My Second Home,

Pico Blanco

Here is my summer home away from home. Pico Blanco is a Boyscout reservation, and is the most spectacular place that I've ever been.

First off, My first experience at Pico Blanco came about when I was pretty young, and ever since then, I've loved it. The sunshine filtering through the trees, the waterfalls, the hikes, and dusty trails. Everything there is better (well, excepting the mysterious Pico Paste of course). My life would never be the same, or quite this rich If I wasn't involved at Pico.

There are a lot of summer camps out there. But none quite like Pico. No where else can you find Head-Whammies, Bridges to nowhere, or staff as crazy as they have there.

Pico Blanco is a BSA Scout reservation, in a beautifully secluded spot in Carmel, Ca. There's so much to say about it, that there's almost no way to describe's something that you'd have to experience.

I worked on Summer Camp Staff in 1998 and 1999 (almost '97, but had to back out at the last minute). I worked in the Nature Lodge with my goofy pals Larry and Morgan (otherwise known as Scary Larry and the Rainbow Pony). Hopefully, I'll upload my work picture of us, our director Craig, and Nature's Friend (Heck Everyone's friend), Jeff Doan. Then you can see what Quality people I surrounded myself with.

Nevertheless, I had a memorable summer,I taught scouts about Environmental Science, Geology, and Oceanography. I miss it a lot. The nature lodge was good, because we were able to really interact with our surroundings. We taught conservation, and showed the uses of many native plants. Redwood tea was the best. The worst part of my classes was grading assignments.

Even then, It wasn't so bad. Morgan, Larry, Debby*, Trevor*, and I would camp ourselves outside our friend Adam's tent, and all be in bluecard misery together.

*Friends of Nature, our faithful bluecard buddies.

And if you're REALLY wierd, you just might like to check out the Pico Blanco Songbook!!

Anyway, I'd love to hear from any of you cyber-surfers checkin' out this page. Tell me if you've been in Boyscouts, or Explorer Scouts, Any experiences you've had with Pico Blanco, I'd love to hear about it!

One of the true and the brave saluting our beautiful flag

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