trinita - 11/28/00 17:17:44 My | Comments: your baby is sweat |
- 09/29/00 13:32:01 | Comments: |
sharon - 07/06/00 03:46:09 My | Comments: i finally made it1!! Great page. |
Jessica - 06/25/00 10:08:59 My URL: My Email:pjjones@xtra, | Comments: Great site, love the pooh stuff :0) The kids are gorgeous!!!! |
Marilyn and Grayden - 05/20/00 17:51:40 My | Comments: Thank you for your welcome at! Your babies are sooooo cute. Marilyn |
Alissa & Grant - 05/20/00 15:15:11 My URL: My Email:lilstarr78 | Comments: We LOVE it! Hope you get more pics for us to see soon! |
Brandidoll - 05/18/00 03:33:01 | Comments: You have beautiful children and you must really love them.. It shows... |
Brandidoll - 05/17/00 01:28:48 | Comments: God job especially like Tigger, keep in touch |
aaa - 05/03/00 13:08:37 My | Comments: i like |
Jeannette - 05/01/00 01:54:54 My | Comments: You have some wonder looking kids!! and I really evjoyed you page I am still checking it out but so far it is looking good. I don't have on yet, and honestly I am not even sure how to get one started but I really liked yours and when I do make one I wan to make sure I have a page about my daughter because like your children she is the best thing in the world. |
Aunt Em - 04/13/00 00:51:11 My | Comments: dreat page anhel....Both boys are too, too cute. I am sure i will be stopping in from time to time to check n see how big you've gotton. |
Patrica Jones - 03/31/00 19:43:07 My | Comments: This is so cool. You are doing a great job |
Leah - 03/09/00 19:36:06 My | Comments: You have a lovely family. I bet those boys keep you hopping....and they probably will for a long time. 8o) Enjoy them, you will turn around tomorrow and they will be grown. Take it from a mom who knows. Many blessings to you and your family. Keep up the g od work. The pages are very nice. |
B Brimer - 02/02/00 05:50:18 My | Comments: Very cute site you have here, I enjoyed it and your cute little "Tigger". Hope to see more as he grows. |
Melinda - 01/01/00 21:04:43 My URL: My | Comments: I am a new member of Totally Mommy and just wanted to stop in and say hello :)) You have a great site here too, I really enjoyed my visit. |
Grandma Gunter - 10/22/99 18:33:43 My | Comments: |
Laura - 10/09/99 16:35:50 My URL: My | Comments: Hi! Just dropping in on my neighbors in the web ring! Beautiful baby! You have made a very nice site. God bless you all! |
steven - 06/08/99 18:54:09 My | Comments: hello angel this is steven from ICQ judy gave me your homepage address so i thought i should check it out. i like your homepage i think it is really neat. when i make my homepage i'll give the address. well i'll seeya later your freind steven |
WENDY BROWNLEE - 06/07/99 03:29:28 My | Comments: beautiful baby.... i bete he is running around wildly now... just letting you know i saw your homepage... |
Helluva aka Vikki - 05/21/99 05:10:26 My URL: My | Comments: Heya Angel! great to meet u on PPChat and I just love your page! Deven is such a cutie. Keep up the good work and I'll see you in chat! |
- 04/15/99 16:47:47 | Comments: |
MA JUDY - 04/15/99 16:43:16 My | Comments: finally got around to viewing this...neato... |
Kristi - 04/14/99 00:40:03 My | Comments: You are a cutie!! |
Anne D - 03/03/99 17:40:40 My | Comments: Deven, your a so handsome, you make your mommy very proud. Anne & Wills |
Anne D. - 03/03/99 17:29:04 My | Comments: Angel, I love your page, here is the url to check out Wills' page. /Heartland/Plains/6770/wills.html Love, Anne |
Janet - 02/22/99 23:27:16 My | Comments: |
Alana - 02/09/99 17:53:45 My | Comments: Wow, last time i saw you i was 8 years old, i'm 21 now....long time ago, lots of old memories. Congradulations on the birth of your child (same birthday as me by the way) I'm going to email too!! |
