Dee's HideAway

Welcome to my hideaway. Pull up a rug and have a seat.......

Hi, I'm Dee and Welcome to my home page. Now that you know WHO I am, you may want to know a tad bit more, (sorry, a tad is all you'll get right now, I'm kinda shy too!). Well let me give ya the rundown... I'm Female, Early 30's, Newly Married, College Graduate, Proud Texan (no apologies for this one), Country Girl, and Animal Lover (alright preverts, that's a platonic term!!). My household consists of Don and I and our "children", Sara, a black border collie mix; Jade, a Golden Retriever/Husky mix; Napoleon, an Orange Tabby; some fish; and Elvira, a spider that lives under the sink.

My interests include swimming, going to the movies, listening to good music, entertaining my pets (Don included) and watching TV. I also enjoy most outdoor sports and recreation as well as computers and the Internet.

Over the past few years there have been significant changes in my life including career & new marriage so please feel free to drop in from time to time and see what is new. And as always....
don't forget to sign the guest book.

My Wedding Album

DreamWeaver Web Designs

My Photo Album

The Shadow of the Muse

The Highwayman

MaidenWolf's Den

Links to some of my other hideouts

  Christian Connection
  The Palace
The Coliseum
Cool music from around the World
Real Audio Music for Downloads or Streaming
TV Trivia Links
AngelWink's Heavenly Postcard Shoppe
A Forum on Women's Health

Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, and looky here, it's the guest book for you to sign, don't be a partypooper and pass up this prime opportunity.

  Sign Guestbook View Guestbook



© 1997-2001

Special thanks to artist Maija for the background graphic entitled "Guardians".

This Native American Ring site owned by Dee Coleman Craft.

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