Sherry's Home for Unwanted/Unloved Postcards
Fellow postcard collectors take note...Do you have some postcards that aren't worth keeping or trading but you just can't bring yourself to throw them away? Then I suggest sending them to Sherry. You can email her for her address.
Here are a couple of emails she sent out asking for postcards....
"Does any one ever buy lots of cards and end up with bunches of junk. Damaged or soiled cards you would never be able to trade or sell or want to keep? Or perhaps the subject matter is just tacky awful (not rude) . If any of you have cards like that please think of me. I started collecting cards as a way to teach geography but quickly found I loved the hobby. I not only collect cards for myself but for my Special Education class at school. I can use any junk cards (rack and anything else ) you have (the worse condition the better LOL) to use for sorting and pretend mail. My kids love to write messages to each other and any one else around and a post card is so much better than a bit of paper . We pony it to other MI classes. It is a fun way to get them writing. Who doesn't like mail? But I am having a bit of trouble getting my students to recycle cards. If one comes to them it seems to be permanently attached and becomes theirs unless I want a major battle on my hands. So volume, not quality, matters there. So if you have any awful cards you were going to have to throw away, think of me! So now all those jet black cards that say "Night in Cape Cod " and cards with the stamps surgically removed will have a nice home. I will be glad to pay postage. Always Sherry in GA"
"I can not thank every one enough for the cards that have been sent for my classroom. I just poured them on the floor today during circle time and let every one look. It was like Christmas in March. I wish you could have all heard the ooos and ahs. They quickly began to sort. Some new categories for us are holiday cards, TV cards ( rack cards) and my favorite, sad Mama's with baby. This category is not to be confused with sad girls looking at sky. Holy cards are a rarity in our part of very Baptist GA. I am constantly amazed about what they are learning from cards. A student told his mother all about Los Angeles where the pretty mountains are. "No," she said ," It is in Southern California. " He knew better and proudly took home a card today of a city view of Los Angeles with pretty mountains in the back ground. Thank you for your help. Please keep my class in mind for any cards for any unwanted or damaged cards. We love them all. Sherry Williams in GA."