Kim Clement
Dec. 16, 1995
"I pray for Detroit city that, God, You would send forth Your flame to the four corners of the earth. I prophesy on behalf of the Lord God Jehovah. From this city I will prophesy to the nation. I will send forth my flame to the north, the south, to the mountains, to the west and a flame shall come from this City. No, it will not be confined to one building, but it will spread to Ohio so mightily. They will say, "Is the Lord in Ohio as mightily as He is in Detroit?" They will say they are like one. They are like one state. The Spirit of the Lord says I will combine one group. The Spirit of the Lord says I will combine a group of men and women from Ohio with a group from Detroit, Michigan and I will cause them to have one mighty hand and they will become warriors together and a group shall be organized—a force, an organization that shall not be dictated to by the system of this world, but I will begin to raise up Calebs and Joshuas. I will begin to raise up young men that are not afraid. I will raise up young men that are not afraid of the giants in the land. They will not be a part of the report of the ten, but they will say this is our hour to go in and take the land.
And God says, I want you to know that what I am doing in this city shall be broadcast into South America, I will go to the islands of the sea. I will go to Africa. I will go to Asia. I will go through out the world and they will say, "What is it that God spoke in His simplicity?" and God will speak to them. He will say, it is not because of a location- but because a people decided they would not give up until it actually happened and it shall, says the Lord. This day I promise you I will not abandon you. I have wept over you, Detroit. I have wept over you. I have called you by name as a hen that gathereth chicks. I will not move away from you and you will not miss your day of visitation, says the Lord. I will surprise you. I will gather your families together and they will become one. I will bring in prophets that will prophesy to your children. I will bring in the very best that I have.
I will cause three states to become as one where there will be such a political breakthrough that others will look and they will focus in on this three-state triangle and they will say, "How in the world did it happen there—the most ridiculous, radical, defiant bunch of people." And they will begin to hear the sounds, Motown, Motown, Motown, God has called you by name. I will certainly do what I did – far greater than I did hundreds of years ago. Yea, God says, even as I prophesy this the people will begin to talk about it—it shall begin to be published and you will draw the news media because they will say these people are doing something that is different to any other Christian that has ever walked the face of the earth. They have proclaimed unity and their proclamation has affected the little children at school, has affected the prisons, has even gone deep into Illinois into the greatest prison and God says has even brought about a miracle to where there's space in that prison. I will cause a miracle to happen in Illinois. Listen to the Word of the Lord - because of your prayers and your gatherings here, Illinois will not be known as the place where prisoners gather together, but I will cleanse it out and revival shall take place in the prison in Marian, Illinois. Outside on the outskirts, I will go through the territories and I will take young men and young women that were rapist - that were murderers, and I will make them apostles and prophets, says the Lord. I have heard the cry of the mothers for their children. I have heard the cry of the fathers for their sons and I will connect them together and I will rally them together in Detroit, Michigan in 1996. Summer will come and summer will go and great shall be the outcry and God says they shall hear from all over the nation, God has come back to America and has come back to visit us again, says the Lord of Hosts. Y-E-S-S-S, Y-E-S-S-S!!! "