Mary Davis - 10/11/00 01:04:45 My Your Olive ancesters: Ole James-John(Nancy Womble)-Bennett(Kiziah Womble)-Lydia Ann Olive -my gggrandmother Where you live: Virginia | Comments: Very interesting site-I will be back many times. Thanks for the hard work and sharing with everyone. |
Sharon Sullivan Hall - 09/03/00 05:31:48 My Your Olive ancesters: My mother, Martha Jeanette Olive Sullivan, gfather Laorus Olive, Neander Jackson Olive, Rev. Johnson Olive branch Where you live: Tampa, Florida | Comments: This website is great! I love to see anything on the Internet regarding our "family". It's a family to be proud of. Great job! |
Jonathan Scott Olive - 08/22/00 03:32:28 My Your Olive ancesters: Willam I. Olive, James O. Olive, Thomas Jay Olive Where you live: Albuquerque, N.M. | Comments: hey on the web looking for my family and wow! we are everywhere! If any one can help me trace down my roots in New Mexico please send an e-mail to OLIVE2112@ATT.NET and thanks to Oliveyou for this wonderfull page!!!!!! |
Jonathan Scott Olive - 08/22/00 03:26:24 My Your Olive ancesters: James O. Olive grandpa Willam I. Olive greatgrandpa son of Thomas Jay Olive Where you live: Albuquerque, N.M. | Comments: Hey just looking into my heritage on the web and WOW! THERE IS A LOT OF US. IF ANY ONE CAN HELP WITH THE OLIVE TREE IN NEW MEXICO. PLEASE SEND AN E-MAIL TO OLIVE2112 @ATT.NET. And thanx again to OLIVEYOU!!!!!!! GOD BLESS!!!! |
Nancy Perry - 08/02/00 00:07:40 My Your Olive ancesters: Texas - John Amon Olive - Born 1883 - d 1972 Where you live: Lexington, TX | Comments: I am attempting to help a friend trace his family tree. We have read the books on Print Olive, and are attempting to see what connection his mother and grandfather John Amon Olive might have to that line of Olives who lived nearby in Williamson County, T xas. If anyone can give me some help before I get to the courthouse, I'd appreciate it. Your sites and OLIVE information is wonderful. |
Nancy Perry - 08/02/00 00:03:19 | Comments: |
Vernon W. Olive - 07/30/00 23:41:33 My Your Olive ancesters: Eli Olive, James Olive ,Richard & Nola Olive Where you live: Wilson, NC | Comments: I am one of seven sons of Richard Olive of Johnston County. I have two children Katie,13 yrs. and Eli 9 yrs. Would like to here from other Olives |
Jack TAYLOR - 07/27/00 22:52:21 My Your Olive ancesters: Gillie OLIVE Where you live: Kingwood, TX | Comments: Looking for parents of Great Great Grandmother, Gillie OLIVE who married Andrew Jackson GRISHAM. Some think she married Isaac GRISHAM. More recent research points to A. J. GRISHAM. They lived in North Central MS in mid 1800s. Lawyer/Novelist John GRISH M is a descendant of this couple. The I. P. OLIVE biographies read like the TV series "Lonesome Dove". If you are in the area of Salado, TX be sure to visit the museum there for information of the I. P. OLIVE times in Williamson Co., TX. If you are lucky to find a ROBERTSON Family desce dant in the museum talk to her. The ROBERTSONs still run a ranch that dates back to those times. |
Wayne Olive - 07/16/00 02:46:44 My Your Olive ancesters: Northern Neck Virginia Olive's Where you live: Charlottesville VA | Comments: I posted previously on 5/12/99. However I now have a new email address. All other information is the same, and I am researching my Olive relatives down the Northern Neck of Virginia. |
deborah olive rodweller - 07/07/00 23:43:30 My Your Olive ancesters: herschel edward olive Where you live: greenhill, alabama | Comments: my daddy is jesse lee olive born in Iron city tn. |
Linda Olive - 07/06/00 12:09:18 My Where you live: Colchester, Essex, England | Comments: I married into the Olive family, they originate from London (East London, I understand). Father-in-laws name was Henry James Olive born in 1916. We think he had 3 brothers - Billy, Bobby and Sam and possibly a sister. Unfortunately there is no-one left o ask about the family history, so if anyone can help I would love to hear from them. |
Barbara Younie - 07/04/00 15:54:14 My Your Olive ancesters: Lee Edward & Agnes Where you live: Omaha, NE | Comments: My grandfather was Lee E. Olive & his wife was Agnes Evelyn Grice. They were from the columbus GA and Phenix City AL area - My father is still living. I don't have much more information than that. Any help would be great. |
Jessie L. Olive - 06/06/00 01:40:56 My Email:OLIVEFAMILY@AOL.COM Your Olive ancesters: Herschel E. Olive Where you live: Lexington, Al | Comments: Very interesting, will check back later to read more. |
Gary Peifer - 05/27/00 01:22:35 My Your Olive ancesters: Abel Olive Sr. Where you live: Frederick, MD | Comments: |
Carla O. - 05/18/00 01:33:07 My Your Olive ancesters: Bunn O. Where you live: Wake Co. NC | Comments: Wow! I love looking up my ancestry!! There are so many Olive's round here and I'm excited to find all this! I'm 15 from NC. thanks for this page! :) |
BJ Rotondo - 04/23/00 18:54:31 My Your Olive ancesters: IP (Print) Olive (gggrandfather), Al Olive(ggrandfather), Bessie Olive (grandmother), Gene Jordan (father) Where you live: Vancouver, WA | Comments: There is a book about I.P.(Print) Olive, called "The Ladder of Rivers" by Harry E. Chrisman, that has some geneology. Your site is very interesting. |
Fran Frauli - 04/18/00 03:48:04 My Your Olive ancesters: ERA JANE OLIVE Where you live: Peoria Az | Comments: Nice to find family, Thank you for your help |
MIdred H. Revell - 04/10/00 01:58:57 My Your Olive ancesters: William Olive b. 1745 Where you live: Sacramento, CA | Comments: Great being aboard. Have loved doing research on my family for years. Glad to find this Web Site. |
Kenneth Emmett Olive - 04/02/00 02:09:48 My Your Olive ancesters: Richard Olive, Emmett Edward Olive of Northern Virginia Where you live: Central Virginia | Comments: The Olive name is one of dignity, and I am proud to be a part of this large family. My branch of the Olive Family has been in Virginia at least 160 years and I would like to know if I am related to "Olde James Olive". |
James Olive - 03/26/00 01:00:02 My Your Olive ancesters: son of Ben, grandson of Henry, great-grandson of Joseph Where you live: Hearne, Tx | Comments: Great site! |
mike olive - 03/15/00 01:14:06 My Your Olive ancesters: oxfordshire,uk. Where you live: queensland australia | Comments: did not realise that there is so many of us around |
Linda Spires McPherson - 02/29/00 13:45:16 My Your Olive ancesters: SPIRES Where you live: Memphis,TN | Comments: Great, great site!! Dan, when you get a chance please e-mail me. I have lost your address. |
- 02/26/00 04:33:01 | Comments: |
william olive smith - 02/20/00 23:57:25 My Your Olive ancesters: rufus houston olive Where you live: franklin tn | Comments: I'm very interested in finding my descendants. Mr. Rufus Houston Olive was my grandfather and was born 8-20-1882 and died 2-4-1968. He had four children. three are still living and one is deceased. glad I found your web-site. w.o. smith |
Richard W. Olive II - 02/18/00 08:18:55 My Your Olive ancesters: Jesse Olive Where you live: Greenhill, Alabama | Comments: Just thought I would let everyone know I'm catching up with the times now. I finally broke down and bought a computer and got online. |
Amy Fortenberry Taylor - 02/18/00 04:47:41 My Your Olive ancesters: Alma Olive McKay, Eli Claude Olive, James Henry Olive, Isham Olive, Southwood Olive, Old James Where you live: Kentucky | Comments: My maternal grandmother maintained an extensive history of her family. After she passed away, I obtained her family records. She had a copy of letter that Irene Olive Kettinger had sent to her brother, Uncle Dave Olive (John David Olive). My grandmother had many unanswered questions: The lineage of her paternal grandmother Mary Ann "Mollie" Zorn Olive. Any info. would be appreciated. Also, my grandmother always lived in east TX (Tyler), and most her siblings remained in the area as well. My parents m ved to SC in 1971. I was excited to see that there are Olives so close to what I still consider home. I have a copy of the map of the area in Wake Co. that Irene had for a 1988 Olive Roundup. I really look forward to tracing that map with my mom and li ing a part of my history! Thanks so much! |
Emory May - 01/30/00 02:05:22 My Your Olive ancesters: Mamie Alma Olive, Charlie Newton Olive, James A Olive ----"Old" James Olive Where you live: Hood River, Oregon | Comments: My grandmother was Mamie Alma Olive, daughter of Charlie Newton Olive. His father was James A Olive who married Elizabeth Jane Harrison. Then there are two other James Olive's before "Old" James Olive. Any clarification would be appreciated. |
Darla Marie Olive - 01/18/00 03:01:10 My Your Olive ancesters: Old James, Jesse, Richard Calvin, Richard Calvin Jr., John Calvin, Thomas Earl, Stanley Ryan Where you live: Orlando, FL | Comments: |
Peter Phillips - 01/17/00 04:56:21 My Your Olive ancesters: Rachel Olive/Joseph Embry Where you live: Richmond, Utah | Comments: I very much appreciate and enjoy the work and interest that I see displayed on the Olive family sites. I have enjoyed reading about the reunion and the family organization. |
Steve - 12/25/99 10:43:49 My URL:http://www, My Your Olive ancesters: None, that I know of Where you live: Somewhere Out There | Comments: Just out cruzin' the net and stopped in for a visit. I love visiting ancestery sites. Knowing your ancestors makes life that much more interesting. Keep up the good work and I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Have a Happy Y2K, too. |
