Some Of The Ministers
Say We Are Going To Be
Raptured, Are We?

I know that some of you will not believe this, and some of you will, that is OK, because in time you will see this happen right here before your eyes.

Lets, take some facts first in order to open some eyes about what is going on now. I would like to see someone go over and tell the people in Hong Kong, that what is happening to the Christians, and Catholics over there not to worry, you will be raptured out and not face persecution. In Hong Kong now they are throwing Christians and Catholics in prison, and even killing them (among other things).

I would also like to have someone go over to Africa and tell the Christians and Catholics the same thing, don't worry you will be raptured out and not have to face tribulation and martyrdom. They are killing whole villages that have converted to the Christian religion (I wonder what these people are thinking when they are being killed?).

It has become the main stream churches theme out there that is being taught to, (I guess it would be safe to say, to the whole nation) that you don't have to worry, we will be raptured out of this world, and not have to face the tribulation (or the seven year tribulation). I would like for someone to show me where it says a "Seven Year Tribulation", and where it says that you will be "Raptured Out At The Start Of The Seven Year Tribulation".

I have read, and listened to all of them talk about the rapture, and according to the scriptures that they read from, I can not find anything about a "Tribulation", let alone, befor the "Seven Year Tribulation", or at the "Beginning" of the seven year tribulation.

Lets take some of these scriptures and see just what they say; NOTE: 1Cor. 15v51-53; "Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible (won't decay or rot), and we shall be changed. For this corruptible (will rot or decay) must put on incorruption, and this mortal (human) must put on immortality (spirit body).

Now, if you want to take this and look at it, where dose it say a "Rapture"? or where dose it say anything about the beginning of a "Seven Year Tribulation"? or even mention anything about a "Tribulation"? There is a time setting though!

Now, lets go to; NOTE: 1Thes. 4v13-18; "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep (dead), that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him (note; Jhn. 6v44). For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (or precede) them which are asleep (dead). For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Once again, I would like to know where it states a "Tribulation", or even mentions that this will happen at the beginning of "A Seven Year Tribulation", or that there is "Persecution" here? These are after the fact statements (verses), it is talking about the "Resurrection", not a rapture at the beginning of a seven year tribulation. Jesus is not coming back twice, He is only coming back one more time, and that is at the end of that Great Tribulation as it states in Math. 24v29-31., Mrk. 13v24-27., Luk. 21v25-28. There is a time setting as I stated before, if you heard, then you would see the trump of God, and the sound of the archangel. There are seven trumpets, and they are mentioned in revelations, the seventh trump is when Jesus comes back, and all the kingdoms of the earth are given to Him. (look at the first six trumpets, and see what is in store for the people of the earth!).

A lot of ministers use Daniel and the "Seventy-Weeks Prophecy" as the "Seven Year Tribulation". Now, when you read this in its entirety you will see that it says there are sixty two weeks and seven weeks, which makes sixty nine weeks, and the last week (seventy) is the one that they say is the "Seven Year Tribulation", and in the midst of the week (this week is interpreted as years, one day = one year, or seven years) he will break the covenant that he made, and set himself up in the temple and proclaim himself as god, as it states in 2Thes. 2v3-4. When you read all the scriptures that pertain to the "Seventy Weeks", "Son Of Perdition", "Abomination Of Desolation", (Dan, Math., Mark, Luke)"Great Tribulation" (Math., Mark, and Luke) you will really see that it pertains to three and a half years, not seven. But, Math., Mark and Luke are the only ones that say "Tribulation", and its called the "Great Tribulation" and that is the last three and a half years. Daniel dose not call it tribulation. (dose he?)

When you have people taking scriptures out of text, and building there own doctrine around it, they distort the truth. Remember Hitler said ("That if you tell a lie long enough, it will become truth") and that is what has happen to so much of Gods words today, they have made there own doctrine AROUND Gods word, (not the truth) that people thinks it is the truth. The main reason for this is because they will not study Gods word, the would rather set back and let someone else tell them what it says. If people can not take correction, and call themselves a "christian", then they may as well throw out 2Tim.; NOTE: 2Tim. 3v16-17 "ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is PROFITABLE, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, for INSTRUCTION in RIGHTEOUSNESS: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto ALL GOOD WORKS."

I am sorry, but there is no rapture befor the tribulation as is preached out there today. It will be the first time that many people will know what the word deception really means, and will be very lost and angry at the same time, because they believed in a MAN, instead of the REAL GOD of the Bible. Thank you, and I pray that you will study the Bible for what it says, instead of what man says about it. As I stated before, I did not write this to make people mad, but try to help to open ones eyes, and hope that this sparks them to want to open there Bibles and prove all things so that they may be counted worthy to escape these things coming on the earth.

In Godly Love
Leslie Alan, Winters