Welcome to Jenny's phenomenally
annoying website

Hi! I'm Jenny (as if you couldn't
tell). I am a 21-year-old College Student with a fairly busy social life. Of course, that involves getting coffee, studying and going dancing, and playing video games. At any rate, if you're wondering why this page looks so freaking outdated, scripted better by a retarded monkey, that's why. I'm too lazy to revamp the page. It's just not worth it to me. Sorry, but it's not. So, if you're truly interested in a page that probably hasn't had a good once-over since '98 or 2000, go right on ahead and browse ;) Click Here
to learn more about me... if you dare.
Here's a picture of me....Just kidding, It's really
Marilyn Monroe... Most people can't tell the difference though. *grin*

If you like Marilyn
as much as I do, You'll really enjoy this site

I'm just your basic human being with a few minor adjustments.. you know, superhuman strength, x-ray vision, and the ability to get tangled up in a cordless phone. I also am one of the only people I know to have a stupid human trick that not everyone can do. This allows me to gumby with small objects (Like Spoons). And NO! Gumby-ing is NOT slang for anything Dirty (at least, not to my knowledge). It's a crazy trick that's popular at Pico Blanco.
I was on staff there for two summers (which by no means makes me an expert),But I have the love for the camp, and for scouting itself. Anywho,
it was a total Blast!! So, if you wanna see how great it is, check out
the page! (although the pictures do little justice to how great it really is).
Click on my E-mail addy to drop me
a note!
Come visit my Bungalow and meet my Doompah if you're really daring!
Visit Geocities,
and get a page of your own!!