Betty Lou McFall Perkins - 12/03/99 02:08:48 My Email:Precis Your Olive ancesters: Jessie Lee Olive, father James W. Olive, gf James C. Olive married to Elizabeth Bettie Flake Olive Where you live: Dallas, Tx | Comments: ggf James C. Olive m Betty Flake Olive -9-13-1865 Carroll, TN/gf James W. Olive married Emmer Key and had Lillie, Grace, Mack, Tommie(F), Jessie Lee(F). Jessie Lee Olive married Geo. Remiro and had my half sister Billie Lee & Robert s. Remiro. Then married Samuel T. McFall and had Sandra Sue, Sam Ray, Jessie Lee (deceased), Betty Lou, Rose Lee & James Dean McFall. I'm still collecting paperwork to present proof of these findings. Can't go back any more until I find a connection to our gggf. |
Dene Weathersbee - 11/03/99 13:58:46 My Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: Sour Lake, Tx. | Comments: PENICK not Olive. Eugene Penick Sawyer, 1876 - 1916, was the son of Florence DeKernan who was born in Ky. Florence DeKernan was the daughter of Sybil Ruth Bowman from Ohio. Is there a PENICK in this line that anyone knows about? With a name like PENICK I know it was not just pulled out of a hat. Thanks, Dene Weathersbee |
Alan Norbury - 10/16/99 07:15:52 My Your Olive ancesters: John Olive Emma Cumberbatch Where you live: Brisbane Australia | Comments: |
Kevin-Douglas Gevedon Olive - 10/14/99 22:29:56 My Your Olive ancesters: Homer Selwyn Olive, Dudley Thurmon Olive Where you live: Knoxville, TN | Comments: Member of the Religious Society of Friends. Archives at Guilford College suggested that part of the Olive family in North Carolina was orignially or converted to Quakerism? Any leads? Thanks "KD" |
Lawrence W, Olive - 10/14/99 17:14:51 My Where you live: Knoxville, TN | Comments: Might as well get all of Homers' boys on here. |
Thomas S. Olive - 10/14/99 03:44:25 My Where you live: Florence, AL | Comments: Ditto brother Bob (Robert S.)from Knoxville! Sounds like the reunion was a blast. Wish I could have been there. |
Robert S. Olive - 10/13/99 20:26:39 My Your Olive ancesters: Homer Selwyn Olive (father) Dudley Thurman Olive (grandfather) Where you live: Knoxville, Tennessee | Comments: |
Barbara Hubbard - 10/13/99 04:04:25 My Your Olive ancesters: Eliz.Drake Olive Where you live: Houston, Tx area | Comments: Very informative and easy linking to various pages |
J.R.Stonecipher - 10/02/99 22:11:14 My Your Olive ancesters: gggrandfather J.D.Olive Where you live: Tuscumbia, Al. | Comments: Needing info on J.D.Olive,initials are all I have,Married Melissa Wright,1881-children- Annie D.(Dolly, my ggrandmother) Bilt, John, Jim, Wince, Pheboie. Annie D.married 1st.Lewis Morrison 2nd JimWinters. Florence, Oakland Al.area maybe Tennessee Also info on Melissa Wright,suppose to be Indian heritage there.Hope you can give me some info, need all the help I can get |
Nancy Jo Olive Benfield - 09/26/99 22:25:20 My Email:NBenfield@InfoAve.Net Your Olive ancesters: James Olive; John Olive; Burrell Olive; Henderson Olive; William Johnson Olive; Wiooian John(son)Olive Where you live: Chester, SC | Comments: Great site! |
betty lou mcfall - 09/17/99 03:30:48 My Email:precis Your Olive ancesters: jessie lee olive Where you live: dallas, tx | Comments: ggf:james c. olive m Elizabeth betty flake olive gf: james w. olive m emma key olive mother: jessie lee olive born 8-04-17 with 3 sisters : tommy, grace and lily. Started in tn and moved to Calif. Lived in salinas, ca. gf sharecropper, also owned ranch roswell,nm. betty |
Mary Urban - 09/07/99 21:23:12 My Your Olive ancesters: James who md Wait Strait Where you live: Provo, UT | Comments: Olive is a collateral line I am researching in connection with the Strait family of Wake Co. NC. I would like to know all the children of Wait Strait and James Olive b 1773, son of Wm. Sr. |
Richard Bowden Townley - 08/22/99 20:00:03 My Your Olive ancesters: Dempsey Bowden (1789-1868) married Sarah (Sally) Olive. Dempsey was my great-grandfather four times removed. Where you live: New Braunfels, TX | Comments: My genealogical interests are in the Townleys, Bowden/Bowdoin family and the Willis clan. I'd be pleased to hear from any other descendents of the Bowden/Olive union. Good luck! |
Elizabeth Olive - 08/15/99 01:06:24 My Your Olive ancesters: Ross John Olive Where you live: Bossier City, LA | Comments: I am not the actual Olive, my husband is. Ross John Olive was born in 1886 in Natchitoches Parish, LA (Marthaville) and married (1906) Carrie Bell Ingram. I have no further information on him, but am trying to find whatever I can. |
Peggy L. Renschler - 08/06/99 08:00:38 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Where you live: Sacramento, Ca | Comments: My Mom is Mildred H. Revell, and she has done much research on the Olive Family. My Great Grandmother was Emma Howard. So glad Midge told my Mom about this site. Will check in again. |
Linda Loeffler - 07/30/99 14:24:05 My Your Olive ancesters: Charles Cornelius, Dave Olive, John Olive Where you live: Marion County, GA (just outside Columbus) | Comments: I'm looking for information on Elmyra Holder who was married to John Olive. They lived in Girard, Ala. which is now Phenix City. Their son, Dave, was born in 1872. My mother has all this written down. I can't remember if Dave is my great grandfather o my Great, great. Appreciate any info. |
Terry Mueller - 07/23/99 17:17:56 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Where you live: Copperas Cove, TX | Comments: My great-great grandfather was James Olive. My great grandfather was William Franklin Olive and my grandfather was Wallace Thelma Olive. My dad was Robert L. Olive. I believe that most of them are from the Detroit, Michigan area. If you believe you ar related to me or recognize these names, please e-mail me. Thank you. |
Ruth Oliver Morrison - 07/21/99 15:11:08 My Your Olive ancesters: Olivers not Olives Where you live: Riceville, TN | Comments: Enjoyed your home page. Just trying to find some connection with the Olivers to the Olives. Received your email..Thanks! |
Patricia Carstens - 07/17/99 10:53:43 My Your Olive ancesters: charles Where you live: Brisbane Australia | Comments: I just love looking around thank you. |
Carol Guidry - 07/17/99 02:21:37 My Your Olive ancesters: Mary Elizabeth (Betty)Olive Wynn Where you live: Houston, Texas | Comments: I am a descendent of James and Julia Olive who settled in Williamson County, Texas. Parents of 9 children. |
Rod Olive - 07/09/99 00:36:24 My Where you live: Australia | Comments: Danny thanks for the reunion realy enjoyed it all and I think I have made a lot of new friends. Thank you for puttin up with me. Best from down under Rod Olive. |
Pat Davis - 06/21/99 17:22:46 My Your Olive ancesters: Ruth Spires Moore Where you live: Florence, AL | Comments: I think this is great. I did not get to look through it all, I will come back. Then I will email you and let you know. It was really great to see you Sat. Pat |
Diane Olive Alford - 06/14/99 22:01:01 My Your Olive ancesters: I think James Olive Where you live: Lakeland, FL(Orig. AL) | Comments: This is so interesting. THANKS! |
Diane (Olive) Alford - 06/13/99 15:31:54 My Your Olive ancesters: William/Sarah Olive Where you live: Saraland (Mobile), AL | Comments: Actually now I live in Lakeland, Florida (temporarily, I hope). I have just begun my REAL search. I am looking for any information that anyone might have. I am relaying all information to my dad in Mobile. We are both so excited in my finding this webs te. Thanks so much Danny!! By the way, my Daddy's name is James Daniel Olive. |
Wilma Thedford - 06/02/99 23:31:55 My Your Olive ancesters: Sarah dau. of Anthony Where you live: Tyler, Tx. | Comments: |
Ian Olive - 05/30/99 10:41:15 My Your Olive ancesters: All a bit vague! Where you live: Aberdeen, Scotland | Comments: I'm 57, a Durector of a support services company providing specialist contracting skills to the UK sector of the North Sea Oil Industry. Whilst 'surfing' I decided to search for myself and inadvertantly found this and lots of other sites devoted to the g eat surname. Although I live in Scotland, my family came from London. The first world war caused many of the family connections to break down. I gather that we were quite a large family before that war. Rumour has it that the Olive family name is a co ruption of the Roman name Oliffe which was very big in the Chester area of England up to around AD 430 after which things become difficult to follow one the Romans had been seen off by the locals! Anyway, it's nice to visit your site. I'll do it again when I have some more time. Best Regards Ian Olive +++ |
jim massie - 05/28/99 11:32:42 My Email:not yet Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: preston england | Comments: may have connections via massie/massey family linee enjoyed browsing thank you |
jim massienone - 05/28/99 11:27:36 | Comments: |
Anthony Perry - 05/23/99 21:07:18 My Where you live: Tuscumbia,AL | Comments: WELL IM NOT AN ANCESTOR I DONT THINK BUT JUST SAY IM A FRIEND OF THE FAMILEY |
