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Probably more than you wanted to know.
My name is Cathy. I am 44 years old( Almost 45). I use the handle "HIP" or "hip_mom" or 6_ms (when I took that handle I had 6 kittens w/ all their names beginning with the letter "M") while on the net.
I am 5'7" tall, with blonde hair (bottle blonde but shhhhhh!!
DO NOT TELL ANYONE!!!) and blue eyes. I would love to say that
I was the perfect size 10 but that would be a lie (But I am getting there...I have been dieting for almost a year now and have lost 70 lbs. I started on my own in March of '99 and continued till the summer and sort of took a break..then I had two friends join Weight Watchers..that was about 8 months ago. I needed to do something to kick start me again. And it is really working..I have lost almost 25 lbs. with Weight Watchers so far. My orginal goal was to lose 100 lbs. and keep it off. I do not care how long it takes me as long as it stays off !!! ) So wish me luck!! My birthday is
March 30th, so I am an Aries. By the way my favorite color is blue..but in here I wanted to be very colorful...!! I am
happily married with 2 children. I am a domestic eningeer ( a nice way to say
mom, cab driver, cook, nurse, doctor, maid, dishwasher, etc, etc.) and I also am Office Manager..for an auto mechanic...I do everything in the office and run some errands too...I do just about everything except fix the cars...Speaking of Cars..I got a new one just over a year ago..I bought a 1999 Ford Expedition..and I really love it..
I love all of the Holidays that we celebrate...I love to decorate my home and I want to wish everyone:
LOL Well I finally figured out how to post pictures !!!
So here goes..below is a picture of me. I hate to have my picture taken and I guess this one is not too was taken by a professional...

Want to see what I look Like??? Well (Click here then)
***Enter at own Risk***