Trisha (Sept 1989-Feb 1995) | |
Trisha was our very first ferret She was a siamese that we were given by our oldest son. He was being transferred to Cal. and couldn't take her with him. We got her on Laborday weekend of 1989. She was an only ferret until we get Furnando on Oct 1990. She was a very sweet girl who loved to play with her new brother. She developed a medical problem in Feb 1995 and never recovered from surgery. | ![]() |
Furnando (Oct 1990-Nov 7 1995) | |
Furnando was our second ferret purchased from a local pet store. He had the coloration of a light silver mitt but turned out to be a dark eyed white. Nando and Trisha enjoyed many wonderful times running and playing with each other. They took several trips with us in our RV to Iowa and even one trip to Arizona. With two ferrets we quickly learned how rough ferrets play with each other. Nando developed a heart murmur and began retaining fluids. Nando crossed over the rainbow bridge on Nov 7 1995. | ![]() |
Nicholas (Nov 7, 1995-Aug 22, 1997) | |
On Nov 7, 1996 we seen two ferrets in a farm implement store. We decided that they would be a nice addition to our Ferret business. Niki was a Black Sable and had a sore right front leg from being dropped by a perspective buyer in the store. His leg became better with all the exercise he got playing with 3 other ferrets. He made a trip to the Black Hills with us in our RV. He developed juvenile lymphoma in July 1997, he passed over the Rainbow Bridge on Aug 22, 1997. | ![]() |
Gideon (Dec 19, 1998-Jan 2, 1999) | |
On Dec 19, 1998 we got Gideon from a local pet store. Gideon had been turned over the store by his orignial owner to be sold. Gideon had to remain in the store for 30 days because someone had placed a deposit on him but never called or came in to see him. Gideon was a light silver mitt and loved to play with the 6 other ferrets he was housed with. He seemed to have trouble walking right, probably caged before we got him. After a trip to the vets office for dehydration He passed over the Rainbow Bridge on Jan 2, 1999. | ![]() |
Athena (Oct 22, 1997-April 26, 1999) | |
We heard about Athena and her cagemate Cassie by reading about them on the FML. They had been left in a tiny pet carrier beside a dumpster at a truck stop in Iowa. On Oct 22, 1997 we acquired both Athena and Cassie from the shelter in Iowa. Athena was a dark silver and weighed only 15 ozs. After 4 months of forced feeding she decided she had something to live for. Athena was very timid and was picked on by the other ferrets so she was housed with her original cagemate. In June 1998 we acquired 3 girls from our local shelter. Athena got along fine with the new girls and then had 4 cagemates. She became very large in the abdomine, thinking it was adrenal problem she had surgery which revealed a very large tumor. Athena passed passed over the Rainbow bridge 2 1/2 hours after surgery. | ![]() |
Kiera (June 26, 1998-Feb. 19, 2000) | |
Our Kiera crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning (2/19/00) with no warning of any illness. We adopted Kiera along with Gwyn and Dede from our local shelter on June 26, 1998. It took us about 4 months for her to learn that playing with toys her cagemates was the ferty thing to do. Kiera had a unique habit, she liked to french kiss she had the fastest tongue in the midwest. She was a sweet little girl and we will miss her terribly. |
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Alexa (Jan 10, 1999-Aug 10, 2000) | |
Our Alexa crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning. (8/10/00) She had been acting as if she had a sprained back leg, but she must have had an internal rupture She was about 6 years old and hasn't been around other Ferrets. Alexa had Adrenal surgery on 04/24/00 | ![]() |
George(Feb 22, 1999-Aug 10, 2001) | |
George "The Navigator" was rescue from Northern Ohio. He earned the nickname because on the 11 hour trip here, he only had 4 -5, 15 minute naps. We were told that he was 7 1/2 years old which would make him about 10 years old which is a long life for a ferret.George crossed over the Rainbow Bridge at 00:30 Aug 10, 2001 After almost being starved to death in late 1998, he quickly gained weight once we got him home. He was housed with 9 other ferrets and appeared to be very happy for the 2 1/2 years he was with us. He did not pass alone, we were both here for him until the end. We will miss George very much. | ![]() |
Tatiana (Aug 22 1997-Dec 28 2001) | |
