FEB. 23, 2003

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Did You Know?

1) Honey is the only food that will not spoil.

2) Cheese helps fight cavities because of the calcium.

3) Chili Peppers might be HOT but they are good for colds and Bronchitis.

4) Use (dry) BAKING SODA to clean silver coins. It doesn't take off any of the silver and doesn't leave a residue.

5) Rub some soap into hands BEFORE doing a dirty (greasy) job and your hands will wash the dirt off better.

6) You can swallow a teaspoon or two of (internal)Aloe Vera Gel before meals and before going to bed at night. Its very cooling to the whole system.

7) That for instant relief of a leg cramp, try this: Mix two teaspoons of vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water.---Vinegar is high in potassium and low potassium levels may cause some cramping.

8) You can treat asthma with onion juice. Onions contain compounds that mysteriously relax the bronchial muscles and prevent spasms. MIX: 2ozs. of onion juice with 2ozs. of carrot juice and 2ozs. of of parsley juice, then drink this blend two times each day. And of course, seek medical treatment.

9) You can heal a burn with Milk. For minor (1st degree) burns, soak the burned area in WHOLE milk for 15 minutes. or so. Or you can apply a milk-soaked washcloth. Repeat either treatment every two to six hours as needed for pain. Don't forget to rinse your arm and the wash cloth or the milk will spoil and smell.

10) That you can fight yeast infections with Yogurt. Adding yogurt(which contains acidophilus--the friendly bacteria) to your diet helps reduces yeast infections.

11) You can help prevent gum disease with a little oil. When your gums look inflamed and irritated, add a drop of TEA TREE ESSENTIAL OIL to your toothbrush, on top of your toothpaste, before brushing. Available in health food stores, tea tree is a natural antiseptic that helps prevent gum disease before it starts.

12) You can beat PMS with vitamin B6, evening primrose oil, calcium and magnesium.

13) That cabbage contains a lot of glutamine, an amino acid that has been shown to heal ulcers. Have at least one healthy serving of steamed cabbage each day for two weeks.

14) Ginger is MORE EFFECTIVE than Dramamine (the over the counter drug) in stopping motion sickness. Buy candied ginger in Asian food markets and chew on it while traveling. Or buy supplements and take two 500-milligram capsules about an hour before leaving on your trip, and one or two more capsules every four hours while traveling. NOTE/CAUTION: Ginger has been known to cause miscarriages. BEWARE MOMS!

15) You can freeze a bandage and get faster, more effective relief from a minor sprain, sports injurys or spasms. It better then applying Heat.

16) You can take the sting out of a bee bite with MEAT TENDERIZER. It breaks down the protein that is inside the insect venom. Mix a thick paste of water and powdered meat tenderizer and apply it directly on the skin. Relief in minutes.

17) You can use cloves to stop a toothache. Put between your aching teeth (a couple of whole cloves). Chew them a little to release their juice and leave them for a half-hour or so or until the pain subsides. Then see a dentist ASAP.

All these remedies are to be taken or done (AT YOUR OWN RISK). I found them in different sources. I do not claim to be a Doctor and CANNOT give any FURTHER advice on how to take them or apply them etc..... If you have any (little known facts) and would like to submit them to my page, I will credit you and/or you page with the info. Just E-Mail me. Thanks!



Tallie's Cup-Of-Coffee


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