Bahá'í Faith of Hattiesburg MS Metro Area

Each One of Us

We are one. Each one of us is a member of the human family. Each of us is unique and different from all others. Each of us is a fiftieth cousin to every other member of the human family.

As God has the whole world in His hands, so do we. Each one of us has the capacity to affect the world with our thoughts and actions. The question is how to do it as one united family. What can each one of us do?

Everyone has talents and skills, our personal gifts for the world, bestowed upon us by a loving God. Ye we often feel alone, incapable of bringing peace to the world or helping the hungry millions. The desires of our hearts are often crushed by the weight of the problems we see. How can one person have an effect?

Each one of us can do this: "Concentrate all the thoughts of your heart on love and unity. When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love....Let your hearts be filled with the strenuous desire that tranquility and harmony may encircle this warring world." A bond of love connects us all. This new message of hope for humanity can be found in the Bahá'í Faith.

The Light of One God

God has always watched over humankind. Throughout history, He has sent us blessed souls, perfect mirrors which manifest and reflect on the glory of perfection of the heavenly kingdom. Each of these Messengers or Prophets renews the Word of God and lift humanity to new heights of spiritual developement. The spiritual foundatation of all religions is the same -- God. The laws and social teachings of each religion change depending the time and place the Messenger appears.

"In every age and dispensation a pure and stainless sould (is) made manifest .... commissioned to use the inspiration of Their words... and the sanctifying breeze of Their revelation for the cleansing of every longing heart and receptive spirit from the dross and dust of earthly cares and limitations...."

"Light is good in whatsoever lamp is burning! A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom! A star has the same radiance if it shines from the east or the west. Be free of prejudice so will you love the Sun of Truth from whatsoever point in the horizon it may arise!"

Today our vision has expanded to include the entire human family. Bahá'ís believe that Bahá'u'lláh is the latest Messenger of God. His teaching help us to unite the human family.

If you would like to learn more about the Bahá'í Faith and the Bahá'ís of Metro Hattiesburg Mississippi, you can contact one of us at the email addresses below.

Gene in Hattiesburg MS

Lynn in Hattiesburg MS

Tahirih Lackey in Mississipi outside the Hattiesburg Metro Area.

Or you can call us at 601-271-2384.

We have weekly public meetings every week in Hattiesburg. Everyone has an open invitation to attend. Just call and we will give you directions.

Links to other Bahá'í sites

The Bahá'í Faith of the U.S.A.

Bahá'ís of Moore Oklahoma