Wayne Olive - 05/12/99 03:29:10 My Your Olive ancesters: William Olive of Fredericksburg VA Where you live: Charlottesville VA | Comments: Hi, I'm beginning to research my relatives, who came up from the area where 'Olde' James Olive was born near Glouster in Virginia. I am likely descended from one of his brothers, as my uncle researched the family and told me that the Olive's moved up the 'Northern Neck' over successive generations to Fredericksburg VA where I was born. BTW, we will be attending the reunion to learn more about geneology research and Olive's. My email address will change before long as I plan on retiring in a few months, and one of my hobbies will be Olive geneology.. :-) |
Fred Olive - 05/06/99 04:03:08 My Your Olive ancesters: Not sure Where you live: Jackson,MS | Comments: Other than my immediate family I know very little about my ancestors. I was just sent the info on the reunion by my aunt and will certainly try to attend. |
Dorinda W. Gibson - 05/01/99 19:02:17 My Your Olive ancesters: William Olive-his son1725-James Olive Where you live: Franklin,, Tn | Comments: My sister Mitzi W. Thornell sent a notice about the Olive reunion but did not send information on where, when or registration for this only the date of May 25 to have in. Please send this to me at |
olive,ron - 04/25/99 17:41:00 My Your Olive ancesters: Edmond Where you live: Couer de'alene | Comments: |
John E. Olive - 04/21/99 23:39:30 My Your Olive ancesters: John C. Olive Where you live: Apopka, Fl. | Comments: Just wanted to get my name in the pot. |
Marty Taylor-Harper - 04/20/99 23:27:21 My Your Olive ancesters: John Ross Olive, William Olive Where you live: Keithville, LA (Shreveport) | Comments: really appreciate you putting me in touch with the lady that can connect me to your Olive line. Thanks! |
Ed Diggs - 04/20/99 23:19:18 My Your Olive ancesters: Drusilla C. Olive Where you live: Florence, SC | Comments: Really like the way the Olive interest in the name is shown. I would like to see all surnames as interested. Do you know anything about Drusilla Catherine Olive. Just starting on my Olive research. |
George H. Watkins - 04/18/99 01:24:24 My Your Olive ancesters: Rachel Olive Where you live: Fayetteville, GA | Comments: Good work! |
Donald Ray High - 04/09/99 15:32:27 My Your Olive ancesters: Elton Olive Where you live: Martin, Tenn. 38237 | Comments: |
Leward Leon Dunn - 04/08/99 20:23:50 My Your Olive ancesters: Nancy-Anthony-James Sr Where you live: Fairburn,GA | Comments: Will be marking Nancy Olive and James Hartsfield Graves at County Line Christian Church in Brooks, Fayette Co.,GA Soon I would like to know if Anthony Olive's Grave has a Military Tombstone? |
Thomas T. Olive - 04/07/99 18:08:39 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: father:Thomas Joseph Olive Grandfather Joseph Emerson Olive Where you live: Las Vegas Nevada | Comments: |
Robert W Lobsinger - 04/07/99 01:30:23 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: none - just an old friend of one Where you live: Newkirk, OKlahoma | Comments: Just poking around looking for an old 8th grade (in 1958) school mate named Diane Olive, at Sacred Heart Elementary in Lake Worth, FL. Anybody know where she is or current (married??) na |
Bernice (Crickett) Sledge Volpone - 04/05/99 01:38:50 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Richard & Viola Smith Olive Where you live: Geneva, Ohio | Comments: I was born in Iron City Tennessee the daughter of John Rufus Sledge and Martha Belle Olive. I was one of 4 daughters, Era Bagwell Robison, Aurealia Nance Douglas, Mary Joann Box. Wondering if any of our Olive relatives would be at the Reunion or if we wou d have any common ancestery. Enjoyed your web page. Bernice "Crickett" Sledge Volpone |
Jeanne Olive Wetherell - 03/15/99 00:57:33 My Your Olive ancesters: Emmett Edward Olive Where you live: Virginia | Comments: What do i do?print this form and mail the $10 with it to you? What does the $10 buy me? Any response is appreciated.Just email me.Thanks, Jeanne |
Kenneth Olive - 03/11/99 05:28:47 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Ray, Raymond, Edwin Where you live: Ventura, California | Comments: Thanks for letting me add my name to your list. Pages like yours help people like me to find more information on our own ancestors. Take a look at my homepage for information on my tree. Ken |
Rod Olive - 03/06/99 21:28:15 My Where you live: Australia | Comments: Dan. leave for USA 13 June 1999. Will be down at Muscle Shoal Al. 24th June 99. Hope to see you all there. Best wishes from down under. Rod, |
Elizabeth Ann(Porr) Wade-Dennis - 03/03/99 21:02:33 My Your Olive ancesters: Locille Olive Porr Where you live: Texas | Comments: I am searching for my birth family. My maternal birth Grandmother was Locille Olive Porr. She was origionally from Florida and died there in Dec. 1985. |
DAVID HALLMARK - 02/26/99 21:12:51 Your Olive ancesters: NONE Where you live: ATHENS | Comments: WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO REALIZE THAT YOU ARE REALLY IRISH? |
Melinda A. Nakayama - 02/25/99 02:51:37 My Your Olive ancesters: R.L. Olive Where you live: Amarillo, TX | Comments: I am the great-granddaughter of Anna Leola Olive. I am just beginning to learn of my family history and exciting news is that we are adding on to the family line with a baby, we think girl, this July. Would love any information on finding out how to go ab ut learning more. |
Michael B. Olive - 02/22/99 12:57:51 My Your Olive ancesters: Ernest Buford Olive Where you live: Centerville, Georgia | Comments: Father born in Paris, Tenn 8 Jan 08 Married Betty Mosby Garrison Just starting research. Any help would be appreciated. |
Jay Olive - 02/21/99 21:37:08 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Most live in San Angelo I think. Where you live: Dallas | Comments: Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook. Most Olive's on my end live in San Angelo, TX. I am second cousin to Janis Joplin I learned. Yep the Janis Joplin! If that helps. Well take care and good w rk on this site. |
Shirley Olive - 02/21/99 20:34:02 My Your Olive ancesters: Jesse Olive is my husbands gggg grandfather. Where you live: Florence, Al. | Comments: Have really enjoyed your homepage. It has been a great help to compare my notes with yours hope to meet you at the reunion. |
Cheryl Perry - 02/17/99 02:40:07 My Your Olive ancesters: William & Rae Olive (parents) Where you live: Australia... | Comments: My brother is tracing our family Olive tree..... Thought i would check out this sight.Acually brother sent it too me...Richard Olive of Melton Victoria Australia... |
DONALD R OLIVE - 02/14/99 21:24:10 My Email:DRO119@aol.COM Your Olive ancesters: JAMES MARSHAL OLIVE W.M OLIVE J.M.OLIVE Where you live: GEORGIA | Comments: |
Jewell Kirk - 02/14/99 01:25:33 My Email:JEWANN@AOL.COM Your Olive ancesters: Richard Randolph Olive born 11-3-1873 married Violia Elizebeth Smith, daughter Martha Belle Olive born 1-1-1905 Where you live: Columbia, SC | Comments: Hi, I'm the grandaughter of Martha Belle Olive, I was born and raised in Florence, Alabama. I really liked your web page I probley have some additional information on some of the persons listed. I'm also looking for additional information on my ggrandfather H R.Olive. I would like to know what H.R. stands for, I would like any info available. Thank You! |
tom ulibarri-Great Grandson of Ira Print Olive - 02/07/99 17:28:40 My Your Olive ancesters: Ira Print Olive Where you live: Raton New Mexico | Comments: This is Tom Ulibarri. Mother was grand-daughter of Ira Print Olive. Could you please send me any other links or information you might have reaurding my great grand father. Thank You! Tom Ulibarri |
Ann Stutts - 02/06/99 21:40:47 My Email:E_Ann@InfoAve.Net Your Olive ancesters: JCN Olive & Ida L Olive Where you live: Iron City, Tn. 38463 | Comments: I just learned of this site from my cousin,Wanda OLive Groves, from Florida. I will be spending much time at this site as I am thoroughtly enjoying it. |
- 02/06/99 00:05:50 | Comments: |
Wanda Olive Groves - 02/05/99 23:48:09 My Your Olive ancesters: Jesse (sixth son-James) Where you live: Safety Harbor FL | Comments: Hi Daniel, Just wanted to sign your guest book, will try to view flyer. |
Clint Wilson - 02/05/99 21:42:19 My Your Olive ancesters: many- Midred Olive is my great Aunt Where you live: Bryan,TX. | Comments: Great site, Very informative. Maybe will get a chance to come to the big reunion |
Ron Happe - 02/01/99 12:02:42 My URL:/BourbonStreet/Delta/7877/ My Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: Port Charlotte,Fl | Comments: Great Site...Very well laid out. A good place to browse and very informative. Thanks for the opportunity of visiting and seeing the history of the Olive Family. |
Andrew Olive - 01/30/99 22:38:23 My URL: Where you live: San ntonio, Tx. | Comments: My brother is Charles Olive - Dallas, Tx. My 1st cousin in Mildred Olive - Big Springs, Tx |
Melinda Johnson - 01/30/99 17:35:50 Your Olive ancesters: Lillian J. olive Where you live: Fayetteville, Arkansas | Comments: Lillian was my grandmother born September 10, 1869. Ijust began my search so I do not know her parents yet. She married Nathan A. Pearson August 28 1886. in 1900 I believe they were in Henderson county Tennessee |
Peggy Olive Clark - 01/20/99 20:45:28 My Your Olive ancesters: Clyde and Catherine Olive Where you live: Muscle Shoals,Al | Comments: This is a very good page lots of people should see it. |