Darla aka 3greatkids - 12/24/98 03:19:05 My URL: My | Comments: I loved your picture album. What a cutie! |
- 10/21/98 13:31:56 | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Amanda (98 angel) - 09/20/98 04:21:12 My | Comments: Wonderful! , you are a cutie! Your mom has done a wonderful job on her page & yours..stay sweet& always stay a Pooh fan! You can't beat him! :-) |
Jennifer Mari - 09/18/98 16:15:16 My URL: My | Comments: Devin is one good looking boy. He looks so happy, healthy and energetic (poor mommy - only on the energetic). |
Stella - 09/11/98 19:17:53 My URL:/Pentagon/Quarters/2453/ My | Comments: Hi Angel, just added you to my ICQ list and thought I'd take a look at your page....Cute little one you have....looking forward to knowing you.... ![]() |
joey breton {aka breton2} - 09/04/98 17:25:37 My | Comments: ang! what a beautiful little man you have! im glad i met up with you again, things sure change in a year! talk to you soon!*HUGS* breton |
DonDon - 09/03/98 22:08:10 | Comments: How cute he is. Enjoy it goes so fast see ya a pp. |
scole - 09/02/98 03:09:56 My | Comments: very good you are a very cute little one No wonder mommy is so proud of you |
Tracy - 08/26/98 18:28:04 My | Comments: Very nice. i like your family. wish you all the luck in the world with your new baby. |
melinda - 08/23/98 21:02:03 My URL:/heartland/acres/1252 | Comments: hey ang, lookin good hon! that boy of yours is sure a cutie! keep up the good work. |
jason wheat - 08/19/98 14:18:25 My URL:http://k | Comments: Hi. It's me. Nice idea kid. |
jason wheat - 08/19/98 14:16:04 My URL:http://k | Comments: |
JUDE VAN HISE - 08/17/98 01:52:46 | Comments: WOWEEE |
Gammy - 08/14/98 03:03:07 My URL:gammybabs My | Comments: I'm always thrilled when I can see my grandson who is 600 miles away by just pushing a button on my new toy the webtv. Maybe someday gammy will have a set of her own pixs of little D. as he grows as long as there isn't a power outage I suppose I can keep enjoying seeing him via cyberspace. |
Margie Endres - 08/13/98 18:37:03 My | Comments: Angel I love your home page but I really like Deven's page. That is a neat idea. He has got to be the most handsome man in the world besides Brady of course. See ya later. Love Margie 1senuff |
- 08/08/98 14:38:27 | Comments: |
gammy - 08/06/98 14:40:07 My URL: My Email:sab | Comments: Happy Birthday to Angel - just want to tell you that Poppop and I love you very much and hope you'll have a happy day and to let Deven know that you are just as precious, wanted and loved as he is. Many hugs and kisses to you both. God keep you all safe happy and in touch with us all. |
Denise - 08/05/98 02:27:05 My URL:/Heartland/8522 My | Comments: Hi Ang! Dev...I love all your new pics especially the one of you in your bouncer! You're too Auntie Denise! P.S. Come and visit Alex and Zach soon! |
grandma meg - 08/04/98 14:54:41 My | Comments: hi deven honey. i hope we didn't wear mommy out too much at the warped tour but you have to understand she needs time to work on her skankin'. hope to see ya soon. ttfn meg |
samco - 07/31/98 15:15:04 My | Comments: wonderful wonderful |
Liane Peden - 07/29/98 19:56:02 My URL: My | Comments: Great looking pictures! I can not wait to see more! Talk to you soon. |
Jaci - 07/29/98 01:19:52 My Email:sitton | Comments: hey girly still waiting for those new pic's you been promising me! Can't wait to see how he has grown. talk to ya later. Jaci |
Tazlady - 07/27/98 03:13:11 My | Comments: I like your page. Your son is soooo cute. Good luck on the improvement, It's hard to improve over that little cutie. |
Vicki - 07/20/98 00:28:56 My URL: My | Comments: You have a beautiful baby. I guess I should say handsome since he is a boy but he is soooooo cute!!!! Had fun looking for your graphic. I actually found it... Hugs, SJBH Sister Vicki |
