Can You Answer
To Any Of These Questions

Jesus stated clearly in Math. 5v17-19; that He "did not come to DESTROY the law or the prophets...". The word
DESTROY in the Greek language meant "TO LOOSEN"!!! or in modern terminology "WATER DOWN"!!! Can you find in word fact, any of these
questions that you can answer a definite YES to?
1)One Biblical text that says the SABBATH (7th day) was ever changed from the 7th day to the first day of the week?
2)One text where the first day of the week (Sunday) is ever called a HOLY DAYS?
3)One text where we are told to KEEP the first day of the week?
4)One text that says that JESUS ever kept the first day (Sunday)?
5)One text where the first day is ever given any SACRED NAME?
6)One text that tells us to keep the first day in honor of the RESURRECTION OF CHRIST?
7)One text that AFFIRMS that any of the apostles ever kept the first day as the Sabbath?
8)One text from any apostolic writings that AUTHORIZES Sunday observance as the Sabbath of God?
9)One text where it says it was for the CONGREGATION to observe, or to meet on, the first day of the week?
10)One text where we are told not to WORK on the first day of the week?
11)One text where any BLESSINGS are promised for observing Sunday?
12)One text where any PUNISHMENT is threatened for working on Sunday?
13)One text that says the 7th day is NOT now God's Sabbath day?
14)One text where the apostles ever TAUGHT their converts to keep the firstday of the week as a Sabbath?
15)One text that says the 7th day Sabbath is ABOLISHED?
16)One text where the first day is ever CALLED the Lord's Day?
17)One text where the first day was ever APPOINTED to be kept as the Lord's Day?
18)One text that says that the Father or the Son RESTED on the first day of the week?
19)One text that says that the first day of the week was ever SANCTIFIED and HALLOWEDas the day of rest?
20)One text that SAYS that Jesus, Paul, or any other of the apostles taught anyone to observe the first day of the week, as the Sabbath?
21)One text that CALLS the 7th day the "Jewish Sabbath", or one text that CALLS Sunday the "Christian Sabbath"?
22)One text authorizing anyone to set aside God's Sabbath, and OBSERVE any other day?
23)One text that ALLOWS New Testament Christians to "LOOSEN" or "WATER DOWN" the way the 7th day is to be observed?
Since NO ONE on earth can answer YES to even one of the 23 questions above, then Jesus meant what
He said - HE DID NOT COME TO LOOSEN EVEN THE LEAST COMMANDMENT !!! He gives us six (6) days to do what
we want, why do you DENY HIM HIS DAY that He chooses?
In Godly Love
Leslie Alan, Winters