WELCOME to my home
After much trial and error, I have finally gotten this page going. My hopes are that this page will be the door to many things. I have many plans but time is limited when it comes to updating, I hope everyone will understand.
I am the mother of six FANTASTIC children: four girls and two boys: the two youngest of my girls being twins!! Talk about having it all! With this crew, it would be very easy to fill a page just about them! They keep me pretty busy and are very tolerant when I drag them from cemetery to cemetery, in search of genealogical information. These truly are fantastic children and wonderful people.
favorite hobby is genealogical research.
I use much of my spare time researching my family lines as well as my husband's families. Of the many lines I have been researching, my VAUGHAN/VAUGHN line has become an obsession. So much of an obsession that I started the VAUGHAN/VAUGHN Family Discussion Group. I have also started the VAUGHAN VAUGHN RESOURCE Page which, with the help of many of our list members, has become a good place to find information! MANY files have been added to this page as well as MANY, MANY more are in the works! Visit often as these files are continually being added to. Any additional information to the RESOURCE Pages is gladly accepted.
Our discussion group has over 290 members, all VAUGHAN/VAUGHN family descendants. Many lines being researched, within our group reach all parts of the United States. Some of these lines have been linked to England, Wales, Ireland, Canada, and other world wide locations. This really has been a great group!
If you are not a member of the VAUGHAN/VAUGHN Family Discussion Group, and would like to be, click HERE to subscribe! In the body of the message, type SUB VAUGHAN. Be sure to turn off all headers. Soon after you submission, you will receive a welcome message to the list!
If for some reason you choose not to join our group, I would like to invite you to send us a query in regards to you line. If you click HERE you sent me the informaion you would like to post! I will forward all VAUGHAN/VAUGHN messages to the list and send any referals I might find, back to you.
My great-grandfather was William Reuben VAUGHN. William migrated from Georgia about 1870 with his family. He settled in New Peoria, Sebastian Co., Arkansas. He donated three acres of his homestead to help establish the JamesFork Baptist Church and Cemetery.
Surnames association to my VAUGHAN/VAUGHNs, that I am also researching are CONAWAY/CONWAY, HOLMAN, SUGG/SUGGS, and COCHRAN. I have done quite a bit of research on my CONAWAY and SUGG lines and I have exchanged family information with a distant cousin that is researching the HOLMAN line extensively but my COCHRANs are a complete mystery to me.
Names associate to my VAUGHN line that I am seeking information on are EADES/EADS, and COLLEY/COLLY/CORLEY.
My other side of the family is a whole different story!! These lines all migrated from Germany in the late 1800's.
They are GLAUM and STUCKENBURG/STUCKENBURGER. I have just recently started doing research on these lines. These German folks ended up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They seem to have bounced around all over the east coast. Entertwined with the GLAUMs are the TERRYs; and with the STUCKENBURG/STUCKENBURGERS are the HERFURTHs.
My husbands family has not been one on my big research projects but we have quite a bit on this line. The WELDEN/WELDON family is being researched by a second cousin and myself. These WELDONs were in New York in the early 1800's then migrated to Pennsylvania.
Along with the WELDEN line is the REYNOLDS', WOLFs, and RENOs. Most of these line are out of Pennsylvania.
On my husband's mother's side are the APPLEBERRYs/APPLEBURYs, OWENs, HUNTs and CODYs. I have information on these lines from mid-1860. These families are from Tipton County, Tennessee.
Last, but not least of the surnames that I am interested in are the HOLMES' and the DAHLs. These lines came from Sweden in the early 1900s.
Other research I have been involved in is the JamesFork Church and Cemetery in Hartford, Sebastian Co., Arkansas. The area in which the JamesFork Cemetery is located was once called New Peoria. Many of my lines resided in the Hartford area from approx. 1870 to currently. Others of my line lived in close proximity to Hartford/Mansfield, Arkansas.
I have cataloged all known members of the JAMESFORK CEMETERY and I have even been lucky enough to locate a few people that have no more than a fieldstone marking their grave. A great percentage of the people buried in this cemetery are related to my Arkansas lines and the church. I hope to make links to the researchers that I have been in contact with that are related to these lines.
I have also recorded the available records for the JamesFork Baptist Church. These files are as complete as they can be. Quite a few of these files are missing. Many of the church members migrated from Georgia shortly after the Civil War although this is not the only state they migrated from. I hope to include these records on this page as well.
Due to my research on this church and cemetery, I started the Old Bones *CEMETERY* Discussion Group. Within this group we discuss maintenance, repair, and recording of cemeteries. We have many other interesting topics such as how to repair and clean old headstones. We have had many postings regarding cemeteries that have been or are being destroyed, with references as to which authorities to contact if you need help.
If you would like to join this e-mail list, click HERE! This group consists of almost 400 members and THIS is the place to get those cemetery questions answers. The members are very helpful and concerned about the preservation of our cemeteries.
SO!! Welcome to my page. I will work as best and quickly as I can to get everything linked to this page. If you have any problems, suggestions, or questions, please contact me, Linda CONAWAY Welden at :