Melinda - 07/17/98 13:57:13 My URL: My | Comments: looking good Ang!! keep up the hard work. ![]() |
Tammy - 07/17/98 04:43:59 My URL: My | Comments: Hi!! I stopped by looking for some graphics and found myself at a wonderful page! You have a beautiful family! |
Sandy - 07/16/98 16:19:01 My URL: My | Comments: On the SJBH Hunt. Found your graphic, very clever hiding :) Be back later to check out the rest of your pages. You have a beautiful little boy! |
Athena - 07/16/98 01:50:45 My URL: My | Comments: Beautiful page !! I have to get back to the hunt. LOL, Athena |
Pat - 07/13/98 23:10:55 My URL: My | Comments: Aren't you the clever one ???But I found it...I thought it was a link to a pooh page !!!!What a beautiful baby you have, I will be back to watch his progress. Smiles, Pat |
Tina - 07/13/98 16:00:03 My URL: My | Comments: Nice page, and beautiful pictures! On the SJBH hunt, found this one, now off for another. :) |
vimala mark - 07/06/98 22:34:16 My URL:/heartland/meadows/6053 My | Comments: just stop by to say hi and take a look at deven. hope all are doing fine... {{HUGS}} |
Rose - 06/19/98 19:48:31 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Angel, I am also a new member of SJBH. And I am also from N.J. You have a beautiful baby. Best of luck,& God Bless Rose |
Maureen - 06/14/98 17:36:36 My URL: My | Comments: very cute and welcome to SJBH :} |
MollyAnn - 06/13/98 01:28:25 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Angel, welcome to SJBH webring. I am so happy to have you as a new sister. Your son is a darlin. Cute as a button. Your website is looking very nice. I to am new at this website thing, I started just a few months ago, so I know how you feel, seems we j st keep re-doing things. *GRIN* I look forward to visiting back again when you can catch your breath, those little people can keep us jumping. Hugs, and again, Welcome. Molly |
Sis - 06/12/98 20:31:55 My Email:#10139088 | Comments: hello I enjoyed your page. It's a nice way of spreading your joy.. God Bless, and Good Luck |
Cristy - 05/20/98 21:14:53 My URL: My | Comments: very adorable baby! |
- 05/20/98 17:08:07 My Email:xlxc | Comments: nice pictures and nice site Burgger King patron |
saint - 05/11/98 17:35:05 My | Comments: |
Mamsie - 04/28/98 01:19:45 My | Comments: Hey girl your behind!! I keep checking the home page for new pic's of Deven and there aren't any!! get going girl and show us how big he is now! what's he up to? |
Julie - 04/20/98 13:35:30 My URL: My | Comments: I really like your homepage. |
Mary Petrina AKA Mygirl - 03/18/98 20:50:39 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Angel! I have been meaning to check your HP for the longest time and I never seem to get around to it. Today I'm being lazy at work and so I went to all my bookmarked pages and I'm finally seeing you for the first time!! Let me start by saying what a cutie pie y ur son is!! He must be the light of your life!! Also, I didn't know you had a c-section!! I did too. We''ll compare notes sometime!! Well I bet you don't check your guestbook too often so by the time you read this we'll probably have chatted at PP several times. Its been great meeting you....see ya at out chat site!! Mary AKA Mygirl |
Stephen - 03/17/98 21:28:58 My | Comments: Hello Angel. I wish to congratulate you and husband on the arrival of you 'pooh'...he's an absolute cutie...reminds me of my time about three years ago. Im sure you'd be great parents...we;come to the world of parenthood and best wishes |
Carola - 03/11/98 22:39:59 My | Comments: Hi Angel... We talked very briefly the other day, just wanted to check your homepage....You sure have a beautiful son. And what do you know....he is born on my birthday..!!!!! Please say hi too him from me..'smile'....Have a nice day, hope to talk to you soon.... |
