David E. Brown
995 Montclair Drive
Streetsboro, OH 44241
(330) 626-1838
(419) 297-4671

Monthly newsletter (1994-2002) for Eastminster Presbytery on hunger and peacemaking issues for about 100 different churches. Writer, Office of Communications,United Church of Christ national offices, Cleveland, Ohio, 1994. Chair of the Communications Division and board member of the Akron Area Association of Churches 1994 - 2003.
Webmaster for Safety Net, website for people who help people.
Full-time ordained minister to congregations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 1975-1991, in Ohio, Michigan and Missouri.
Hunger/ Peacemaking Enabler of Eastminster Presbytery, Youngstown, Ohio, June 1994-2002. Intentional Interim Pastor to UCC, Disciples of Christ, and Presbyterian Churches, part time and full time, 1993- present.
Bachelor of Music in French horn from the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, 1972.
Master of Divinity from Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1975.
Master of Arts in Mass Media Management, Kent State University School of Journalism and Mass Communications, 3.6 grade point average, Kent, Ohio, 1997.
Conducted an Appreciative Inquiry Summit at the Hampton Park Christian Church, Toledo, Ohio, followed by a unique, creative media blitz which was written up in Disciples World magazine,2007. Developed a Lenten Bible study program on the five developmental tasks of interim ministry. Organized the first CROP walks for hunger in Elyria, Lima and Paulding, Ohio.
Vocal Music Director, 1993, I'm Sorry the Bridge Is Out, Streetsboro Community Theater. Director of Bearded Brother Brown's Beautiful Benevolent Birth Band of Peacemakers, 1996.
Founded and directed two ecumenical swing choirs: The Alive Generation (Toledo, 1971-74)and The Reconciliation Singers (Lima, 1975-76).