We lost our Tatiana today at 11:18am 28 Dec. 2001. She started passing dark blood on Sunday but seemed to have gotten through that, but did not have use of her right hind leg. Last night she refused to even take feratone which she dearly loved. At that point we knew that it was only a matter of time. Tatiana was born with a heart murmur and had been taking Anapril (a heart medicine) for the last 2 years. She then developed a kidney problem but was not a candidate for surgery due to her heart condtion. She was only 4 years and 6 months old. She never weighed more then 1 lb. 5 ozs, she was tiny. We will miss her terribly. "Death closed her mild black eyes; In our Garden she lies; Ne'er shall the sun arise On such another." --from a poem by Longfellow | ![]() |
Augustus (Sept 9, 1997-July 24, 2002) | |
Our Augustus "Gus" crossed over the Rainbow Bridge at 12:13am Wednesday July 24, 2002. Gus was only 5 years old. About 4 days prior we noticed he started showing signs of hind end weakness and quit eating, although he would still willingly eat duck soup in the morning with the rest of the group. We made an appointment on Friday for what we suspected was inslanoma. We got him up at 11:00pm to give him more duck soup so he wouldn't get too hungry overnight. We noticed that he was bleeding out and he wouldn't eat. Gus pasted away 1 hour and 15 minutes later. At least he wasn't by himself. We will miss Gus very much. . |
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Alexandra (Oct 7, 1996-July 30, 2002) | |
Our Alexandra "Lexi" crossed over the Rainbow Bridge at 11:00pm Tuesday July 30, 2002. Lexi was only 6 years old. We got Lexi from our local Co-Op store along with her cage mate "Nicholus". We were told that they both came from a breeder somewhere around Kansas City but they could not tell us who they were. Lexi was an Alpha ferret who didn't back away from any of the other ferrets, but she was still a very sweet little girl. At least she wasn't by herself. We will miss Lexi very much. . |
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Angelica (Feb 15, 1995-Sept. 1, 2002) | |
Our Angelica "Angel" crossed over the Rainbow Bridge at 10:00pm Sunday Sept. 1, 2002. She had quit eating about 2 weeks ago and we were feeding her DS 4 timnes a day. In the 7 1/2 years we had Angel she never had a sick day in her life. After we lost our Trisha from surgery we needed a playmate for Furnando. We also needed to fill the void left by Trisha's passing. After checking several pet stores, who didn't have any ferrets, we found one store that had just 1 ferret. She was 5 months old and had been in the store for 3 months We were told that she was a biter-yeah right. She is the most gentle ferret we have seen. We named her �ngel" because we felt that she was just waiting for us in our time of need. We will miss our Angel, but she was 8 years old and I guess it was just her time. . |
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Maxmillion (Oct 11, 1995-April 23, 2003) | |
We decided to have our Max put to sleep today. He suffered a seizure on Jan 26th and never fully recovered. He had to be hand fed most of the time but once in a while he would eat some kibble on his own. He quit eating and drinking 48 hrs ago and rather then watch him starve himself we decided to do the humane thing and help him along to the rainbow bridge. That was one of the HARDEST things we have had to do. We had Max for 7 1/2 years and we hope that we gave him an enjoyable life while he wwas with us. | ![]() |
Scooter (Sept 22, 2001-June 13, 2003) | |
When Scooter was brought to us on Sept 22, 2001 we were told that he was 2 years old. He was a beautiful playful little boy. Our vet diagnosed that he had liver cancer just a few days before he passed over the rainbow bridge. He died in my arms that evening We miss him very much. He was only 3 years and 8 months old, too young to cross overthe bridge. | ![]() |
Deidre (June 26, 1998-Aug 25, 2003) | |
We acquired Deidre from our and Keira. She had surgery on 2-21-00 to remover her left adrenal gland, She had a Luron shot on 4-24-01, She had a 2nd surgery on 11-15-02 to remove most of her right adrenal gland, She had another Lupron shot on 6-13-02. On 8-24-03 she exhibited signs of pain while going potty so we took her to an Emeregency Clinic an X-Ray revealed that her cancer had moved up into her chest and lungs, we helped our beloved Deidre over the Rainbow Bridge on Monday 8-25-03. That was one of the hardest things we have had to do. |
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Dewy (Sept 11, 1999-Dec 8, 2003) | |
This is Dewy. She is a 3 year old retired breeder. She is a beautiful Cinnamon but looks more Champagne during the summer. We had her for over 4 years. She has had surgery for insulanoma, but just last night (12/8/03) it returned and left her unable to stand. We helped her acoss the Rainbow Bridge. |
