Here is our mandatory compilation of X-Files links. Send us your favorite X-Files links to be added here.
Haven for the FBI's Most Unwanted - An X-Files news site and archive, updated daily. The Haven is my morning newspaper.
The Gossamer Project: X-Files Fan Fiction Archive - The largest, most complete archive of X-Files fan fiction available. Updated every month with tons of new stories.
The Official X-Files Site - The Official Site (OS) often offers exclusive new stuff, with some limited features.
Ephemeral - The X-Files Fan-Fic Auto Archive - Ephemeral automatically holds stories posted to the alt.tv.x-files.creative (ATXC) group, until Gossamer updates. The best place to find the most recent fic.
GAWS, the Gillian Anderson Web Site - Gillian Anderson's Official Web Site, made and hosted by fans. The most complete Gillian archive available, with news updates.
X-Files Music - What's that song that played during ______? Anything that has to do with the music from The X-Files (or related entities such as Harsh Realm or Evolution) can be found here. Clips, samples, guitar tabs, sheet music, almost anything XF music related. One of my favorite sites.
- Creative, THE place to discuss and debut your creative works. They offer help in web design, collage making, music videos, and much more.
Je Souhaite - Yet another news site, beautifully designed, again chock-full of lots of other exciting stuff!
ROAD Runners - Another news site, like Haven, updated daily. Packed to the brim with everything X-Files.
The X-Files Touchstone - Yes, another daily news site, updated daily, complete with all the goodies.
Deslea's eXegesis - Deslea's WONDERFUL site, updated close to daily. I just can't say enough about Deslea. She also runs a slew of other wonderful pages on her site, notably Blondie's Ratcave and Annabeth Anomalous.
Khristine's X-Files Page - Another update site, kept up well. Every update includes quotes with sound links!
Just Duckies! - One of the most delightful fan sites, with a ducky twist. The home of 5 fans and their fic, as well as more fun stuff than you can shake a stick at.
The X-Files DVD Screen Grab Archive - THE source for the very best episode photos, taken right from the DVDs. An INSANE amount of photos.
Gertie's Shippers - Gertie's news site. Not updated that often recently, but the home base for tons of interesting stuff. BTW, Gertie is the webmistress of dozens of other pages, about half X-Files focused, and she also hosts many more X-Files sites on her server!
Gillian and David: The Archives - What's up with our 2 favorite stars? The Archives will tell you what they've been up to recently with clips and news from their public appearances.
The X-Files UK Transmission Guide - For all you philes across the pond, this is the site for all XF and cast related news.
Gillian Anderson United Kingdom - Practically every wonderful US-based site has a UK equivalent, and this is their wonderful GA site.
Mulder4Scully - A UK X-Files site, run by the never-resting Tom.
CHATphiles - An X-Files chat system. Join up, chat in its many X-Files themed rooms, and move up the FBI ranks.
Duchovny Archives at Chimerical - A David news site, overflowing with all things DD.
Tribute to Leyla - Leyla Harrison was a beloved fan and fan-fic writer who died of melanoma in 2001, who was then immortalized on the show through a recurring character with her name. This is a site in her honor, which holds all of her fic.
DuchovnyNet - Everything you could ever want on David Duchovny: Pics, Articles, Videos, Merchandise, Filmography, and much more.
The X-Files Search Engine - Links to an enormous number of X-Files sites, with Search Engines for the stuff you're looking for.
Xemplary - Yet another overflowing XF Fanfic archive.
E's X-Page - Not updated anymore, but still has some great fics and other stuff.
MSLC: The M&S Love Connection - TamieXF's Music Videos and other M/S stuff.
- Still up! Though not updated that often. Still some good stuff here though.
- The Official Mulder and Scully Fanlisting. Are you a shipper? Let it be known by adding your name to the list.
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