Christian Women's Site


Set A Standard . . . and Leave A Memorial!

Dear Sisters, we often set the tone of our home environment. The world needs to see a standard of TRUE Christian women. How they behave, talk, work, look and really are on a day to day basis. For God's glory YOU should strive to be that holy standard and example!
My name is Lavenia Boswell - I am sealed with the Blood of the Lamb, buried with Jesus Christ in baptism and a recepient of His Holy Spirit as my guide and teacher. May our Lord God lead you ever closer to Him.

E-mail me: I'll pray with you & write back. CLICKhere

© 1997


PLEASE TAKE NOTE!: While the links below connect you to articles, topics or directories I feel will be helpful in your Bible studies (they were to me), some sites may hold beliefs I do not share.
The enemy has scattered God's children, they are throughout many denominations, non-denominations and home churches.

You will find wonderful, enlightening Bible teachings in interesting places. After 32 years as a staunch Pentecostal (Charasmatic) Protestant, I have been deeply blessed in that Father God led me (and my Beloved) to discover our true *HOME* in the Catholic Church. (And I had been a Catholic basher, Lord have mercy! I never would have dreamed such would happen to me!) :-)

God does hear our heart's cry and leads His children to a deeper walk when we are ready to receive. I happily find the Roman Catholic Church has added to my knowledge deeply and increased wisdom. It's been a long journey Home, folks. I know Father places us where He wants us - so we can learn and grow. Blessings in your own walk with the Lord Jesus.

WARNING! WARNING! To those who have withdrawn from Christian fellowship.
Every believer in Christ needs Godly fellowship, the Bible says so! Start spreading Christ's love today. Unless you add LOVE (Christ-like love) to what you are doing/saying/thinking, it is worthless - no matter the sacrifice. Remember: Obedience is BETTER than sacrifice. We shall be known by the Godly love we have one for another.

Eternal Word Television Network (Mother Angelica who I love!)
Early Church Fathers
That Difficult Question Of Immodesty
Christian Library (about the best!)
Bible Version Comparison
What CAN a Woman Do In Church?
Christian Articles Archive
The Temple Mount In Jerusalem
The Bible & The Husband's responsibility to his Wife!
Femina: Articles for Christian WomenNewest Link!
Eve Is AGAIN listening To The Voice Of The Serpent
10 Tapes on the Headcovering
Older Women Likewise
A Disobedient Wife Actually Blasphemes the Bible! (Winning an Unsaved Husband)
The Christians Appearance
Eve Is Again Listening to the Voice of the Serpent
The Bible and the Wife’s responsibility to the Husband
New Testament Principles For Dress
The Female Mode
The Unofficial Training Our Daughters Information Site
Mother Teresa On Abortion - Priests For Life
She Maketh Herself Coverings
Olen Pregnancy, Ovulation, and Childbirth Calendar Proofs Of The Holy Spirit Baptism Interesting article!

* * The Lord's Bride is made of souls who have repented, been baptized into Jesus Christ, anointed with the Holy Spirit and are being made overcomers of the Wicked One . . .
* * "They conquered him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their Testimony;love for life did not deter them from death. (and they loved not their lives unto the death)." REV 12:11 * *

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced, live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." (Author Unknown)

* * I am a firm believer that Christian women need to return to the will of Jesus Christ, pray, study the Bible and discover what an important role our Father-God has bestowed upon us.
May we quickly re-discover how to be beautifully feminine in a Godly manner, and what that really means. MOst need to learn how to be good wives, mothers, daughters, aunts, inlaws, the Lord's Handmaids. Satan has stolen so many wonderful attributes from us, let us reclaim them - praise His name, through Christ Jesus. * *

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MY Web Pages~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Christian Modesty one of mine
Is A Christian's Appearance Important?
Christian Woman's HEADCOVERING Directory
Just Why Can't I Wear Slacks?!
From Protestant Pentecostal to Catholic
Studies For Christian Women
A Christian Wife

Christian women should strive, as hard as possible, to become what our Father God wants us to be. It requires a strong prayer life, loads of patience, love, regular Bible study & a big dose of His Grace to help us through.

I really LOVE hearing from you. THIS PAGE PRAYERFULLY UPDATED April 15, 2004. E-mail me by clicking Hello!.

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