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Moose (Sept 22, 2001-Dec 26, 2003) | |
Moose was delivered to us on September 22, 2001 along with Scooter. Moose was a bit leary about playing with the other ferts which are a bit smaller then him. After about two months he realized that playing with the others, including the much smaller girls was an axceptable behavior in this home. Moose has become the "Peace Maker amongst the ferts in his group. If he feels that two of the others are playing too rough he would go and break them up. On Dec 26, 2003 we brought Moose to the vet with what we thought might be a blockage while in surgery our vet called to let us know that Moose was full of cancer on all his organs. We told the Vet not to even wake him up. As hard as it is to lose a ferret we had to think of the humane thing to do for him. He will be missed | ![]() |
Gwynhwfar (June 26, 1998-Jan 7, 2004) | |
We acquiered Gwyn along with Dede and Kiera from our local shelter. Gwyn was with us the longest. On Nov 7, 2003 she was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. She had been on Pred every since then. The tumor has been growing and had become very large and was starting to interfere with her bodily functions. So as not to let her suffer we helped her across the Rainbow Bridge on Jan 7, 2004. We will miss this sweet little girl. | ![]() |
Skittles (Sept 1, 2001-Jan 19, 2004) | |
Skittles came to live with us on Sept. 1, 2001. She is a 5 year old sable and is very sweet. Skittles needed a home where she would get the love and attention she was used to receiving....Her former owner had to find her a suitable home since she is attending West Point Academy. ...Having been an only ferret all of her life she is over whelmed by the 9 ferrets that she will eventually be housed with. ...We are working with her to re-socialize her back into the fert life style. At present she is quite aggresive towards the other ferrets. On Jan 18 Skit was not acting right, she wouldn't even take Ferretone. We placed her in our hospitol cage so we could keep an eye on her. About 1:15am she started moaning so we got up to hold her. She passed over the bridge at 1:30am on Jan 19, 2004. She was a sweet little girl and will be missed greatly. | ![]() |
Micky(May 26, 2003-Feb 22, 2004) | |
Micky came to us on 26 May '03 along with 3 other ferrets. He is a very shy ferret but loves to be held. He was in good health when he was brought to us, and over comes his shyness when eat the various foods we offer Mickey started showing signs of aggression towards the other ferts so on Jan 5, 2004 he underwent surgery where they found that his left adrenal was inflamed. He recovered from this surgery quickly. Then on Feb 18 we noticed that he was having trouble urinating. The vet discovered that his bladder was full and not draining Micky spent Thursday night at the vets office and had his bladder drained again the next day. That afternoon he underwent surgery where they found an absess on his prostrate gland, it was removed by lazer they also cleaned and flushed his bladder. We got him home Friday night, but he wouldn't eat his duck soup as usual. At about 7am on Sunday Feb 22, 2004 Micky crossed over the bridge. He was a shy little guy and too young to have so many problems. He will be missed. |
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Oberon(Oct 25 2000-Nov 29 2004) | |
Oberon is an MF and is 4 months old as of this date 25 Oct 2000. We obtained Oberon from a young lady who was moving out of state and couldn't take him or his cagemate Heimdallr. The name Oberon comes from the Shakespearian play "A Midsummer's NightsDream". Oberon was the king of the Fairies and quite the trickster. On November 10th 2004 He was diagnosed with Lymphosarcoma, both lungs were 80% filled with fluid. The vet removed a large amount of the fluid. Obe was eating and playing quite well until the morning of Nov 29 when he refused to eat his DS and was stomach breathing rapidly. At 2pm we helped Oberon over the Rainbow Bridge. We miss him already. | ![]() |
Honey(Feb 20 2000-Dec 31 2004) | |
Honey crossed over the Rainbow Bridge early this morning. She was 1 year old when she came to us. On June 9, 2003 she had numerous seizuers that took us 4 hours to bring her out of and has not been her self since. She even lost her taste for Ferretone. Two months later she was diagnosed with an inoperable right adrenal. She was getting around quite well for most of this period but had began to have problems getting around. She was a very sweet and gentle girl, even up to the end. She would have been 7 years old on March 13, 2005. We miss her already. | ![]() |
