Will of Frances Kits

In the name of God Amen, I Frances Kits of the County of Rutherford and State of N. Carolina being in a lone state of health but of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the mortality of my body that it is appointed for all men once to die, to hereby Ordain and Appoint this as my last will and Testament and hencefully and first of all I would Recommend my Soul to Almighty God who gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in devout Christian Buriel at the Descretion of my Ex. & Excecutors Or Charles Richardson & Nancy Exctrs. my wife whom I Appoint Exr. & Exrs., of this my last will and Testament and in touching such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to Endow me with in this life.  I do hereby will and bequeath in manner and form following and first of all I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Nancy Kits whom I have here appointed Executrix the one half of all my Goods & Chattles and half of all Debts due to me after all my just Debts are paid, and the other half I bequeath to my Only Son Frances together with the land I now live on and one hundred Acre Tract lying on the middle fork of Mulbrush(?) Creek below the Gap of the Mountain as may appear from a Deed of Convenance from James Miller, Jr. unto to me, and my  further will is that my Wife Receive her living of the Land I now live on during her widowhood but in Case she marry the land to be Rented Out and the issues & profits arising therefrom to be deeded to my Son at the age of Twenty-one and I do hereby Disclaim all wills and bequests heitherto made by me rectifing and confirming this to be my last will & Testament..In Testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this Third day of Feb. 1808...

Frances Kits(Mark)

Signed sealed & Delivered in presents of us who in each others presents have hereunto subsribed our names

Shadrah Wuen(?)

Charles Richardson, Jr.

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