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- Did you know that if you get blood on your
clothes, you can get it out by pouring a little
Hydrogen Peroxide Soulution on the spot. It will
bubble right out, and won't hurt your clothes. I
usually keep a bottle in the laundry room and one in
my first aid kit.
- Are you tired of your cake rising unevenly, well
to solve this problem all you have to do is take an
old terrycloth towel, tear it in strips of 1-1/2
inches wide, wet and wrap around the outside of your
cake pan and secure it by either tying in a knot,
which is what I do, or use a safety pin. Then pour
mix in and bake.
- Before hard-boiling eggs, try adding a 1/4
teaspoon of salt to the water, this helps to prevent
the shells from cracking.
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