Welcome to my homepage!! My name is Lori and I will be your narrator and tour guide over the next several pages. Of course, you don't have to view them all, so I have listed the attractions below...feel free to jump into any of them!! Each one showcases a different collection, interest, or hobby so there is a little variety for everyone. I must appologize if some are not fully functional, but they will be soon! I'll give a brief introduction for each site below.

While I have several collections, I unfortuately wouldn't be able to show them all, so I have limited my display to continual interests. They include: Matchbox (I've been collecting them since I was 6 months old...yes that's right and I still have my first car!)and Hot Wheels, Breyer Model horses, My Little Ponies, Care Bears, Movie Memorabilia (right now mostly Titanic and Star Wars), and Horse Racing memorabilia (Thoroughbreds mainly--my video collection is 10 years long and always growing!). I love to collect rare items from just about anything along these lines and I am always on the lookout for bargains.

I also collect rarer items from my childhood days including Cabbage Patch Kids--the originals, the new ones aren't interesting. Beanie Babies I took up only recently, and the ones I have are what my mom and sister get me. Overall, I have a pretty good collection, but I refuse to get into it seriously. And, now I am starting up a music collection to give me something to listen to while I search for that bargain. Stay tuned for a music page.

My other interests include Paint horses and collecting Sports Illustrated pages chronicling horse racing to post on my walls--as my parents have put it, there is no need for wallpaper!. I've got articles dating back to 1987 and one to 1979, but my collection is by no means complete! I have to admit they add a special effect in the morning when I first wake up. I have been around horses since I was six years old and can ride just about anything. We raise Paint horses and in 1998 we were blessed with two babies. In 1999, we are expecting another! You can check out Flying Colors Ranch (small by comparison to others)here.

For anyone interested in Basketball, you may want to browse this page. I also play basketball and the 1998-1999 season was my last regarding college eligibility. I have only been playing since the Seventh grade, but some of the greatet moments of my life have occurred in this sport. You can read all about it on this page. One of my goals was to break the school's record for rebounds and and along the way, I managed to break a few more! My career stats will be posted soon (still being finalized).

Well I hope you enjoy your tour and feel free to email me and tell me what you think! Below are links to some of my other interests/hobbies so feel free to browse on through!


Model Horses | TB Racing | My Little Ponies | Other | Matchbox/HotWheels |

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