Cassiopia(Oct 22, 1997- May 21, 2005 ) | |
This is Cassiopia She is one of our Iowa Shelter Ferts. She never had a sick day until about 2 weeks before she started losing control of her bodily functions. She was placed in our hospital cage because she needed 2 baths a day to prevent her from getting a urine burn. She slipped away peacefully in her sleep at about 8pm on May 21 2005. We hope that her life with us was a happy one. |
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Nuttin' (Feb 20, 1999- July 14, 2005 ) | |
This is Nuttin'. She is one of our half German Ferrets. Nuttin' has had 2 surgeries for inslunoma and one adrenal removed. For the last few months she has had several sugar crashes. This morning she would not eat her DS and was lethargic. At about 1pm she started having screaming seizures. At 2:30pm we helped her over the rainbow bridge. She had 4 seizures on the way to the vets office. Nuttin' was 7 yrs, 4 months and 1 day old. |
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Jakob(Sept. 29, 2000 - July 22, 2005 ) | |
This is Jakob. We got him Sept. 29, 2000. He was supposed to have his toys and hammacks along with him, but these were not delivered with him. He was very happy on his trip to our house after traveling for 7 hours in a small taxi. A little over 2 months later we bought a baby ferret (11 ozs) and Jakob latched onto him as if he was Shibi's mother. Jakob was a very docile ferret but was very capable of defending himself. He stopped eating a few days before his visit to the vet on July 19, 2005. Phisically he had nothing wrong, but the blood work showed a very low glucose level. After his afternoon feeding he toddled of and went to sleep and didn't wake up. He did not appear to have been in any pain as he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. |
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Snug(Sept. 11, 1999-Sept. 9, 2005) | |
We adopted Snug on Sept. 11, 1999 He is a 1/2 Swede boy and weighed around 4 lbs. Snug is 1 1/2 years old and a very sweet boy. Snug is housed with Dewy and Abou, a Mother and Son. Snug crossed over the RainBow Bridge tonight at 8:05pm on Sept. 9, 2005. He was in his Mommies arms as he crossed the bridge. We don't know if he was aware of this, but we feel that he was, we feel that he knew that he was not alone. We will miss our Sweet Snug. | ![]() |
Tzar (Sept. 2, 1998-Dec. 2, 2005) |
On Sept. 2, 1998 we got Tzar from our local PetCo store, he was already 4 months old and they had just gotten 3 small kits. We were concerned that he would not be brought at his age. He has changed color patterns 3 times. We had him for 7 years and 2 months and he seemed to enjoy his time with us. He crossed over the rainbow bridge at 11:08 am on Dec. 2 2005 laying in his Mommies arms. He will be missed very much, but will be happy as he joins his friends that have gone before him |
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Dante (June 1999-Jan 6 2006) | |
This is Dante, our other e-mail desert ferret. He is a beautiful Blaze mitt. He has white on the very tips of his toes and also a small white spot on the tip of his tail. He also has white knee patches. He is being "mothered" by Nuttin', one of our german girls, who is only 15 months old herself...Dante had alcer problems for the last coupleof years. We had him at the vet on the 2nd of Jan and had blood work done, his sugar level did not even register. Dante crossed over the Rainbow Bridge at 10:40am on Jan 6 2006. We will miss our lttle Dante very much |
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Renegade (June 1, 2003-Jan 13, 2006) | |
This is Renegade. We are fostering him while his mommy is in Italy for about 2 years. He am housed with his buddy and 10 other ferts. He has plenty of free run time and likes all of the different foods offered. Rene never was a very large ferret, but he was loosing weight and had to be force feed. Rene passed over the Rainbow Bridge quietly in his sleep the early morning of Jan 13, 2006..He was a very sweet boy and we will miss him. Rest well Renegade . |
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Chu-Min (June 15, 1999-April 1, 2006) | |
This is Chu-Min (Chuey). We refer to him as our e-mail desert ferret. We discovered that he was available for adoption by searching the internet for ferret breeders. It didn't take us long to decide that we had to have him for our own. He was born on 4-25-99 He is a silver Panda. We had not had him more than 3 days when our Two german girls, Nuttin' and Honey decided to make him and his brother Dante there kits. The girls are very protective of them. We have not had them long enough to really get to know them but they are very energetic and love to play We got him on 6-15-99 He is a beautiful Panda Mitt. Chu-Min crossed over the rainbow bridge on April 1, 2006. He had his afternoon DS then crawled off to the comforter at the foot of our bed and went to sleep. |
