Lady Claire's Home Page
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Welcome to Lady Claire's Home Page - my humble abode on the web!!
Hi! I'm Claire - keeper of the house.
As in my real-time house, this home has several interesting rooms. Please make yourself comfortable, don't worry about over staying your welcome, and join me for the cook's tour. Just click on the room names to start. The furniture here gets rearranged quite often so, please, don't be a stranger. We'd love to see you again
The rooms we will visit today are:
- The Foyer - Over here you will find short bios on family members.
- The Craft Room - A showcase for Claire's Creations. Here are displays of my hand-made cloth dolls and country crafts.
- The Sewing Room - Here you will find some Quilt/Doll Challenges, a listing of cloth doll clubs and links to cloth doll related sites. If you know of a doll club or site that should be included here, please let me know!!

- The Kitchen - Here you will find some of our favorite recipes.
- John's Room - John's passion is Goosebumps. Here you will find some of his favorite books and links to cool Goosebumps sites.

- Corinne's Room - Cori has adopted a little mouse baby. Visit the house she has created for the little creature. It is full of surprises!

- The Playroom - Our favorite links to fun sites on the web.
- The Family Room - Here you will find the surnames I am researching, my family tree and links to other Genealogy related sites on the web.

- The Trophy Room - Here are some of the awards I have received for my web page and my dolls.
- The Jewelry Box - Here you will find the Webrings I belong to.
- The Friendship Garden - Take time to stop and smell the roses. Visit this garden dedicated to some of my dearest friends.
- Dad's Garage - Here you will find all Dad's cars (NASCAR die-cast collectibles, that is).

- The Guest Room - Please sign our guest book. We love to know who has dropped by and what they have to say about our home. After you have signed in, feel free to view our guestbook. Our guests have some wonderful web sites you can visit from this page!

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times since April 24, 1997.
Site Created in September 1996 and Last Updated February 21, 1998 by: Claire Wichelmann
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