1senuff - 03/11/98 21:33:48 My | Comments: Ang, he is so cute. No not your hubby. LOL No really Deven is a doll. Take good care of him. Maybe him and Brady will be net buddies someday. Take care and see ya at PP. |
grandma Meg - 03/11/98 17:14:00 My | Comments: hey buddy, hope that last tooth has stopped giving you trouble. behave yourself for grandpa. see you on the 27th or 28th. |
Lori - 03/09/98 13:45:52 My URL: My | Comments: You have done a wonderful job here, And your Baby Boy is a little cutie! Enjoyed my visit, Please stop by and visit me. Thank-You, Lori (Lori's Backgrounds) |
sizakele - 02/23/98 19:09:47 | Comments: enjoyed talking to you at PP lovely family!!! keep up the good work |
T-boy &red - 02/20/98 05:08:34 My | Comments: cute baby ...... |
T-boy &red - 02/20/98 05:08:33 My | Comments: cute baby ...... |
SA_mom - 02/19/98 20:35:49 My | Comments: Hi Punkin! I had a lot of trouble getting in here because you're web address is not right on you're profile at PP. You have to I's in cities. It should be spelled like this : CITIES. I just wanted to let you know so other people won't have the same problem. Also, nice page. Talk to you soon. Bye! |
SA_mom - 02/19/98 20:33:09 My | Comments: Hi Punkin! I had a lot of trouble getting in here because you're web address is not right on you're profile at PP. You have to I's in cities. It should be spelled like this : CITIES. I just wanted to let you know so other people won't have the same probl m. Also nice page. Talk to you soon. |
Patricia Garza (SA_mom) - 02/19/98 20:17:17 My | Comments: Hi Angeline! Nice page you have. Congrats on you're new baby.. he is precious. I hope we talk again at PP. See ya! |
Pam - 02/18/98 19:02:28 My | Comments: Hey Angel.... This is excellent !! You have a beautiful family.... Maybe someday i can learn some from you to set up my own page *S*..... Keep the pics coming...i love them :-) |
Jen aka Wabbitt - 02/18/98 15:01:22 My URL:/Heartland/6145/index.html My | Comments:![]()
Michelle - 02/17/98 19:15:25 My URL: My | Comments: Hello! So glad I saw you at PP today as I have never been to your HP.....what an adorable baby*S* Chat again soon! |
Sioban - 02/13/98 16:19:46 | Comments: angeline! what a beautiful family!!!! |
Hopester - 02/09/98 23:45:43 My | Comments: Hi*BS* You dont know me but your hubby sent me here and what a treat it was! Your son is adorable!! Treasure this time when he is small because it will pass quickly!! BTW you did a good job putting your page together too*BS* |
Vimala Mark - 02/09/98 16:57:57 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Angeline.. just admiring Deven's photo album.. It has been great getting to know you at PP.. and hope we could stay friends forever.. {{HUGZZZ} |
bob namy - 02/08/98 03:51:10 | Comments: i love you guys! |
bob namy - 02/08/98 03:50:18 | Comments: i love you guys! |
DiannaMc - 02/04/98 23:22:43 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Angel! Your page is looking great. Keep up the good work! See you at PP! |
toby - 01/24/98 03:08:39 My | Comments: bite me!!!!!!!!!!!! fanboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-------@ |
lmonster - 01/22/98 21:07:05 My URL: | Comments: Looking good!! What a cute boy you have!! Keep up the good work! |
Mamsie - 01/20/98 00:26:06 My | Comments: Hey Angel!! {{HUGS}} have not seen you in forever so i thought i'd stop by and say hello! Looks like Deven is growing by leaps and bounds! enjoy these times they go by quickly..write if you get a chance..See ya Mamsie |
kitten - 01/14/98 01:25:14 My | Comments: I love your page. Hope to talk to you soon on ICQ. (((((((HUGS))))) |