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Angel2 (March 8, 2006-April 10, 2006) | |
This is Angel2, She was found in a dumpster behind out local pet store by the lady who picks up the trash. She brought Angel2 to our Vet in town who called us at 8:00am. We went in and got her imediately. She was in very bad shape, cold and couldn't use hind legs. We brought her home to do what we could for her. She was very thin as if she had not eatten in quite a while. She had little endurance but seemed to enjoy walking around and eating the various foods we have out. She only lived a month and 2 days but at least she didn't die a horrible death that could have been her fate. |
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Abou (Sept. 11, 1999-June 4, 2006) | |
This is Abou. We adopted him on Sept 11, 1999. He is a beautiful and very playful little boy. He is about 1 1/2 years old. Abou crossed over the rainbow bridge on June 4, 2006 He did not seem to be in any pain he just quietly slipped away. He was 8 years..2 months so he had a good long life. |
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Freyja (April 9, 2000 - June 24, 2006) | |
This is Freyja. We renamed her because she was called Chomper. We aquired her on April 9th under very unusual circum- stances. She was a very frightened little girl. We think she is about 6 months old. She had both adrenals removed and never got her fur back fully. We lost Freyja on June 24, 2006. We feel that she had a happy life with us. |
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Shibisan (Dec. 1, 2000 - July 16, 2006) | |
This is Shibisan. He is our new baby boy. We got him on Dec 1, 2000 He weighed only 11 ozs. Now 3 weeks later he has doubled his weight up to 1 lb 6 ozs. We think he will be a blaze, but right now he is a speckled mess. Shibisan passed over the Rainbow Bridge on July 16, 2006. He never bonded with any other ferret after his best friend "Jakob" passed away. He was only 5 1/2 years old |
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Bear (May 12, 2005 - Sept. 24, 2006) | |
Bear was 5 yrs old when he came into our lives. For the first 6 mos. he did nothing but lay in my lap and he was happy there. I called him my :Teddy Bear" After that time, he decided he could explore and play. He liked the crinkle bag and tubes the best and he played with his cagemate, Bandie. Approximately 2 mos. ago we found out that he had Lymphoma, HOT, we started him on meds. Right away, giving it to him in baby food off of a small silver spoon Bear died today, Sept. 24, 2006 at about 1:45pm laying on his daddy's tummy in a blankie. It was peaceful. |
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Bandit (May 26, 2003 - Nov. 9, 2006) | |
This is Bandit. Bandit came to us on 26 May '03. He had no appitite and black stools. He weighed 1 lb 10 ozs. With the proper medications his black stools became normal. His appitite has improved and he now weighs 2 lbs 6 ozs. His previous owner felt that he didn't have the required time to spend with the ferrets and that it would be better for them to find them a good home. Now he is here for the rest of his natural life. He is a wonderful and loving little ferret. Bandit made his decision this morning that it was his time to cross over the Rainbow Bridge. He wouldn't ever take any ferretone which he dearly loves. He Bandit crossed over the bridge at 9:00pm this evening as he layied in my arms. I believe he knew that he was loved and enjoyed his 3 1/2 years with us. |
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Shooter (June 1, 2003-June 25, 2007) | |
This is Shooter. We are fostering him while his mommy is in Italy for about 2 years. He am housed with his buddy and 10 other ferts. He has plenty of free run time and likes all of the different foods offered. Shooter started having screeming seizures and only settled down for short periods of time. The seizures became more frequent and more violent, so at 11:30pm we woke up our vet so he could help Shooter cross the Rainbor Bridge .He was a very sweet boy and we will miss him. Rest well Shooter. |
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Snowy (May 26, 2003-Oct 11, 2007) | |
