Temple Of Praise | This We Believe | PLM's |
Monthly Calendar | Prayer Request | Out Reach |
Nursery Class
Teacher: Paula Whitlock
Helper: Robin Dillon
Asst. Teacher: Crystal Orsburn
Helper: Cary Burton
Age Group: 2,3 & 4 year olds
Teachers Goal For The Children: To teach how Jesus can always be in our hearts and how we can pray. We are also learning how to sit in our seats and how to get along with each other.
Activities: We have a Bible storie and have a craft that goes with the story. At the end of class we have a snack.
Beginners Class
Teacher: Amy Pollard
Asst. Teacher: Kristy Emmitt
Age Group: 5 & 6 year olds
Teachers Goal For The Children: To teach them about Jesus.
Activities: A story is read, then a work sheet/craft is done.Primary Class
Teacher: Jamie Winkcompleck
Asst. Teacher: Melissa Houck
Age Group: 7 - 9 year olds
Teachers Goal For The Children: Teach the word of God, the plan of salvation to the youth so we can reach the lost
Activities: Memory verse contest. Church clean-up day, Helping others.
Juniors Class
Teacher: Shirley Winkcompleck
Asst. Teacher: Kevin Pollard
Age Group: 10 - 12 year olds
Teachers Goal For The Children: To minister to the class with the word of God, with encouragement for school, family, friends. To have a good christian attitude at all times
Activities: Memorize Bible verses, talk alot about family, friends and how these pertain to our weekly lessons.
R.U.M.B.L.E. Class
Teacher: Jeff Nance & Billy Houck
Asst. Teacher: Juanita Lozier
Age Group: 13 - 24 year olds
Teachers Goal For The Class: Teaching the Word of God in an easy to understand language.
Young Adult (Victory) Class
Teacher: David OwensAsst. Teacher: Jerry Orsburn
Age Group: Singles & married upto age
Teachers Goal For The Class: How to receive God's Blessings and to mature in the Lord as Christians.
Activities: We hope to share a word that will encourage or lead someone to Jesus. A place that you can come to and see a smiling face and hear a kind word.
Bible Class
Teacher: Dean Welch
Asst. Teacher: Latricia Houck
Age Group: 51 years of age and up
Teachers Goal For The Class: Our mission is to fulfill the scripture of II Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth", to uplift and encourage one another in the Lord. To pray for one another that we may be found a faithful witness at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Activities:Discussions and Prayer Request