This is Frisco
Frisco came to live
with us on Sept.19,
2004. His previous
owner had purchased
him at a pet store
about 6 months ago

So we figure that he
is about 8 months old
For some reason his
former owner had to
find a home for him.
We were lucky to have
heard about him.

he is a beautiful and
loving fellow. In
the 5 weeks that he
has been here he has
gained 12 ozs. and now
weighs 2 lbs 10 ozs.
He is housed with 10
other ferrets and is
one HAPPY boy.

Jewel Shimmer Bandie Opal

Ruby Lu-Che-A Jyrzie Baby Missy

Dart Bacchus Shilo Boots

Nicholas Orion Angelo Majik

The Cats

Zeus-our Male Cat Snowflake-our Female Cat Home