thinking Day on the Air and on the Internet; a Remembrance Day
tribute to "In Flanders Fields" and the poppies Canadians wear
'lest we forget.' Plus, a glorious example of the best a Website can be
(... educational AND fun!).

QuickLinks to Guiding
This is a list of basic resources, all directly related
to Girl Guides/Scouts. The columns have a lot more
links, both Guiding and non-Guiding.
- Girl Guides of Canada
we are, messages to Guiders, girls and parents. Terrific graphics for notes,
newsletters, posters, etc.!
- Guiding
Mailing List Post a question or seek a how-to, and get a dozen
responses in a few hours! (Canadian sponsored!)
- Information on how to join the (mostly U.S.-related) WAGGGS-L
mailing list
- The Guide Zone
Need an idea fast? Hit this collection of ideas on just about anything:
Crafts, first aid kits, games, inspiration, and so much more. Constantly
evolving as GG/GSmailing list members keep on sending ideas!
- Becky's
Guiding Pages A much-linked Canadian site, with games, songs,
camping tips and more, more, more!
- Scouting/Guiding
Software and Files
- Get
Knotted! Learn how to tie knots by watching them over and over
at this great animated site
- The
Virtual Campsite (many resources on Scouting - camping, activities,
- Highlights and photos from the 1996 WAGGGS
World Conference
- Canadian
Guiding E-mail Directory, and pages with many other great resources
and links. Sign yourself up so others can find you!
- Girl
Scouting and Guiding E-mail Directory (mostly U.S.)

You're the Guides in WebGuides
Send me your favorite sites
and where to find them, how you use them in Guiding, why you like them. |
Spark Guider
Area Membership Coordinator
B.C. Webpage Task Team
Guide Zone Guidelinks coordinator
former District Commissioner,
Brown Owl and Guide Guider

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These pages are written and maintained by
Wright, WrightWords Communications
Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada
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WebGuides appears regularly in The
published by Southern Vancouver Island Area Council,
Girl Guides of Canada, Victoria, B.C.
Contents copyright 1996, 1997 Barbara
Wright Wrightwords Communications
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