Ron Burch - 01/20/99 01:30:39 My Where you live: Montgomery Co., NY | Comments: Not an Olive, but a Penick. Descend from Edward (1784-1855) and Mary Jennings Ham[b]lin Penick thru two of their daughters, Emily Penick Welch and Permelia Penick Donley. If any Penick, Welch, or Donley cousins cruise by, would love to make contact. |
Joanne Marie (Olive) McKenna - 01/17/99 09:25:43 Your Olive ancesters: IP Print, Howell, Felix Where you live: Yorktown, VA | Comments: |
Jacki Willard - 01/07/99 21:46:25 My Your Olive ancesters: married into the Olives Where you live: Nashville | Comments: I'm married to an Olive and mother of an Olive |
David Bahr - 01/05/99 11:49:31 My | Comments: |
Margaret Uhrich - 12/30/98 02:08:37 My Your Olive ancesters: Sir James William Olive Where you live: Calgary, AB Canada | Comments: Would be interested to hear of any connections to my relatives. Sir James was born 1855 in Bier, Kings' County, Northern Ireland and at the age of 17 joined the Metropolitan Police in London where he rose through the ranks to be Chief Inspector. I am just beginning my research and would appreciate any help I can get. My grandfather George Edward Olive married Amy Thackray in Leeds and moved to Canada around 1912 settling in Winnipeg,MB. |
- 12/29/98 18:45:17 | Comments: |
Andrea Vogel - 12/11/98 20:41:06 My Your Olive ancesters: Huguenots in Kent,ENG Where you live: British Columbia, Canada | Comments: I would be interested to hear of the earlier non-U.S. origins of North American Olive families. For example, is anyone out there researching the French Huguenots who settled in Canterbury, Kent ENG in late 1600's? This is where my branch originated, the f rst a Jacques Olive born probably in France, c1645. Also, someone else mentioned in their comments the origin of the Olive surname being from a feminine first name. Some books about surname origins list it as an anglicization, originating with one of the omance languages (eg. Italian, Spanish) or French/Flemish from the Latin word oliva (meaning olive). It was perhaps a topographical name for someone who lived by an olive grove, or an occupational name for a gatherer or seller of olive oil, or perhaps als a nickname for someone with a sallow complexion. Would like to hear from others researching in England. :) |
Greg Olive - 12/01/98 01:47:34 My Where you live: wimborne,dorset,u.k | Comments: no idea if we're related,call me up and we'll go into it further. My father, Dudley Reuben Olive has also carried out a history but it does not seem to trace the same history as you. |
Kenneth L. Olive - 11/29/98 05:46:40 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Raymond, Edwin, Richard Where you live: So. Cal | Comments: Trying to piece together my linkage. Father Raymond, Gf Rayomon b 1884 Iowa, Ggf Edwin Ablbet b 1852 Wis, Gggf Richard b c1824 england. Any knowledge of any of my ancestors will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ken |
Douglas G. Larson - 11/26/98 17:27:17 My Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: Bothell, Washington | Comments: I have no Olive ancestors and happened on your web site just be chance. I wanted to tell you that your site is very nice and the music expecially is particularly beautiful! I would be interested in knowing what it is. Is it a folk tune from your part of the country? Did one of the Olives write it? What is it called? |
Tammy L. Irons - 11/25/98 22:10:12 My Your Olive ancesters: My grandmother was Emma Estelle Olive Irons. her father was Thomas A. Olive. His father was Richard B. Olive whose father was William Billum Olive whose father I believe was James whose father I believe was Jesse Olive. Where you live: Florence, AL | Comments: Hi. I am an attorney in Florence, Al. I practiced in Memphis, Tn for 7 years before returning home about 2 years ago. My father and I have recently become interested in the Olive Family History. The internet has given us a great start and has been a gr at source of info. I think we are planning to attend the reunion. Hope to meet you there. |
Dennis Olive - 11/19/98 03:30:58 My Your Olive ancesters: Harold P. Olive Where you live: Shreveport, Louisiana | Comments: My father is Harold Pomeroy Olive born 1/16/1921 in Florida. I know he has family in Georgia but I don't know them. |
Jack L. TAYLOR, DDS - 11/18/98 04:35:32 My Your Olive ancesters: Gillie OLIVE Where you live: Kingwood, TX (Houston) | Comments: Gillie married A. J. GRISHAM. The family lived in Northern, MS, up to the War of Northern Aggresion. They both had tragic deaths in connection with that war. Just read a great book about I. P. (Print) OLIVE and Family by Chrisman. It is centered around cattle ranching in the wild west. Highly reccommend it. It's probably out of print, but can be found if you look hard enough. |
Ron W. Olive - 11/15/98 08:33:01 My Where you live: Denver, Colorado | Comments: My father is Thomas William Olive, born in Washington, OK, in the year 1921. Dad was raised in Silverton, TX. His father, my grandfather, was Thomas Grey Olive. |
Doyce [Olive]Ross - 11/15/98 03:39:25 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Where you live: Marked Tree,Ark.72365 | Comments: I am so grateful to Daniel for the help he has given me in my search. and because of you being on line it has been a fun trip,thanks forever another cousin,,,Doyce known by my friend as Dot; |
Thomas Stanley - 11/05/98 14:40:56 My Your Olive ancesters: William Olive Where you live: Dover, tn | Comments: You have done a great job. My mothers was Catherine(kate) Olive. |
Matthew Einstein Olive - 11/01/98 22:16:08 My Your Olive ancesters: Daniel Fleming Olive (father) Where you live: Clinton, MS | Comments: |
Jamie Olive Underwood - 10/24/98 05:30:58 My Your Olive ancesters: Carmel Olive Where you live: Florence, Alabama | Comments: My dad has your newsletter and wanted me to check out your web site. |
Wanda Ruth Pruitt Graham - 10/20/98 23:19:23 My Your Olive ancesters: unknown, none? Where you live: Monroe, Wa. | Comments: |
DOYCE olive ROSS - 10/17/98 16:43:55 My Your Olive ancesters: RICHARD Olive Where you live: MARKED Tree,AR 72365 | Comments: My family was from LAUDERDALE COUNTY, ALA. |
LEROY COLLIER - 10/05/98 10:54:48 My Your Olive ancesters: MARTHA ANN OLIVE, JOHN AND HOLLAND (BOWDEN) OLIVE Where you live: 1644 SMALLHOUSE RD., BOWLING GREEN, KY 42104 | Comments: My data carries a line back to James Olive, SR |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Ben Olive - 09/15/98 19:42:11 My URL: My Where you live: College Station, TX | Comments: Very nice page and very informative. Where can I get a copy of the Fire on the Mountain" midi? Mildred Olive is my aunt. I'm one of the Oklahoma Olives. |
Gilles OLIVE (Marseilles, France) - 09/03/98 14:44:51 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Begining of Olive's name Where you live: Marseille | Comments: The page is very interesting !!! and wonderful. A lot of very important thing for the Olive's is inside. Please continue in this way! |
Steve Olive - 09/02/98 00:55:28 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Where you live: Navarre, FL | Comments: I believe my line is also from James Olive. My great grandfather (James?) was born o/a 1865 in Fayette Co. Alabama. My Father is Thomas E. Olive, Jr. born in Parrish, AL in 1926. I am an Air Force Major, flying MH-53J Pave Low III helicopters at Hurlbur field, FL. |
Gar Summy - 08/30/98 20:21:05 My Your Olive ancesters: James Where you live: Bakersfield CA | Comments: Still looking for parents of Ed Olive. I think he is either son or grandson of Richard Calvin Olive in Tuscaloosa Co AL. Edward is listed as #617 on page 135, of James Olive Book. Any help appreciated!!!!!!! |
Michael L. Rankin - 08/30/98 15:08:05 My Your Olive ancesters: Robert James Olive Where you live: Houston, TX | Comments: Great page and an inspiration for all. I am unable to make a connection. Our family tradition has the following line: Robert James OLIVE, son of Robert OLIVIERE (Huguenot who fled from France) immigrated from England in 1731 and died in Louden Co., VA ft 1767 .. 1 Robert James OLIVE .... 2 David OLIVE b. 2May1767 .... + Rachel ...... 3 Aaron OLIVE b. 2May1822 d. 31Jul1897 ...... +Elizabeth AUKER ........ 4 Oliver William OLIVE b. 1Apr1862 Ottaway, OH d. 11Oct1939 ........ +Hattie Corinthia KENSLER b. 9Mar1864 in Delta, IA d. 28Jan1964 Oliver William was my great grandfather. |
Charles Olive - 08/23/98 18:45:33 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Where you live: Dallas, Texas | Comments: Midge Olive sent us a notice of the 1999 Olive Family Reunion. We hope to attend but can't commit at this time. Also, just learned of your web site and found it simply to conducting a Infoseek search for the Olive Family. Hope to meet you in Alabama. Best Regards, Charles and Joyce Olive |
