Welcome to Mementos of X. From here you can access all the wonderful little things that will be placed on the pages. Also be sure to check out the sister site to this one, Aurora.
Wow it's been a while since I updated this place! All I can say for myself is...I've been busy with Aurora! Lots of updates there, with all my recent fan art. I don't know what is to become of this site, but it'll remain open.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been focusing mainly on Aurora lately, and then my internet connection went out for a few days. Anyhoo, check out my new artwork on Aurora!
Just a little change on the FFWUWB page, linking to an excellent resource for fanfic writers.
I am extremely happy to announce that, due to a wonderful bit of code I learned about at Haven, this page is now ad-free. That's right, no more pop-up ads! They were really annoying me, and I feel this site will now be much more user-friendly.
I'm still here! Have just been busy lately with Aurora. I think Aurora will be the home of creative things such as fic and collages while this place will stay more of a general XF site. Speaking of, I made another creation with Photoshop Elements, a banner for Aurora. Also I'm beta-ing a WIP by Semantics that can be found in the Eclipse Archive of Aurora.
I guess good things come in twos, because I can finally unveil my new site! Go check out Aurora.
I've been waiting FOREVER for this, and it's finally happened. I'm testing out Adobe Photoshop Elements (basically Photoshop with a few less features), so I can finally start some REAL image editing. My first (very basic) attempt can be seen here. I'll be playing with this thing for a while, and hopefully soon I'll be making my own collages! I'm so excited about this. I might even put a little explanation of how I made each one on Aurora, once it's up.
A new link in the links page, to a wonderful little place called Creative. In other news, I've been real busy lately working on that new web site, which shall be called AURORA. It's already up and I will post the link as soon as I get word on a collage I'm using there.
Had a rather harrowing experience on the Haven boards in what turned out to be a hoax, but on the upside, I now have some "testing space" courtesy of Deslea on her server! I'm really excited about this, but don't know WHAT I will use it for. For now, I'm just going to practice my HTML and FTP. When there's something of a mediocre site there, I'll direct you to it!
Added 2 more links to the link page. Happy Father's Day!
First thing's first. I was getting a bit tired of the name, and I knew if I didn't change it now, I never would. So I've changed the name of the site from "X-Files 4ever" to "Mementos of X". Of course that's to commemorate the end of the show, as well as reflect my nick-name, Memento. For the occasion, I made the silver banner seen above with the wonderful Banner Generator. In lesser news, the updates were starting to take up most of this page, so I decided to made a page for Older Updates. Currently it only holds the updates from 2001.
Although I haven't been saying so here, I have been working every day recently on that link page and it's finally done! Every link has a little summary beside it, so enjoy!
Worked for hours today and touched up various areas of the site. Mostly small stuff, but I FINALLY put my own fic, "Angels In Flight", up in the fan-fic archive. It's a short feel-good story I wrote years ago, and it's still the only one I've ever completed. BTW, my new focus is on filling up this archive, as right now it's at a PITIFUL 3 stories. Also, I rearranged the links page and added summaries of about half the sites. I'll do the other half as soon as I have time.
The Cast List that I compiled is here, and for those who haven't seen it, here is the Cast and Crew ad as it appeared in the Hollywood Reporter!
Well, we did it! Our cast and crew ad, as well as many others, got into the Hollywood Reporter special farewell issue. My additions to this project (besides a donation) included a compilation Crew List and a handy referance of Crew Jobs, which I have copied to this page. There should be a Cast List up soon, as well.
This is hardly worth the update, but I added a banner below. Yes, the CC one, because I am a CC supporter and I'm really sad to see all the bashing that's been going on recently. In other news, the Cast and Crew ad is coming along wonderfully! We raised the money (and a sizable donation to charity, too) and are sending in the ad tomorrow. I can't WAIT to see the finished magazine! Plus we've gotten media mentions (including one after Mitch mentioned his ad in the Wrap Party webcast).
Well, I have become quite involved in the ThanxFiles campaign to put a Thank You ad for the cast and crew of the X-Files in the Hollywood Reporter. I even tested my hand at Paint to make some banners! Here's one, which also links to the official ThanxFiles site:

Decided to stop being a lazy webmaster and just update the links page already, as it basically hasn't been updated since I created it. I deleted or fixed broken links and added a slew of new links. Check them out!
Well, I decided to try my hand at something new, and out came....a music video! Go to the new music video page to download my first one, made up of blooper clips to the sound of "When I'm 64".
Older News
If you would like to learn more about me and the other people who helped set up these pages, go here!
Check out the Sounds Page. New sounds are added whenever possible.
We also provide music videos of X-Files clips for your viewing enjoyment.
Desperate for some fan-fic to read? Stop by our Fan-Fic Archive and take a look at our favorites.
If you are a fan-fic writer, you have probably had a case of writer's block. Well, the FFWUWB page was designed for you! What does FFWUWB stand for? Fan-Fic Writers Undergoing Writer's Block. Check it out. Fun for the whole family.
We also offer our links page, with our favorite links.
This is old news, but at the time, this was amazing stuff! For more pics of the kiss scene of "Millennium", go here.

Mail me!
DISCLAIMER: The X-Files and the characters in it are the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen, and FOX. I do not claim to own them and I am making no money whatsoever from this page. It is for entertainment purposes only.