In the name of God Amen,
I, John Cannon of the Sumter
District and State of South Carolina do make constitute this my last Will
and Testament in manner and form following to wit -
1st - I desire that all my just debts shall be paid off and discharged as soon after my death as soon after my death as can conviently be done.
2nd - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Jumima four cows three yearlings and one calf, all my beds and furniture belonging to them, all my Household and Kitchen furniture, also my plantation tools, wagon and gear, also my whole stock of hogs.
3rd - I give and bequeath to my Son Edward Cannon all my carpenter's tools and grind stone.
4th - I give and bequeath to my Son Nathaniel Cannon one bay mair.
And lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Jumima My Executrix to this my last Will and Testament revoking and annulling all former Will or Wills which I may have heretofore made and Executed, in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of September and in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Seven.
John Cannon (seal)
Signed, Sealed and delivered
in presents of
Sary Broughton
Abijah Rembert
South Carolina )
Sumter District ) Personally appeared Abijah
Rembert, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within
Will and made oath that he was personally present and saw the within named
John Cannon Sign, Seal, publish,
pronounce and Declare this instrument of writing to be and Contain his
last Will and testament, that he was then of sound and Disposing mind,
memory and inderstanding to the best of the deponant's knowledge and belief
- and that Sarah Broughton with
this deponant did subscribe their names as witnesses at the same time as
the signer of the testation in his presence and in the presence of each
Abijah Rembert
Sworn to before me
this 14 of Octr 1807
William Taylor, Ordinary