rod olive - 08/19/98 22:44:53 My Email:rodolive@bigpond Where you live: brisbane Australia. | Comments: Dan. I will be doing my best to make it to family reunion in 1999,I am spreading the word over this way hoping I can get a few more Olives interested.There is a lot of Olives in Australia looking up a few white pages and have located about 200 or so and t at not all as I only did main places. Population of Australia is only around 19 million and as you may know we only are just over 200 years old.Part of our family we have traced so far in england is John Olive born 1760 England married Mary Austin.:: Char es Olive born Kent 1787 Married Jane Lushington 1819 Scotland.::William Olive Limerick Ireland 1822.::one of My sidewas George Olive 1824 married Maria Robinson 1850 they had 15 children so you can see how hard it is to track,one of George sons was Roderi k Carrington Olive they had about 8 sons and 2 daughters one son was my dad Norman Keith Olive I am the only son of dads as my Mum died 3 days after I was born. I have 2 sons and 1 daughter. Well enough for now Keep up the good work Best wishes Rod. |
Ron Head - 08/16/98 05:34:18 My Your Olive ancesters: none known Where you live: Montgomery, AL | Comments: My grandmother's sister, Lola Pearl WILLIAMS (born 9 Apr 1888 Butler Co., AL; died 28 Mar 1939 Butler Co., AL) married around 1905 to William Baker OLIVE (b. Nov 1882 TX). Uncle Baker was a son of William M. OLIVE (b. 1854 GA; d. 1936 Butler Co., AL, bur. Wesley Chapel Cem., Butler Co., AL) and his wife Mrs. Lonely Anna (NUTT) GREER, widow of Robert P. GREER. Wm. M. and Lonely A. OLIVE had seven known children: Lonnie A. ............(1880-1884) William Baker.......m. Lola Pearl WILLIAMS Artemecia.............m. H. H. PURNAL Annie Clementine..m. Julius V. SPANN Manning T............m. Melba ARANT John Howard........m. Lucile GOODLETT Jonathan C...........(stightly retarded, never mar.) According to the 1860 Pike Co. and 1870 Crenshaw Co., AL censuses, William OLIVE was a son of Littleton and Clementine OLIVE; thus my interest in learning more about Littleton's family, on my cousins' behalf. ----Ron Head |
Midge Olive - 08/14/98 15:01:29 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive b. 1713 Where you live: Big Spring, TX 79720 | Comments: Great thing this Home Page! Am new on Internet, but when I get through reading all of it, will be ready to verify what I have in my files. |
addie olive - 07/28/98 23:01:16 My Your Olive ancesters: charles chaple Where you live: holland | Comments: hallo,I,m fom the dutch -indonesian site of the olives my roots are in england.Eddy olive is an older brother of me,I like to see the olive pages around the world,maybe I learn something about my famillie. bye |
Don Olive, Jr. - 07/24/98 07:14:28 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: ??? Where you live: Campbellsville, KY | Comments: This is the first time I've seen your pages in a while. Good Work! I'll look forward to meeting you face-to-face in 1999! |
Nancy (Olive) Cobb - 07/14/98 17:20:29 My Where you live: Madison, AL | Comments: |
Daniel Fleming Olive - 07/11/98 19:29:35 My Your Olive ancesters: James Posey Olive (gf), Sara Elizabeth (Olive) Olive (gm) Where you live: Carriere, MS 3926 | Comments: Very Interesting! |
Tasha - 07/08/98 03:41:45 My URL:/Baja/Dunes/9020/ My Your Olive ancesters: ??? Where you live: USA | Comments: Nice page. Come visit mine sometime: ![]() |
Doris & Bill Beville - 07/06/98 14:42:02 My Your Olive ancesters: None Where you live: Palm Beach Gardens, FL | Comments: Ernest is great nephew on the Paul Side. I am sister of Ernest's grandlother, Grace Paul. |
Don Milford - 07/01/98 04:47:44 My Your Olive ancesters: Abel Olive and daughter Elizabeth Ann Olive Where you live: Thomson, GA | Comments: Great page! Now see if you can fit me in. My 3rd great grandfather, Abel Olive, married Matilda Blackston in Richmond County, GA on March 13, 1826. Who's kid was he? He lived in Columbia County near John and Sarah Olive but was not their son. |
Shirley Starks - 06/29/98 15:41:24 My Where you live: Tampa Fl area | Comments: I am a friend of Wanda Faye OLIVE Groves. She has just obtained information from the Jesse Olive family book. I am helping her organize her "family tree". Her father: Lee Hardison Olive. Grandparents: James Carrol Newton Olive & Ida Lee Olive (6554-5 & 6555-5) They are of the James Olive Family. Mainly, I just wanted to touch base with you. Thanks, Shirley Starks Do you know of any additional information about this family since the book was printed? |
John Eger - 06/29/98 08:20:53 My Email:DEN Where you live: Lakewood,Co. | Comments: |
Kim Russell - 06/25/98 13:43:56 My Your Olive ancesters: direct Where you live: Florence, Alabama | Comments: Hey Danny!!!!! Nice web page, really impressive!!!! |
Horace Arlen Olive, Jr. - 06/20/98 01:31:33 My Where you live: San Jose, CA | Comments: My great-grandfather, James Olive, had a large piece of land in north-western Alabama (near Florence). I'm 43, so his time was the early part of this century. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about my family before him. (And I don't know much about him.) |
Tim Olive - 06/17/98 14:04:32 My Your Olive ancesters: James, Jesse (6), John (63), Josey (663), William (6337) Josie (6337-3), Howard (6337-33), Tim (6337-332) Where you live: Atlanta, GA | Comments: Hi folks, Seem to be a good number of educators in our family. My dad (ThD) is a retired Baptist Missionary, who started the Philippine Baptist Hour, a radio program, broadcast in 23 languages in Southeast Asia. He started it with his life's savings in my sister' old bedroom. When I was 18 there were 40,000 people taking the free Bible correspondence course offered on the program. That was back in 1964! I am a photographic illustrator for advertising. My wife and I live above my studio in a 115-year old Craftsman style house in Atlanta. |
Michael Olive - 06/16/98 01:27:14 My Email:unaihcoop Where you live: Rogersville, Al | Comments: Thank you for the e-mail. Keep in contact ! |
Carol Hughes Olive - 06/15/98 21:37:00 My Your Olive ancesters: Andrew Jackson Olive Where you live: Fayette, Alabama | Comments: Andrew Jackson Olive is the youngest son of Richard Calvin Olive 9/30/1822 A.J. Olive is my husband's gg grandfather. My husband is Aaron Barney Olive. |
Suzie Morris Ball - 06/03/98 15:48:32 My Your Olive ancesters: James, Jesse and Monicah Massey, Mary (Polley) and William Whitlock Lyon Where you live: Stone Mountain Ga | Comments: I am descended from Jesse through his daughter, Mary and her husband William Whitlock Lyon. They lived in Henry Co Tn. I want to correspond with any "cuzins" out there. My first cousins are having a reunion in Henry Co this August and I am trying to co pile as complete a genealogy picture as possible before then. Sorry I didn't find out about the Olive reunion there last June until too late. |
Catherine - 05/28/98 16:21:48 My Your Olive ancesters: George Norman, George Everett Sr., Aubrey Williams, William Frederick Where you live: Dallas, TX | Comments: This is a great page! I never realized that there were so many Olives out there! My great-great grandfather is George Norman Olive, born in 1846, great-grandfather is George Everett Sr. born in 1880, grandfather is Aubrey Williams born in 1908. They we e all born in or around King George, VA. My father is William Frederick, born in Flushing, NY in 1941. I haven't been able to go back past 1846. I know the Olive name is of Engish origin, and it's matronymic, meaning coming from the first name of the m ther - a very rare occurance - since most surnames were derived from the father's name. Apparently Olive was a popular female first name, so the name means "Son of Olive." There is a record of a Richard Olive in England (Northampton I think) back in the 300's. Keep up the good work on this page, Daniel! |
Amie - 05/26/98 04:47:18 My Your Olive ancesters: Eloise Olive was my grandmother, Print Olive was her uncle Where you live: Santa Fe, NM | Comments: I have no idea how I found this website, but I'm glad I did! I also don't know much about my grandmother's family other than her uncle was Print, she married Francis Asbury Selecman, son of the Bishop Charles Claude Selecman. They lived in Dallas, Texas I was named after her - my middle name is Eloise. |
Barbara A. Rakers - 05/25/98 19:40:54 My Your Olive ancesters: Abel Olive, Sr., Abel Olive, Jr., Charity Olive Where you live: Highland, IL 62249 | Comments: I like your homepage. I also enjoyed the article about Irene Olive Kittinger. Keep up the good work. |
Jean Gilley - 05/24/98 14:38:51 My Your Olive ancesters: Olives connect to my Lashlee's Where you live: Atlanta, Texas | Comments: Patricia Crook referred me to this site. I'm a Lashley/Lashlee researcher. There seems to be a close connection of the Lashley and Olive family, and I was hopeful of finding some descendants of Edmund Lashley and Delilah Olive. My great-great grandfath r Burwell Lashley was married 1st to Elizabeth Olive, but I descend from his 2nd marriage to Mary Polly Sarrett. There are at least 2 more Lashlee/Olive marriages. Abner Lashley married Siddy Olive and Laura Jane Olive married Duncan Lashlee. |
Scott Moore Olive - 05/22/98 21:27:37 My Your Olive ancesters: father-Norton Williams O Where you live: Pt. Charlotte, FL | Comments: Grandfather: Theodore Ristine O, Westport, CT., Editor, Chemical Engineering magazine G.Grandfather: Edgar Williams O., Crawfordsville, IN., Curator, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens I am 44 yrs old, a Baptist preacher, manager for newspaper, poet, artist, jack-of-all-trades, and I suppose, master of none |
