Many people came together to help build this page. Most came from CHATphiles, a great place if I do say so myself.
Unfortunately, as time went by, I (Memento) lost track of Esther and Melissa, as we all became busy and involved in our personal lives. I now run the site by myself, although a lot of stuff (such as the BEAUTIFUL banners) were the contributions of my two friends, so I leave their profiles up on here.
First of all, there is me. My real name is Fiona, but my on-line name is Memento. On CHATphiles, I am "Memento Mori with her HedgeHog Otis" (watch for Otis, he's the cute one *G*). I am a die-hard shipper and phile, and read fan-fic to no end. I go to Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin and spend my summers at home, in Eagan, Minnesota. You can e-mail me at Memento1@hotmail.com if you have questions about anything on the site, or if you just want to talk about The X-Files :o)
Second of all, and I do hate to be second, really, Fi! j/k, There's me, Invisigoth. You may all bow now. *brandishes cattleprod* Pleeease? *evil grin* Thank you. My real name is Esther, and I'm one of the ppl from CHATphiles. I've been a phile since the 1st season, a die-hard shipper, and fic writer.
You may mail me at: Invisigothx13@excite.com I took down my site, Invisigoth's Twisted Little World of X aka Twisted X, but I'm gonna put it back up soon. Please visit Purity Control at The Project where I work also.
Hey Esther, stop complaining! I'm last!! OK, anyway, on ChatPhiles, I'm known as Audra Scully (mainly), but my real name is Melissa (Scully, he hehe, nevermind). I don't have another site that I know of. I am an X-Phile, a crazy, die-hard shipper, and an avid fanfic reader and writer; I already have one out there. I'm also working on a novel. If you have any questions about this page(or concerns, compliments, or comments) you can also e-mail me at yoda_jcfreak@hotmail.com.

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