To The"My 3 Sons" Web Gallery


You stepped into my world so small
I never imagined how hard I'd fall.

An unbelievable dream to live
All my love to you, I give.

I wish I could promise to never make you blue.
Baby, I wonder what I've done to deserve you?

I'm happy to be your mommy for the rest of my life.
Someday, I hope I'll get along with your wife.

Forever is what I dream of for you.
There's so much I want to say and do.

I don't know where I should start
So I'll begin by saying you have my heart.

I only wish that you would hold it tenderly.
In my arms is where I love for you to be.

When people look at us together
May they see that our family will always be forever.

Today I make this promise so true
Sealed with a sweet, little kiss for you
My love for you will always be
because you're the only baby for me...

 Feel free to let your fingers do the walking and come on in!