Kenneth Paul Olive - 05/20/98 19:54:49 My URL:None -yet- My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Where you live: Mahwah, NJ | Comments: I am 21 years old and have just graduated from Bucknell University with a B.S. in Biology. I will be attending MIT beginning in August in fulfillment of a Ph.D. in molecular biology, most likely specializing in cancer research. My parents are Kenneth Ch rles Olive and Maria Fonte Olive and my younger sister is Kara Lynn Olive. This is neat sight. Thank you for putting it together. -Ken |
David Olive - 05/20/98 12:44:14 My Your Olive ancesters: Howard G. Olive, father Where you live: Jefferson City, TN | Comments: First time visitor. |
Kenneth Leroy Olive - 05/20/98 05:47:29 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Raymond, Ray Where you live: Ventura, Cal | Comments: My father, Raymond Leroy Olive born Iowa 1920. Killed WWII 1945. My grandfather, Raymond Charles Olive, born 1884, Guthrie Co, Bayard Iowa. Died 1966 in Ontario, Ca. My greatgrandfather, Edwin Albert Olive born abt 1807 Green Co, Scanton Wisconsin. His father, Richard Olive born England? |
William Olive jr. - 05/19/98 22:21:47 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive 1713 Where you live: woodstock , ga. | Comments: Iam the son of William Carey Olive SR. His father was Emmitt Olive from New Hill N.C. His father I believe was Atlas Olive His father was Ira Olive and finally his father was James Olive. Great page Danny, I really enjoyed talking to you on the phone, I ook forward to talking again sometime. take care, your distant cousin Bill |
Hill Watson Olive, Jr. - 05/17/98 23:20:28 My Email:hwolive@aol,com Your Olive ancesters: James Olive, Jr. Where you live: Oklahoma City, Ok | Comments: Think I have signed before |
Bradley Trousdale - 05/11/98 22:10:45 My Email:Shaluck Your Olive ancesters: Sorry none Where you live: Florence Al | Comments: Danny U r the Man I am very Impressed w/ur skills ta pay da bills keep up the good work |
John Edward Olive III - 05/10/98 04:57:20 My Your Olive ancesters: Willie Olive great grandfather, John E. Olive Sr. grandfather, John E. Olive Jr. father Where you live: Eufaula, AL | Comments: great site! i have 4 children John E.(jed)Olive, IV, Keirsten, Sevrin, & Savannah. |
Ken W. Olive - 05/08/98 04:02:05 My Where you live: Vancouver B.C. Canada | Comments: 7 generations in Canada; oldest ancestor William Olive of St. Johns, New Brunswick, Shipbuilder - William & Isac Olive Co., came to Canada from Boston area in 1776 aprox. |
Bill Fowler - 05/06/98 13:30:59 My Your Olive ancesters: William > James > Southwood > Eli Johnson Sr. >Eli Johnson Jr. > Robert Earnest Sr. > Robert Earnest Jr. . Where you live: Thomaston Georgia | Comments: I am researching my wife s family, Mildred Olive Fowler, and could use any contacts or info on Eli Johnson Olive s son and daughter- James H. Olive and Nancy Olive. James H. Olive m. Mary Ann Zorn in Upson Co. Georgia 24 Nov. 1870. Children: 1. Lena m. Oscar Nunn 2. Mamie 3. Eunice 4 Claude m. Bess Wiggins Thanks |
Bob Bonds - 04/30/98 17:09:07 My Your Olive ancesters: James>John>Burrel>Mary Elizabeth>Geneva Frances Bright>Hallie Lee Kelley>Richard Field Huddleston>Frances Elizabeth Huddleston Bonds>Robert David Bonds Where you live: Northern California, Silicon Valley | Comments: Thanks for your service. Any words on the meaning of the name: Olive. Is it French, etc. Regards. Bob. |
Carol A. Solomon - 04/30/98 02:33:56 My Your Olive ancesters: James of Wake Co. Where you live: Chantilly, VA 20151 | Comments: My grandfather was Vernon Olive born in Clinton, IL and moved to Decatur, IL where my mother and her siblings were born. Regina Olive, William Olive, James Olive. Vernon was married to Lucile Mae Carver Olive. |
Pat McNamee - 04/28/98 20:25:19 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: TX | Comments: Thanks for singing and leaving your URL. I don't have any Olives as far as I know, but I am from Alabama( Birmingham) and I don't think we miss a single county in having somebody there. I'm going to check out more of you nice site now. I just might fin something really good. |
Monita and Richard Olive - 04/28/98 08:17:37 My Your Olive ancesters: William Edgar Olive -Dad; William Thomas Olive - Grandfather Where you live: Alaska (last 5 years - Louisiana prior to that) | Comments: This is a great source of information. I worked on Olive family tree several years ago and I recognize some of the names. You contacted us several months ago, but we lost your e-mail address until I ran a search tonight. A query from the South of Franc sparked my interest again. This is an inspiration! Thanks. |
Michael Olive - 04/26/98 17:29:41 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Where you live: Killeen, TX | Comments: Can't remember how I'm related to James Olive. My father's family lived in Mississippi. My Grandmother knows, I'll have to look it up. Kenneth Olive - father J.C. Olive - grandfather (Corinth, MS) |
Aaron - 04/25/98 23:36:18 My URL: My Where you live: England | Comments: Cool Page!! |
Ted Spires - 04/10/98 10:33:15 My Where you live: Wilts, England | Comments: Looking for Spires links and found the 'Olive Tree' |
Fred Olive - 04/09/98 15:47:53 My Where you live: Birmingham, AL | Comments: William Olive James Olive 1713 - 1805 Jesse Olive 1759 - 1829 Richard C. Olive 1786 - Aft. 1860 Richard Calvin Jones Olive 1812 - 1895 William Thomas Olive 1838 - Wilson Mercer Olive 1871 - 1955 (my great grandfather) |
William (Bill) Hinton Olive,III - 04/06/98 21:23:53 My Your Olive ancesters: William H.Olive,Jr (dad), William Hinton Olive ( grandfather) Where you live: Chattanooga,Tn | Comments: I have looked over your web page & think it's great. I must be one of the lost Olive's. I know my grandfather, W.H.Olive was born around 1900 to 1910. I have no idea of my great grandfather? I do know my grand parents lived in Durham, N.C. My grandmot er was Josephine Powell Olive. My parents have lived in Winston-Salem,N.C. all of there lives, and still do, William Hinton Olive,Jr(dad) , Shirley Denny Olive (mom). Myself W.H.Olive,III & my wife Melissa Mae Roddy Olive, live in chattanooga,TN. I have younger brother who lives in Myrtle Beach, S.C. His name is Robert Denny Olive. Any information I would love to hear. Thanks, Bill Olive |
Barb Rakers - 04/04/98 03:15:05 My URL: Your Olive ancesters: James Where you live: Highland, Illinois | Comments: I am interested in more about James Olive and his father. How did the stories get started about James jumping ship at 15? My ancestors - James Olive - Abel Olive - Abel Olive, Jr. - Charity Olive (Hampton) Tabor - George Washinton Tabor, Sr. - George W shington Tabor, Jr. - Sarah Tabor Daiber - Barbara Daiber Rakers |
Forrest D. Hale - 04/03/98 16:45:07 My Where you live: Butts Co., GA | Comments: |
Leroy Dedmon - 04/03/98 05:10:49 My URL: My Where you live: Woodstock, GA | Comments: enjoyed my visit to your page... |
John L. Inman - 04/03/98 04:17:59 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: James & Rachael Where you live: Havre & Great Falls, MT | Comments: Very Nice. Visit my homepages below. "" "" "" |
Linda Haddock - 04/02/98 23:41:07 My Your Olive ancesters: Fannie Olive Where you live: Kemah, Texas | Comments: |
Danny C. Champion - 04/02/98 02:11:25 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Sr -- Able Olive Sr. -- Uel Olive -- James M. Olive -- Charles Louis Douglas Olive -- Robert E. Lee Olive -- Viola May Olive (grandmother) Where you live: Las Cruces, NM | Comments: Good Page. I have my line under the geneology section of my home page. I will soon have links to other Olive pages. |
Jody Blocker - 03/23/98 01:06:16 My Your Olive ancesters: Leonidas T. Olive, Sr Where you live: Tampa, FL | Comments: I would like to thank my aunt, Pat Crooks, for all the work she has put into researching the family. And keeping me up to date on what she finds out. |
Jason David Marbut - 03/21/98 04:53:50 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: William Olive, James Olive, Rachel Odene Olive m Joseph Wiley Embry, William Brittain Embry, Jailey Woods Embry m Richard W. Appling, Selina Susan Appling m Edmond Thomas Whitson, Ozella Frances Whitson m Herbert Byron Major, yron Thomas Major m Helen Ollie Beatty, Dianne (NMN) Major m David Charles Marbut, and finally me: Jason David Marbut Where you live: Burleson, Texas | Comments: I like the Olives on the page. Very original... I've traced many family lines and found my self branching from an Olive Tree. Great site! |
Andrew Russel Olive - 03/10/98 21:40:37 My Your Olive ancesters: John Thomas Olive SR. Where you live: Minneapolis MN | Comments: I am the Grandson of John Thomas Olive who lived in Leavenworth KS. I was born in Mankato MN, raised in El Paso, TX. There are 9 siblings in my family. Nearly all retain the great name of Olive! |
marion olive - 03/10/98 00:53:52 My Your Olive ancesters: nate olive Where you live: el reno, ok | Comments: |
Patricia M. Crooks - 03/03/98 03:57:34 My Your Olive ancesters: Jesse, John, Leonidas, Leonidas, Ollie Mae Where you live: Punta Gorda, Fl | Comments: Had to sign your book again. This is truly wonderful how many Olives have signed in from all over the world. Thanks to you Danny, and Joe Payne, I found a cousin here in Florida, Karen Boone, who also descends from Leonidas. Thanks for this wonderful p ge. Pat |
Janet Flournoy - 02/22/98 16:17:45 My Your Olive ancesters: Abel, Uel Where you live: Abilene, TX | Comments: |
