Deed of Gift - Gemima Runnels to Daughter(s) - August 20, 1845
"Nancy" Runnels, and/or Flora Nettles and Sally Kearley

Transcribed by Hub Broughton on 09/08/99 - with notes following

State of Alabama )
Monroe County   )  This indenture made the twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five between Gemima Runnels spinster of the one part and Ann B Runnels the daughter of the before named Gemima Runnels of the same place spinster of the other part witnesseth that the said Gemima Runnels for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which she has and bears unto the said Ann B Runnels daughter of the before mentioned Gemima Runnels and also for and in consideration of the sum of one Dollar to her in hand paid by the said Ann B Runnels at and before the sending and delivery hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have given granted and confirmed and by these present do give grant and confirm unto the said Ann B Runnels all my hogs and stock of cattle also my household and kitchen furniture during the term of her natural life and the heirs of her body and in default of such heirs if any there be at her death the remainder to go to Flora Nettles and Sally Kearly jointly sisters of the said Ann B Runnels.

    In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st August AD 1845

Gemima X Runnels  {seal}
Signed sealed and delivered in
presence of
C. R. Broughton
J. W. Roberts

The State of Alabama  )
Monroe county            )  Personally appeared before me James McColl, clerk of the County Court of said stated County, Charles R. Broughton a witness to the signature of the foregoing deed of Gift who on oath saith that he saw Jemima Runnels sign and seal the same on the day and date thereof and that at the request of the parties he signed the same as a witness thereof

C. R. Broughton

Sworn to & subscribed before
me August 27th 1845
James McColl, clk
By W. W. McColl, DC

Filed for Record Augt 27th 1845
Jas McColl, clk
By W. W. McColl, DC

Notes: Gemima Runnels (1765 SC - 1854 AL) is thought to be Gemima Broughton Cannon Runnels, sister of Nathaniel Broughton (1768 SC - 1852 MS) and widow of John Cannon who died in South Carolina (see Will this site) in 1808.  The "Ann B. Runnels" is thought to be a transcript error and shoud actually be "Nancy Runnels" that married Theopilus Penny in Monroe County on 04/17/1856. Flora Nettles is thought to be Flora Cannon Nettles and the wife of Joseph M. Nettles.  Sally Kearley is thought to be Sarah Cannon Kearley and the wife of Josiah Kearley.  Charles R. Broughton was the son Nathaniel Broughton; thought to be the nephew of Gemima Runnels and 1st cousin to "Nancy" Runnels, Flora Nettles and Sally Kearley.