presents Ch. Dimonde's Satin Satan

picture of Ch. Dimonde's Satin Satan

Finished his championship with 3 majors, multiple BOBs over specials and multiple "pulls" in the Toy Group
Best Bred-By-Exhibitor, 1995 PCGB Specialty
Always Breeder/Owner Handled


Call Name:  Jaymes
Color: Shaded Dark Orange Sable
Date of Birth:  January 29, 1993
Breeder: Diana M. Downey



Ch. Dimonde's Satin Satan Ch. Apple's Travelin Diablo D'Elan Ch. Apple's Traveling Rambler, ROM Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond, ROM
Ch. Jan-Shar's Charming Becky
Apple's Traveling Courtney Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond, ROM
Great Elms Honeybun, ROM
Dimonde Solitaire of Emcee, ROMX (1993 Top Dam) DMD's British Red Coat, CGC (pointed, 2 CD legs) Ch. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond
Jestoms Happy Chips
Emcee's Simplemente Miel (8 CKC pts., multi-grp placements) Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips
Emcee's Adorable Bit of Gold, ROM



Dimonde's Satin Crown Satire x Suber's Impressive Indeed, pointed
Dimonde's Satin Crown Signet
(major pointed)
ReginaPoms Satin Fantasy x Ch. Starfire's Wonder Woman


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