William (Bill) Robert Olive, Jr. - 02/22/98 02:02:46 My Your Olive ancesters: Joe Sercy Olive Where you live: 2248 Toniwood Lane, Palm Harbor, Florida 34685 | Comments: I am very excited to find someone who is commited to getting all the Olives together. If I can help, just let me know what I can do. Bill Olive |
Lois Conkey - 02/16/98 17:43:13 My Your Olive ancesters: Jesse Olive Where you live: Bella Vista, AR | Comments: |
Robert M. Olive, III (Bob) - 02/15/98 17:11:13 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive--John Olive--Burrell Olive--Henderson Olive--William Johnson Olive--Robert M. Olive, Sr--Robert M. Olive, Jr. Where you live: Strongsville (Cleveland), Ohio | Comments: I just discovered your site through the Olive Newsletter and look forward to many happy returns! I'm one of the few "northern" Olive surnames, although I was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I work in television, at WVIZ-TV in Cleveland, my wife is in health care management and my daughter Jennifer Anne Olive is a small animal (dogs, cats, etc.) veterinarian. I began serious research on my Olive roots about a year ago and have found the Olive Family Association invaluable. Thanks for the website, aniel! |
Jennie Netterville - 02/14/98 05:57:26 My Your Olive ancesters: Joseph Searcy Olive Where you live: Hattiesburg, MS | Comments: My mother is Tommie Jo Olive Netterville. She is the daughter of Ray & Claudia Olive. It's wonderful to see so many Olives all over the world and we can unite in such a wonderful way. |
Tommie Jo Olive Netterville - 02/13/98 03:09:08 My Your Olive ancesters: Joseph Searcy Olive Where you live: Woodville, MS. | Comments: Wow! I can't believe this website, how exciting. I am 58 years old. My father was Ray Searcy Olive. He died 10 years ago. My Mother Claudia died this last July. They visited Irene and attended one reunion. I have one Brother Raymond Olive, He has four son and he lives here in Woodville. We have four children, my husband is Fred Netterville, our website is us up. How wonderful to know about all of these Olive branches. The article in the newsletter about the Pond at McKamie isabout al of my relatives. |
Glenda Johnson - 02/12/98 06:53:44 My Your Olive ancesters: MAGGIE OLIVE BURNS Where you live: MUSCLE SHOALS, AL | Comments: Willie Edward Olive grandfather, Bedford Forrest,Gray Olive, John Olive son of Old James Olive. |
jim olive - 01/29/98 01:45:49 My Your Olive ancesters: old james,abel,jr Where you live: largo,fl | Comments: richard,B.1837,son of richard olive was my greatgrandfather my grandfather was oscar,B.1865,louieville,ky my father,william vernon was born in macaupin county,ill. 1898 |
Joe Payne - 01/28/98 20:14:54 My Your Olive ancesters: Sarah Olive-Dempsey Bowden Where you live: Nashville, TN | Comments: Who is the Leroy Olive in 1860 Henry Co., TN, with children Rufus B. and Jefferson T. ? |
Roderick David Olive - 01/24/98 03:09:49 My Your Olive ancesters: UK--AUSTRALIA Where you live: Brisbane Australia | Comments: Will keep in touch and send more info if interested |
Vicki Olive - 01/23/98 17:19:10 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Harvey Jefferson Olive Where you live: Alaska | Comments: I am just beginning to research my Olive ancestors. All I know about them are my great-grandparents names: Harvey Jefferson Olive and Betsy Gray. They are thought to have been from Tennessee and would have been married before 1917. Any and all assistan e would be greatly aprreciated. |
Nancy Cobb - 01/22/98 13:11:09 My Your Olive ancesters: Jesse Olive>James Olive>Robert A. Olive>Nathaniel Olive>George Winston Olive>Beatrice Olive Berry Where you live: Madison, AL | Comments: You have a great page with lots of info on the Olives. I'm impressed - what I smart cousin I have! |
Verenice Carbajal - 01/14/98 05:37:00 Where you live: El Paso TX | Comments: Cool |
Jim Jacques - 01/13/98 00:59:34 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: Virginia Beach, Va | Comments: I was here checking your page. Hit the surplus button or something first, and got off the track. You sure got a lot of 'cookie senders' and banners. they are a little distracting. The second and third from last photos look like they have been assigned pixel values which make them a little distorted. Good looking pages. Hope to get you added soon. Will send you a note. |
Rob - 01/11/98 00:52:58 | Comments: Danny, this page looks great. You did a good job. |
Hill W. Olive, Jr. - 01/10/98 01:02:27 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive, Jr. Where you live: Oklahoma City, Ok. | Comments: Would like to get information on Wiley Olive and wife Carrah Elizabeth. He died in Columbus Ga.(Muscogee County) abt 1911 or 12 or 13. Carrah Elizabeth died in Bainbridge Ga. in 1912. These are my grandparents. Thanks |
Butch Tucker - 01/09/98 03:45:39 My URL: My Where you live: Florence, Alabama,USA | Comments: Saw your link on a page where you left a message about the Banner Exchange at Geocities. I Have just begun the task of research on my family. Boy what a job this is. Come over my page and visit with my family. |
Sean Edward Olive - 01/06/98 19:41:02 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Father: John Edward Olive, Grandfather: Edward Thomas Olive Where you live: Thousand Oaks,CA,USA | Comments: My Olive descendants apparently came from Ireland in the 1800's and settled near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I have a genealogy book that traces this back to immigration to Canada, although nothing prior to this in Ireland. My fiancee is into geneology and wishes to research our tree. |
Robert Whitton Jr. - 01/05/98 19:05:44 My Your Olive ancesters: Lorraine Olive Whitton Where you live: Fultondale, Al 35068 | Comments: |
Stewart B. Olive - 01/05/98 16:42:12 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive 1700's Where you live: Orange TX | Comments: we published a genealogy of direct ancestors from 1700 to present. |
Karen Brown - 01/05/98 03:15:04 My Your Olive ancesters: Print Olive-James, Jr. Where you live: Des Moines, NM | Comments: Print Olive is my great-great grandfather. He was the son of James Olive,Jr. of the Thrall, TX. area. I was refered to this site by Steve Grimm who has a picture of the Olive family cemetary plot at Dodge City, Ks. on his web-site. |
josh - 01/04/98 23:19:09 My URL:/pipeline/2276 My Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: Canada | Comments: i like your page so far come and check mine out. please sign my guest book |
- 01/04/98 18:27:37 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: Canada, Alberta, calgary | Comments: |
Jami - 01/04/98 11:24:23 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: I don't know what that is.... Where you live: Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Comments: I like your page. It's really neat. Come check mine out sometime, and sign the guestbook too.:) |
Ken Aday - 01/04/98 05:21:44 My Your Olive ancesters: All Irish Where you live: Nitrate City | Comments: Cool Page Danny, I finally got on-line |
Eddy Olive - 12/30/97 22:02:47 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Charles Chapple Olive 1812-1866 Where you live: The Netherlands | Comments: Short: family tree Charles Chapple 1812-1866 son Charles Chapple (2 brothers and 1 sister)1844-?; 7 children, the youngest Edward Alexander 1890-1957; was my grandfather. Charles (1844)went to Indonesia, may be Ch. Ch. 1812 too. |
Garry E. Massey - 12/30/97 04:27:47 My Your Olive ancesters: Massey Where you live: Beaumont, Texas | Comments: Searching for Clyde Massey and others. |
Mike Whitton - 12/29/97 03:01:14 My Your Olive ancesters: Loraine Where you live: Gardendale, AL | Comments: Hi Danny, Hope you and your family had a great Christmas. This is a nice page you have started. Talk to you later. Mike |
Oscar Lee Olive III - 12/29/97 02:55:15 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive Where you live: Panama City, Florida | Comments: Here is our information My Father is Oscar Lee Olive Jr.- My Grandfather was Oscar Lee Olive Sr. My Great Grandfather was Charlie Newton Olive My 2nd Great Grandfather was James A. Olive My 3rd Great Grandfather was James Olive Our line was born in Ga. Do you know any descendants of James Olive that moved to Ga. from North Carolina, Virginia Etc? We cannot find the link any further back than 1803 Can you help us? Thanks so much Can you help us |
Kathy Hodge - 12/28/97 21:42:26 My Your Olive ancesters: Guy Walker Olive was my grandfather; his parents: Jesse Rutter Olive and Sarah Ann Walker; his parents: Jesse Olive and Barbara Ann Gray; his parents: Richard Olive and Evelina Rutter; his parents: Abel Olive Sr. and Martha (P tsy) Minter. Where you live: Murray, Kentucky | Comments: Looks like my Abel Olive Sr. is the youngest brother of your Jesse Olive who married Monicah Massey. How exciting to find a cousin!! Your page is great. Just found it today and hope to read it over much more carefully soon. |
Julia S. Eller - 12/27/97 21:29:42 My Where you live: Sneads Ferry. NC | Comments: I have a Hartsfield connection back to Andrew Hartsfield 1700-1759. I lived in Raleigh for many years, and after retiring here I discovered a whole pocket of Hartsfields here in Onslow County. My line is Mary (Polly) Hartsfield, 1797-?, Married first Calvin Smith and second James W. Wiggins |
