The temperature never rose above 58 degrees, but the McAdam family are nothing if not die-hards, and a hardy group showed up at Lake Bonaparte on the first day of the family reunion, raring to go! And go, they did.
Bradley showed off on the water-skis, putting on quite a show for the folks back on shore -- when they had time to look. Most of their time was spent piling on more layers of clothing!
Then Michael Hanley took a turn and showed he’s made of the same stuff – give him a year or two and he’ll be as good as Brad!!
Some of the kids bounced around on the tube, and then the hot-dogging young guys decided it was time for the kneeboard.
Uncle Paul was busy bragging about how good Bradley is on the kneeboard but you sure couldn’t prove it by us that day! How many falls was it, anyway, Brad!
But then Michael went out for a spin on the kneeboard and showed Brad how it’s done -- good going!
Well, it was too cold for canoe races -- there were not enough contestants willing to get wet -- but it was not too cold for fishing! And, boy, the strangest things were biting that day!
Robert dropped a line in first and pulled out a beachball. Brooke followed, with an exceptional cast which brought in another beachball. Courtney just flung that line out and came back with a snorkel. Trevor gave the pole a flick and back came a boomerang! Jacob pulled that reel until he pulled out a snorkel! Tori cast with the flowing grace of a professional and up came a beautiful streamer. Jonathon bounced back with a boomerang. Samantha made quite a face and after a struggle, out came a beachball. Kate pulled and pulled – no wonder it was so heavy, it was an elephant!! D.J. cranked and cranked on that reel and up came his very first gun -- a squirt gun! Clayton jigged that line and caught a snorkel. Christopher came back with a boomerang. Sean gripped that pole with the happiest face ever, and out came a beachball! Brianne swung that line over and pulled out a lovely streamer – how pretty! Brandon tossed that hook in and caught a football. Michael felt he was too old for fishing, so Jennifer took over for him and reeled in a snorkel!
Well, despite the near frost-bite suffered by several people, and the need to break the ice off the sides of the boat, all in all, it was another great day at the McAdam Family Reunion!
But, the people in charge of the beach day for 1998 -- you are in charge of ensuring better weather! No if’s, and’s or but’s about it!
by Bric and Brac
( renowned reviewers of flea markets, sales, and auctions far and wide)
We approached the auction table eagerly, jostling the other early arrivals out of our way, so we could view all the merchandise and plot our strategy for the day.
And the merchandise looked good! Some of those home-made dilly beans that people in this part of the country are so fond of. Some great-looking peanut brittle. A bottle of well-aged McAdam scotch whiskey. An assortment of knick knack’s and glassware. Some brand new T-shirts from that food bank in Hartford, Connecticut – renowned the world over for their remarkable work to end hunger! A pretty little red apron. You name it, it seemed to be here.
So we settled back to await the auction and get some deals.
A bit of concern arose when the good folks gathered here did not seem to know who the auctioneer was going to be. But then this big guy jumped up, and though he obviously wasn’t from around these parts, the crowd warmed up to him quickly.
After the dilly beans went for a top price, the auctioneer brought out three large cukes with warts. At least they were burpless and they also sold for a fair price.
At one point, the auctioneer demonstrated and interesting looking hairpiece and later on he showed us how to use a hairclip.
A simple coffee pot, the kind you use when camping, raised quite a fuss. I guess these folks really like their coffee and really like camping, because the bidding just went up and up and up. Finally, Uncle Paul got that coffee pot for the bargain price of $31! Rumor has it that his poor grandson Robert will now be unable to attend college!
And Aunt Ercile was spending money almost as wildly – we heard it was her kid’s inheritance that she was working with!
At one point, Dwayne’s nuts came up for sale and they fetched a pretty good price, too!
A polar bear wandered in from the McAdam Family Reunion at Lake Bonaparte and this crowd just auctioned him off, too!
That pretty little red apron – to get the best price, our fearless auctioneer modeled it, spinning, twirling, and prancing with the best of them!
Next, the strangest looking device these reviewers ever saw – was it a rain gauge like those guys said? It looked more like some kind of artificial insemination device!
One young family left the auction attired in matching T-shirts – now they will be the talk of the town!
Significant argument arose as to whether Bill Martin or this new guy from out of town could raise more money from the crowd at an auction! These writers are betting on the big guy, but you’ll have to come next year to find out!
The main event was followed by a special sale for the children, which was great fun for all.
The sale of all of these lovely items netted $197.60 to help organize this family reunion for next year.
All in all, what better way to spend a summer afternoon! Good merchandise, good bargains, and good company! Hope you’ll be there with us next time!