The 2003 Santa Clarita Valley Harmony Show...

"The Magic of Music"
Saturday, March 1, 2003
Valencia High School,
Valencia, California

Presented by
The Santa Clarita Valley Chapter of

Under the Direction of
Dr. David Kilpatrick
Prof. Keith Goudy

The scene is set in retiring Magician/Barbershopper Dave Norman's
(NAMRON THE GREAT!) garage.  The chorus arrives to help clean up years of
magical props and memories.


The first Quartet to step up to help is

Fraternal Harmony
Dick Winger, Harry Bell, Jim Thompson, Duane Mooring

After some more magical memories

Dave with Marv Roter assisting...

Kip Makeever holding the box!

and then up stepped

Bob Lang, Phil Waller, Jack Matson, Duane Mooring

Filling out the first act was

Dick Winger, David Kilpatrick, Keith Goudy, Roger Baartman
w/ Diana Loumis joining in on "Lida Rose"

Act 2 opened with

Dan "The Magic Man" Jordan
A man who started with nothing and still has most of it!

Featured next was

ANGEL CITY - Our Newest Best Friends!
Corky Harvey, Jenny Motzkus, Jeannie Vercillo, Sally McLeish

They re just SO GOOD!

We were proud to present for the second year

The SCV Children's Chorus

The Finale found the entire cast singing along with
our audience.


You should join us next year!!!!

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