Ms Behavin' - 12/27/97 04:54:36 My URL: My Where you live: California | Comments: Just wanted to drop by to say "Hello". Your site looks really nice. Thanks for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. Catch ya later, Ms_B;-} |
michael gordon - 12/19/97 05:19:03 My URL: Where you live: inuvik nwt canada | Comments: your welcome for the me if you have trouble |
David Olive - 12/05/97 14:14:28 My Your Olive ancesters: Thomas Henry Olive, London Where you live: Swansea, Wales | Comments: |
J.D. Weeks - 12/03/97 14:34:44 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: None known Where you live: Gardendale, AL | Comments: Enjoyed your page very much. Good luck on your research. |
Dale Olive - 11/30/97 09:28:25 My Your Olive ancesters: John Olive Where you live: Hawaii | Comments: Can anyone help find my link into the family? John Olive born may 15, 1878 is my great grandfather His son was Robert Marion Olive my grandfather. We think John was from south Georgia but I'm not sure. Please email me if you can help! Seeing all these "Olive" names has me excited! Thanks |
john olive - 11/28/97 09:28:36 My Your Olive ancesters: john olive Where you live: melbourne..australia | Comments: yeh hi ...I think my older brother Rick contacted you a few weeks back!!! it would sure be good if you could send regular updates to us Olives on this side of the world....yours truly John Edward Olive.... |
Andrew Richard Olive - 11/27/97 09:31:01 My Your Olive ancesters: Daniel Olive Where you live: Victoria, Australia | Comments: If anyone there knows of any other olive family geneaology sites please e-mail me the addresses. My dad is doing his family tree and is having trouble finding sites, Thank You Andrew Olive ( |
John Olive - 11/26/97 21:05:30 My Your Olive ancesters: Don't know yet! Where you live: Blackpool, England. | Comments: Olives of the world unite. |
gary olive - 11/25/97 12:48:27 My Where you live: conroe, texas | Comments: |
Flavio (falcon) - 11/25/97 00:03:15 My My Where you live: Utah | Comments: This page is cool!!! |
Genevieve Olive - 11/24/97 17:33:44 My Your Olive ancesters: John Thomas Olive Jr. Where you live: Albuquerque, New Mexico | Comments: I am thrilled to find this web page and hope to stay in contact and learn more about the Olive family genealogy!!! |
Carolyn Olive - 11/24/97 15:31:17 My Where you live: Austin, Texas | Comments: |
George Gilbert Olive, MD - 11/24/97 02:43:21 My Your Olive ancesters: Stewart Broadwell Olive, son of Young Bert Olive Where you live: Orange, Texas | Comments: My parents, Stewart and Marian Olive ( have extensively researched our ancestors. |
Neda Neathery - 11/21/97 02:35:05 My Your Olive ancesters: James-William-Merrill-James Loren-John-Joseph Benjamin-Henry Where you live: San Antonio, TX | Comments: You have a great web page! I'm the Olive in Orphie Neathery's family. Heard about your page from Midge Olive who got it from Gar Summy. Good news travels fast!! |
Orphie Neathery - 11/19/97 18:20:34 My Your Olive ancesters: Not one drop of Olive blood in me! Where you live: San Antonio, TX | Comments: Hi Dan, great page. Thanks for sending us the URL. (For those of you who are wondering, I'm married to Neda Olive.) |
Tim Olive - 11/18/97 02:07:17 My Your Olive ancesters: Howard Dudley (father), Josie (grandfather) Where you live: Atlanta | Comments: My father is Howard Dudley Olive, son of Josie Olive from Tenn. Josie died before my father turned 3, which means neither I nor my dad knew him. His wife was Iva (Fuqua). Dad has one sister, Corrine Dallavalle, living in St. Louis. His only brother, J e, died about 40 years ago. Dad is a retured Southern Baptist Missionary, with a ThD from Louisville Seminary. Hope this helps... Tim PS: About your web page - great job. There are some typos: "Ancestors" (on this screen) has only one "e". On the opening page: the "s" and C" on the word "descendants" are switched. Organization of the page is great; easy to find stuff. Keep up the good work. We need this!!! |
Tracy Olive-Kolnick - 11/16/97 22:32:58 My Your Olive ancesters: John Olive born c. 1785 England & Margaret(?)--->Richard Olive born 1824 England & Elizabeth (Kinney)---> Edwin Albert Olive born 1853 Wisconsin & Laura Belle Omo--->Raymond Claire Olive born 1884 Iowa & Zoe Edith Tripp--->Law ence Byron Olive born 1910 Iowa & Maxine Seavey--->Dennis Olive born 1939 dad Where you live: California | Comments: Nice page...I'm sure it will help many...hopefully ME!! |
Rick Olive - 11/13/97 05:31:08 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: Daniel O & Mary Ford Where you live: Australia | Comments: Hi,My name is Rick (Richard James) OLIVE.I live in Melton,Melbourne ,Australia.Our Olives arrived in Australia,in 1817,as a soldier.That was John Olive & his wife,Hannah nee Gilbert.John was christened at Bloomfield,Essex,England,on Mar 30,1788.His parent were Daniel & Mary nee Ford. It's good to find other Olives,around the world,as it's not a very common surname,here in Oz. We may all come from the same ancestry & have spread far and wide.I don't know if our branch hooks up with yours or not,or if you've gone back that far,yet,but i would be good to hear from you guys in the "States".The reunion in 1999 sounds great & I would try to make it,if we are related. My address,if anyone would like to write,is - 1 Corr Grove,Melton,Victoria, Australia,3337. Yours truly, Rick OLIVE. |
Jason Conner - 11/12/97 20:59:51 My Email:Jconner101@aol Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: Muscle Shoals, AL | Comments: Pretty cool site, Danny. |
Gar Summy - 11/12/97 14:56:50 My Your Olive ancesters: Old James son, Jesse Where you live: Bakersfield CA | Comments: Hi Dan, Made it into the page from my own machine this morning. Talk to you later. Gar |
Robert E. Olive - 11/04/97 03:55:56 My Your Olive ancesters: James Edward Olive (my father), Walter Edward Olive (my grandfather), John Olive (my great-grand father) Where you live: Harnett Co. North Carolina | Comments: I was very pleased to see your web site. I've always wondered about my ancestry. My daddy's parents died when he was young. He was sent to an orphanage in Thomasville NC. I am very interested in the Olive name and would like to trace my roots even further back in history. If you have any info that might help me, please e-mail at the address above. Again, thanks!! |
Celeste Kittinger - 11/03/97 01:35:28 My Your Olive ancesters: Irene Olive Kittinger Where you live: Cary, NC | Comments: Looks good to me!! |
Anna Elliott - 11/02/97 04:43:51 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: none Where you live: Ford City, Alabama | Comments: I like your web page. You did a good job on it. |
Tommy Elliott - 11/01/97 22:05:40 My Your Olive ancesters: None that I Know of. Where you live: Ford City Al. | Comments: You web page look great. Look like you have put a lot of work in to it. Talk to you later tommy. |
Mary Louise Gossum - 10/30/97 23:03:07 My Your Olive ancesters: James, Jesse, John, Rebecca Angeline Olive Where you live: Fulton, KY | Comments: Good job, Daniel. I'm glad I have smart relatives. Mary Louise |
Patricia M. Crooks - 10/30/97 10:37:36 My Your Olive ancesters: Jesse Where you live: Florida | Comments: Good job, Danny! |
Bennie Denton - 10/30/97 05:06:37 My Your Olive ancesters: John Wesley Olive Where you live: Milan,TN | Comments: Would like to know about John Addison Olive he was John Wesley's father |
Keith Olive - 10/30/97 04:00:48 My Your Olive ancesters: James Where you live: Yakima, WA | Comments: Hello Daniel. Great start on the page. You might want to change the spelling of a couple words. Geneaology and descendants. It's been great to hear that you and my Dad are in touch. I'm working on a calendar that shows the birthdates of relatives in m branch. I'll be in touch in the near future. Keith |
Rebecca Harris - 10/30/97 02:45:53 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive & Elizabeth>Jessie Olive & Monicah Massey>James Olive & Sarah Hartsfield> Jessie B Olive & Elizabeth Hamm> Jackson Newton Haddock & Sarah Frances Olive Where you live: Harker Heights, TX | Comments: Wonderful page! I too would like to meet more Olive cousins. Good luck and Happy Hunting. |
Bill Hurst - 10/30/97 01:44:03 My Your Olive ancesters: James Olive --> William Olive --> James Olive --> Guilford Olive --> Haywood Hilliard Olive --> Boyette Fleming --> Pearl Olive --> Era Waddill Where you live: McKinney, TX | Comments: Great job, Dan! I hope it brings us all more information on our family. |
Linda McClellan - 10/29/97 18:20:50 My URL: My Your Olive ancesters: William Olive-James & Elizabeth Olive - William & Ann Hendon Olive - James B. & Waitey Guilford Strait Olive - Guilford & Margaret Jones Olive - Hillard Haywood & Sarah Sharman Olive - Boyette Fleming & Maggie Andrew Proctor O ive - Mary Fizer Olive & Robert Earl Lee Where you live: Mountain Home, Arkansas | Comments: Great new page. I hope you will find many new relatives. My personal homepage is |
Gene O. Roberts - 10/28/97 23:35:10 My Your Olive ancesters: Anthony Olive Where you live: Plano, TX 75075 | Comments: Thanks to Daniel for all his help! -- My wife, not I, has the Olive connection. |
Daniel Olive - 10/28/97 00:14:49 | Comments: This is a test, it is only a test. |