So glad you could make it. You will find a maze of Parks Family History here, along with connections to even more Parks Home pages. At the end of some lines, there will be Source Documents and reference to where they were found. It is my hope and prayer that each and every Parks Researcher finds their Family Ancestors. I do sincerely hope that you enjoy your stay here and come back often.

Take the time to visit these Parks Homepages. They all have worked very hard on their Family History and like all of us knows, the search really never ends. There will always be questions that may have no answers. If you have any questions concerning their lines, please contact them. They would love to hear from you.
If you would like to have your Parks Homepage listed here, please e-mail me. It would really be my pleasure.

John F. Parkes and D.L. Parks have done an outstanding job putting the Parkes Reference Gallery together. The Goal is to put actual documented proof on the Internet, for it is with these documents we can prove our Parks Lineage without doubt, also make available documents for Parks Descendents who are researching their Family History. I/We thank you both for all you have done and are doing to keep our Family Heritage Alive.
Another great research tool. The Parks Mailing List is where you can post via e-mail your inquires for research. There are instructions on the page on how to subscribe to this list. This is totally free. Take advantage of this wonderful service and I believe you will be suprised at the response you receive.
The Parkes Society Homepage is a place where you can subscribe and become a member. I believe they put out a newsletter also. You never know where you might find that peice of missing information.
This hopefully is a place where you can discuss Parks Family History, find out new information, help someone else connect their Family Together and make new friends and visit with old friends. So let's try meetingEvery Thursday night at 8 (Eight)pm Central Standard Time. Spread the word and lets get together. Look forward to seeing you there.

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