Meet My Family!

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Most recent additions to our family!



Flip and Flop

My Favorite Family Picture

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Taken at Kiawah Island, South Carolina

About Dennis and Pam

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Here's a picture of Denny and I recently celebrating our 15th Wedding Anniversary

Denny's a #1 husband and dad!   He works with computers by day, and by night, he's taught me all the "technical" stuff about authoring my own web site (thanks honey!) and almost everything I know about computers in general. He likes spending time with his family, coaching Marc in his many athletic endeavors, going on lots of "daddy-daughter dates", tinkering with our computer and sometimes, he even does a little hunting and fishing!

About Marc

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My son, Marc!  Thirteen years old and 100% boy, Marc is in seventh grade at and, of course, very intelligent!  Marc enjoys ALL sports, watching and participating.  At one time of the year or another, you can find him playing baseball, basketball, hockey, football or running track.  Marc has also been blessed with a terrific sense of humor.  One never knows what he'll come up with next . . . !

Go to Marc's Page

About Sara

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My daughter, Sara!  Sara is 12 years old and in seventh grade, and naturally, she's very intelligent too!  Sara is the nurturer in our family.  She loves taking care of things, especially babies and animals.  She already has a few "mom's helper" jobs (good practice for future babysitting).  When she's home, you can ALWAYS find her with Nikki and Nathan!

Visit Sara's Page:  Sara's Pets 'n More!

About Nikki

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Nikki, our five-year old Golden Retriever.  No doubt about it:  Goldens are the BEST dog!  Nikki has got to be the sweetest dog in the world . . . she's really a part of our family!  By the way, Nikki is in training to become a AKC Canine Good Citizen.

About Nathan

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Nathan, our black and white kitty.  Nathan is only six months old.   He weighed less than three pounds when we brought him home!  But he's growing . . . into a bundle of energy!  I'm not sure, but I think while everyone is sleeping, he jumps on the mouse (the computer mouse, that is) and goes to Basic Rules for Cats Who Have a House to Run!

About Cody

Cody, our handsome male canary, sings beautiful melodies all day long!

About Flip and Flop

Flip and Flop are Sara's own fish.  They are Painted Tetras, one blue and one pink.

Lots of people ask us if a dog and cat can get along.  In case you're wondering . . .

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They're BEST FRIENDS!!   heartp6.gif (177 bytes)

Now if only my kids would get along this well . . .   

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© My Home 'n Family  1998