This is Snowy, He came to live with us on May 28, 2003 along with 3 other ferrets. He is a long ferret but weighed only 2 lbs 2 ozs In the first 2 months he gained 8 ozs and has nice long/soft fur On Sept. 27, 2006 he underwent bi-lateral adrenalectomy. On Nov. 24, 2006 he had a meletonin im- plant. Then on Oct. 10, 2007 he had perineal urethrostomy, but it was too much for him and he crossed over the rainbow bridge at 8:30am on Oct. 11, 2007. He was not in any pain that we could tell. He will be missed |
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Zeus (Oct., 1996--Dec 3, 2007) |
This is Zeus. He came to us as an 8 week old kitten. He became a big weighing 18 lbs with fine long hair. He quit eating a while back but his full blood panel showed no abnormal problems. Zeus died at 3 pm on Dec. 2007. | ![]() |
Harry (May 26, 2003- Feb 3, 2008) | |
This is Harry, He came to live with us on May 28, 2003 along with 3 other ferrets.Their owner had to give them up due to medical problems. Harry and the other 4 are housed with 5 ofther ferrets. Harry is a very loving albino boy. On Aug. 3, 2007 he underwent adrenal surgery. The end of January Harry stopped eating on his own and started to refuse being force fed. Harry crossed cover the rainbow bridge at at 3:30pm on Feb. 3, 2008. He was not in any pain that we could tell. He will be missed |
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Dude (May 26, 2003- March 19, 2008) | |
This is Dude, He is one of 5 ferrets we acquired on 27 May, 2003. Their owner had to give them us due to medical problems. Dude and the other 4 are housed with 5 other ferrets. He is a gentle ferret for as large as he is. On March 1st when time to get him up we noticed that Dude could use his back legs. A vet visit on March 11, using an ultrsound, detected a large amout on fluid in his abdoman. He was put on meds. to get rid of the fluid. Then on March 19 Dude went in for surgery. Half way through surgery Dude's heart stopped, attempts to rececitate him failed. At least he crossed the rainbow bridge quickly and without pain. He will be missed very much. | ![]() |
Heimy (Oct. 25, 2000 - Aug. 15, 2008) | |
Heimy is an MF and is 4 months old as of this date 25 Oct 2000. We obtained Heimy from a young lady who was moving out of state and couldn't take him or his cagemate Oberon. Heimdallr, in Norse Mythology he is the youngest son of Odin. He is the Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge Heimy crossed the Rainbow Bridge on August 15, 2008. He was 8 years and 2 months old. He had a long and happy life. He will be greatly missed. | ![]() |
Manda (May 26, 2003- November 29, 2008) | |
This is Manda. Manda came to us on 26 May '03 along with 3 other ferrets. She is the only girl in the group. At first when picked up she would hold on tight as if she was affraid she was going to be dropped, this she has overcome. She has an Angel kiss (small gray patch) on her left front shoulder. Manda decided it was time, locked her jaws and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge at 4:40pm Saturday November 29, 2008. She was a docile little girl and will be missed badly. |
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Fritz (May 27, 2003- December 7, 2008) | |
This is Fritz , He is one of 5 ferrets we acquired on 27 May, 2003. Their owner had to give them up due to medical problems. Fritz is housed with 5 other ferrets. He is a beautiful dark sable boy. Fritz is a very playful ferret. We lost Fritz today, he had not been feeling himself for a couple of days and he decided it was his time. He was 7 years old and has had adrenal surgery a while back, it was a right and unable to get it all. He will be missed. |
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Ranger(May 25, 2006 - January 23, 2009) | |
This is Ranger. We acquired him and Ruby on March 25, 2006. A Man's daughter quit cleaning their cage and caring for them so he wanted to get rid of them. Ranger and Ruby had been allowed outside so when we got them it took 2 baths to get rid of all of friends (fleas). They are now housed with 4 other ferrets and get along fine when out of their cage and running with 16 others. They are great kids and we enjoy providing for them. Ranger left us at about 6pm on January 23, 2009. |
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Wynston(Sept. 23, 2006 - April 7, 2009) | |
Wynston and his cagemate, Jyrzie came to live with us last night, Sept. 23, 2006. They are both about 3 1/2 yrs old, dark sables. They were the ferrets of the parents of a vet tech that works in our vets office, but because of a move and having their parents having to move in, the ferts needed to find a new home. Wyn and Jyrz came with everything that was theirs; house (4-story), bedding, toys. After his soup, Wynston went to his favorite napping place and just went to sleep. |
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